Outer Kharkistania
A little over a week ago, a recruiter puppet from a new region called SADDOS posted the following advertisement in the RMB:
This advertisement was 21 lines long, 6 more than the limit. The offender was warned, but only insulted TNP, and was subsequently banned- as was his puppet "Saddos will be herd" (sic).
Lewis and Clarks' justification for the banning, as well as the discussion about it can be found here: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?...topic=4162&st=0
Seeing as how this region had insulted the pride of The North Pacific, I talked about possibly sending a small force into their region to make a statement not to mess with our great region. However, as the NPA is currently being restructured (and its few members are too inactive to do anything anyways) I took it upon myself to send my own side project REAPERS into the region on TNP's behalf, after first consulting the delegate and several officials.
The occupation was a success, as we occupied the region for a day before leaving. While SADDOS made various childish arguments and claims, we apparently sent a message, as I have not seen a SADDOS adspam since then. However, I was apparently wrong.
That was the message I received from SADDOS Recruiter. The claim is that they were baiting my group. Of course, if that was the case, they should have spammed my region, not The North Pacific. Its obvious to me that REAPERS is merely a strawman, and that their true target and enemy is The North Pacific. Notice the phrase "we wanted to see how gullible you all were". Now, REAPERS is a small organization, under my full and direct control. If they truly meant to fight REAPERS, they would have said "how gullible YOU were", this leads me to think that by "you all" they meant the current administration of TNP. Yes its semantics, but nevertheless its a valid point.
"Some noobs hate us. So what?" you may be asking yourselves. I thought the same thing until I had remembered a thread I saw in FRA. It took a couple minutes to connect all the dots, but it became obvious.
So, it seems SADDOS is the invention of Flemingnovia, in order to "bait raiders" such as REAPERS- yet they chose to attack the pride and sovereignty of TNP, Flem's own region. Like I stated before, I believe that baiting my REAPERS is merely an excuse, and that instead they were against me as a member of the new administration of TNP, one that Flem and the other Old Guard have opposed from the moment Lewis and Clark took office. They have blocked the masking of Government Officials, interfered with the Justice Ministry, and generally tried to slow the march of progress.
In light of these events, I for one think that Flemingnovia has betrayed his region for the likes of FRA, and should step down as ADMIN immediately. If he thinks that our region is "passe", he can do us all a favor and leave it.
I'll leave you with a few more quotes, pulled off #TNP:
"Yo east Pacific,
I am from S.A.D.D.O.S (the Satanic And Demonic Domenation and Offense Squad) and we are looking to bild relations with other raider groups. I have been plyaing nationstaes for nearly 2 weeks and already i have my own radder group. At the moment we are quite small. there is only me and my friend Stan but we are looking to GROW and TAKE OVER Nationstataes. Stan can only play nationstataes when he has not got Little League Minors Baseball. that is why we have not takken anyone over yet. but soon we will be the biggest radder group in nationstataes.
What we are really looking for is little reigons with no founder and only one or two UN naitons. if we take them on and win we can prove that we are really HARD and nobody will mess with us. we will think about an aliance wit u if u are as HARD as us.
i also need peple to join my MEGA ARMY which stan is the general of. at the moment there is only stan and me but soon we will be a lot bigger. get in on the ground floor and you can go to the top (except for stan)
Please say u will."
This advertisement was 21 lines long, 6 more than the limit. The offender was warned, but only insulted TNP, and was subsequently banned- as was his puppet "Saddos will be herd" (sic).
Lewis and Clarks' justification for the banning, as well as the discussion about it can be found here: http://z13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?...topic=4162&st=0
Seeing as how this region had insulted the pride of The North Pacific, I talked about possibly sending a small force into their region to make a statement not to mess with our great region. However, as the NPA is currently being restructured (and its few members are too inactive to do anything anyways) I took it upon myself to send my own side project REAPERS into the region on TNP's behalf, after first consulting the delegate and several officials.
The occupation was a success, as we occupied the region for a day before leaving. While SADDOS made various childish arguments and claims, we apparently sent a message, as I have not seen a SADDOS adspam since then. However, I was apparently wrong.

That was the message I received from SADDOS Recruiter. The claim is that they were baiting my group. Of course, if that was the case, they should have spammed my region, not The North Pacific. Its obvious to me that REAPERS is merely a strawman, and that their true target and enemy is The North Pacific. Notice the phrase "we wanted to see how gullible you all were". Now, REAPERS is a small organization, under my full and direct control. If they truly meant to fight REAPERS, they would have said "how gullible YOU were", this leads me to think that by "you all" they meant the current administration of TNP. Yes its semantics, but nevertheless its a valid point.
"Some noobs hate us. So what?" you may be asking yourselves. I thought the same thing until I had remembered a thread I saw in FRA. It took a couple minutes to connect all the dots, but it became obvious.

So, it seems SADDOS is the invention of Flemingnovia, in order to "bait raiders" such as REAPERS- yet they chose to attack the pride and sovereignty of TNP, Flem's own region. Like I stated before, I believe that baiting my REAPERS is merely an excuse, and that instead they were against me as a member of the new administration of TNP, one that Flem and the other Old Guard have opposed from the moment Lewis and Clark took office. They have blocked the masking of Government Officials, interfered with the Justice Ministry, and generally tried to slow the march of progress.
In light of these events, I for one think that Flemingnovia has betrayed his region for the likes of FRA, and should step down as ADMIN immediately. If he thinks that our region is "passe", he can do us all a favor and leave it.
I'll leave you with a few more quotes, pulled off #TNP:
[2008-02-02 12:55:54] <flemingovia> I love SADDOS.
[2008-02-02 12:56:35] <flemingovia> They remind me of Dragon of Darkness.
[2008-02-02 12:56:38] <wagger> saddos are great
[2008-02-02 12:56:46] <flemingovia> But I think you are all too young to remember him
[2008-02-02 12:57:17] <Korinn> SOmeone must shown them the spell check
[2008-02-02 12:57:31] <flemingovia> Different player
[2008-02-02 12:58:50] <flemingovia> Actually, Khark, they have a point. What ARE you going to do?
[2008-02-02 12:59:19] <flemingovia> Just sit there?
[2008-02-02 12:59:35] <flemingovia> They will play that. Say that you retreated.
[2008-02-02 13:00:24] <flemingovia> "We are still laughing at them now. If they do not slink out soon we will kick them out. But it will be when WE CHOOSE. "
[2008-02-02 13:04:42] <flemingovia> I have an idea. Invade them every few days.
[2008-02-02 13:05:02] <flemingovia> That way they will soon get the message that you can walk in and out at will.