It's the end of NS as we know it...

It's the end of NS as we know it...


The inevitable fate of NationStates?
26th January 2008

This is the phrase that is echoing across Nationstates, uttered by pessimists and realists alike. "It's just one big slump!" One prominent player exclaimed, "I mean, the Pacific has less nations than the other feeders, Nations are disappearing every day, in Lazarus the dead are rising from the grave, and, worse, Apathy is on the rise and no one cares!! This madness can only mean one thing: THE END HAS COME!!!"

The recent spat of decline and inactivity has also appeared to worry more sane members of the Nationstates community. High Inquisitor Pierconium declares that "the decline of Nationstates is unfortunately inevitable. Everything must come to an end. All that matters is what you intend to do when the time comes." He then abruptly asks "Could you pass me that thumbscrew? It's next to the red hot poker."

Meanwhile, in The West Pacific, TAO has an intriguing suggestion on the cause of the apparent slump. "Marsupials! That's right! Those pouchy little mammal rip offs are the cause of all of Nationstates problems! Server Crash? Marsupials in the hard drives! Adspam? Marsupials make them all! Annoying players with bad spelling? THEY ARE ALL MARSUPIALS!!! We should wipe them out!!!"

The Pacific Post invites its many readers to draw its own conclusions from the evidence meticulously gathered. The editing staff is inclined to blame spammers, as they contribute little to NS apart from lessons in "How to annoy feederites".

Written by Krulltopia
Writer of The Pacific Post - If We Didn't Write It, It's a Lie!
Copyright 2008, The Pacific Post. All rights reserved

Note that all of this is fabricated and not based on (much) fact
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again

And always remember where your towel is!

Barman: Did you say the world is coming to an end? Shouldn't we all lie on the floor or put paper bags over our heads?

Ford: If you like.

Barman: Will it help?

Ford: Not at all.

Barman: Last orders, please! ;D