GUILDS - a new idea for z13


Guilds – a new idea

A major shake up of how we do things here.

I have been tinkering with an idea. The university seems to have run out of steam, and is very beuracratic. Besides which, proper training in NS is about doing rather than writing papers etc. So I have returned to an older model for my inspiration.

How about setting up guilds? Each guild would have its own master, and guildhall, badges and insignia etc. It would provide training and also inspiration, as you could rise in rank from apprentice to journeyman etc.

Recognition of a guild charter would be at the discretion of the elected Delegate. On creation of a guild, the first Guild Master would be appointed by the delegate.

Ordinary Members of the guild would start up as apprentices, then become journeymen, then artisan. Artisans would form the guild council. There would only be one master, but the master could be replaced by a simple vote of the guild council. The former master would then become an Artisan.

A person could only be a member of one guild; although when one reached the rank of Artisan, one could also join another guild as an apprentice. You could only be an artisan in one guild at a time, and only be a member of a maximum of three guilds at a time.

Progression to Journeyman would be at the discretion of the master, but the master would be expected to post clear goals as to how you rise from Apprentice to journeyman.

The master could also “bust” a journeyman back to apprentice.

Progression to Artisan would be at he invitation of the Guild council.

Ideas I have for Guilds include:

The Fools Guild (Spamming and OOC)
The Militia (A military guild dedicated to region defence. Right now, their priority would be removing foreign squatters from the region.)
Guild of Spambusters
Recruiters guild
Ambassador’s guild
Guild of Lawyers (motto: LVCRE SERMAT)

I Am sure there could be more.

Here is a worked Example. It is not totally thought out, but would give you an idea of what I am thinking about.


welcome to the Fools Guild. I am Sir Wodewick , the Master of the guild. Once you are admitted as an apprentice fool, you will be remasked to allow you entry to our guildhall, and will be permitted to display guild insignia and our motto in your signature and profile.

Should you wish to progress to Journeyman Fool, please PM me when you have achieved the following:

* At least 500 posts in the OOC section of the forum (from the time you are admitted as apprentice.)
* At least 10 new OOC threads created.
*at least 1000 posts overall on your forum account.

Your PM should also outline why you think you should be considered a journeyman fool, and also a joke which genuinely makes me laugh.

Sir Wodewick
Chief Fool.
It's a nice idea but I think we should avoid codifying anything like this at all-- simply let things form on their own. For instance, after this struggle whoever we elect as Delegate could remake the University as they see fit-- the Legal Code no longer includes the University's charter after all.
It is not exactly legislation or regulation-heavy. The Delegate gives the guild a charter and appoints the first master; thereafter the guild pretty much runs itself. Some will be simple. some elaborate
Oh, okay. I was just thinking in the way of "the delegate has the powers explicitly mentioned and no others". Of course, if this is an extension of the executive, then that works.
I guess I caused the confustication by opening this thread in the RA area. In fact, it is quite possible just to do this thang.
I quite like this. One of the major problems with ministries is that with the constant change at the top, very little gets done down below (in the organisation I mean :blush: ). Just as everyone knows everyone's name, a new government comes in and they spend the next month and a half getting up to speed.

If this could provide a bit more continuity, I'm all for it.

Was you idea to replace ministries all together with guilds? Or have tehm exists co-operatively?
very little gets done down below

Those blue dresses are darn hard to clean. (Sorry. Continue.)


And I support the idea for the same reasons. Would the guilds replace the ministries completely? (Probably aside from the really important ones like the MoD?)

They COULD replace ministries, or they could have a looser, non-government role.

Depends how we want to play or structure it, I suppose.
I really like this idea actually but I think they should run at the same time as Ministries (but it reduces the administrative load on Ministry's etc)
After thinking about its location for the past couple of days, I really think this needs to be in the RA PReliminary Discussions subforum area.

From the comments made so far, its hard to day whether any RA action will come out of it, or whether it would be an exclusively Delegate-centric activity. (In which case it really should not have gone in to the RA area at all.)

Do not take this as a position on the idea, it is merely a decision to handle brainstorming topics within the RA in a consistent manner.