UN -> WA

I stand corrected, good sir.

Maybe we can engage in some verbal jousting later so that I have the chance to beat you?
The only odd thing about Gatesville's statement is this: they seem, rhetorically, quite pleased with the demise of the United Nations. Yet their Delegate, Nevadar, is voting against the current resolution.
And voting against it for a very self-serving reason -

With the demise of the UN and the WA has a clean slate (no resolutions at all in place), Gatesville and its entire agenda becomes irrelevant. No UN, no more reason for Gatesville to exist.

Sure he can try to 'control' the WA using his current military methods of seizing feeder regions, but I suspect the equations weighting a Delegate's UN vote have been changed, making a Delegate's vote somewhat meaningless against the mass vote by individual nations. We shall see on that part.

1.) Look at it this way - since the "UN" has ceased to exist, all of it's resolutions are meaningless, null and void anyway. That has already been stated in irrevocable terms.

2.) Simply carrying over the old UN resolutions to the WA would be meaningless because nothing would change except the name and there would be no change in NationStates and NationStates would start to wither at an accelerated rate.

3.) If the WA resolution fails that would logically result in the existence of any 'world assembly', etc.,,, which makes for an interesting change in game mechanics like.....

4.) A possibility that there will be no 'World Assembly' at all, multiple competing 'World Assemblies' that can be created by users similar to the alliances in Cybernations, or every nation will now be able to extend endorsements or not regardless of any membership in a 'world assembly. I can see the user created alliances thing being implemented very easily. ;D

What has happened, however, is not the paradigm shift everyone expected to happen back in December if you were paying attention. ;D
Apparently, Max Berry isn't the only one who got a demand from the United Nations.

For those of you who have watched Doctor Who over the years, you might be familiar with a fictional organization called "UNIT" which was a big part of classic Who, and had recently been used on the spinoff series, Torchwood. The acronym stood for "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce."

Not anymore.

As of the Doctor Who series 4 episode "The Sontaran Strategem," UNIT is now an acronym for the "Unified Intelligence Taskforce" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIT. This episode aired tonight (26 April) in the UK, and will air in the US on May 16th.

So Max isn't the only one.
For the record and in case anyone actually cared...

Gatesville voted against the WA legislation because we were hoping it would mean the WA disappeared completely. We knew it was a losing battle, but were just sort of curious to see what they would do, if people said No to the WA.

Now, please do carry on bashing the RL UN over it's RIAA-ish behavior.
Apparently, Max Berry isn't the only one who got a demand from the United Nations.

For those of you who have watched Doctor Who over the years, you might be familiar with a fictional organization called "UNIT" which was a big part of classic Who, and had recently been used on the spinoff series, Torchwood. The acronym stood for "United Nations Intelligence Taskforce."

Not anymore.

As of the Doctor Who series 4 episode "The Sontaran Strategem," UNIT is now an acronym for the "Unified Intelligence Taskforce" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNIT. This episode aired tonight (26 April) in the UK, and will air in the US on May 16th.

So Max isn't the only one.
And I was half expecting it to become WAIT. :P
For the record and in case anyone actually cared...

Gatesville voted against the WA legislation because we were hoping it would mean the WA disappeared completely. We knew it was a losing battle, but were just sort of curious to see what they would do, if people said No to the WA.

Now, please do carry on bashing the RL UN over it's RIAA-ish behavior.
Bashing the RL UN is one of my favorite pass-times!
VZ :tb2: RL UN.

Beside the EU my second-most beloved political institution.

Oh and google gives me "Recording Industry Association of America" for RIAA...
Bashing the RL UN is one of my favorite pass-times!
So that's why we only get along occasionally. :P
And that's why I get along with Gates all the time, even when we are on the opposite end of a war. :D

There's a diplomatic solution to everything once everyone realizes that diplomacy is less destructive and less resource-sucking than war.

War is easy - Peace is difficult and takes more skill.