

Word has reached us that Dalimbar is also virtually quitting the game. Although we have had differences, particularly in recent months, for a long time he was a loyal servant of this region and this community, and I really hope that this is a sabbatical from the game rather than a retirement.
Here's wishing that Dalimbar has all the luck in the world.

It seems a number of long-time players are quiting the game after they have gone over to The Crimson Order. I would love to know the reasons for that.
My personal reasons as to why I'm moving on, so to speak, is really down to time constraints against my RL interests. I'm getting myself more involved in the various student associations and clubs here at my university (including considering running for a post in my faculty-related association); volunteering for the campus radio station, CHUO; as well as trying to get this term under wraps.

But never fear, for I'm still a forum administrator at http://www.whoopsnoadvertisingthatforum.info/forum, and of course will be a regular fixture on the IRC scene.

PS: Sorry Roman for not providing you more ammo against the gov't. :P
Sorry to see you leave the game, Dali...

You'll be back!
