Changes to NS


So now all the nations have little weeenie flags.... we all have Rss .....

What do the changes actually mean? Any opinions?
Some say that its the end of raiding, but its just going to mean that the few good raiders will adapt to the limitations of the "Reports" feature, while the noobish ones are just going to keep failing miserably.

In any case, the new code has blinded everyone with a endospider until they can be recoded.

I like it.
Hope everyones happy and well. It all looks really nice. Don't what news is about though. Probably take me another three years to work out like the rest of the game did. Wahaay
I do not like the new layout or the flags, they are ugly.

I do find the National Happenings interesting to look at though, for issues, voting on UN resolutions etc.
Oh, I love it! Love it! Love it! Love it! And not just because several of the new features are ones that I have been moaning to get for a long time. Someone listened! Finally!

The unfortunate side effect of the update is that some of the newer nations apparently got deleted - most noteably Insane Powerty (aka, IP, as if you couldn't guess) without any cause or reason that I have heard or gleaned.

At any rate, what this means largely pertains to server time to the NS host. They haven't blocked *all* of the spider programs...yet, but I suspect they will. This means that the only information you can get about the game is from actually searching for what they don't instantly give you.

I suggested a long time ago that they block spiders/scripts that such up bandwidth in favor of supplying all the information that they could instantly give you. This alone will level the playing field against SOBs like me who have the computing power and connection speed to scrounge feeds. I love it!

Oh, this makes things so much easier and more interesting!!!!

And it saves me a lot of time finding out who TG'd who and who endorsed who, and a whole other plethora of goodies.

For the first time in NS history, I can say that I absolutely love the code monkeys and game mods and whoever implemented these changes!

:winner: :worship: :winner: :D
Wow, green buttons! This'll give the game the shot in the arm it needs.

I like it. Except for the nations flags in my endorsement list, which looks messy. I especially like the issue resolution messages in the nation happening.
RSS. Wow.


Well, when I have time in summer to return to Aurora, it will be very awesome. Aggregating public national happenings would be very neat, especially as Endorsement changes are public.
They've also automated the nation revival process, so (with the exception of circumstances where you've forgetten your password and don't have access to a particular email address used with a nation), you can revive your own puppets by yourself.

And I generally like the other things I've seen so far, although I haven't figured out the nation's RSS events feed on a nation's homepage just yet. One thing for sure I will be expanding my dossier prettty soon.
I love the ability to restore my own dead nations! I've already brought back 2, even though I don't have any plans for them right now. I'm not sure about the effects on raiding/defending, but it seems to me that smart raiders should still be able to operate.
This is genius, although I've forgotten the passwords for most of my really old ones. Painfully transparent, though; More nations != more active!
Hehehe. If I revived my very first nation, I would get lynched by the more tyrannical players. :evil:

Should I do it?

Yes! I think I shall do it. :bat:

Also, make sure that you uncheck the 'auto sign in' for your nation and puppets on Firefox. ;D

Anyone else having trouble loading up NS?

Actually, I'd love it if after all the effort some, well, more shall we say 'serious' players put into it it never loads up again, ha!
Hehe. Makes signing in a bit of a bother. That is, unless you know the proper numerical IP address (and not the one that everyone knows) of the proper root server to sign in on. :lol:

Rumor has it that a couple more features are in store for us!
These new features are pretty nice. I did like the ability to refound myself instantly :)

I went straight back to TNP of course :) :bunny:
I did that twice just for kicks. :lol: I always felt like I was 'bugging' the mods before, so I like this. The RSS feeds are certainly interesting...