Pardon my historical reference and for the historical fact I am about to enlighten you with...
Franco, Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin were democratically elected.
So were Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein and Idi Amin.
And I won't accept the argument that my statement of fact is offensive because it is true.
It's time we all stand up to self appointed Gods who declare themselves Kings.
Hitler, Mussolini basically yes.
Franco to a degree because he had to win the civil war to do it.
Saying Stalin was democratically elected is ridiculous. He wasn't Lenin's successor; only getting into power through his control of the party machine.
Pol Pot was never elected, his party took power by force.
Saddam Hussein participated in a coup against the previous Iraqi regime becoming Vice President, he then took power when the weak President resigned.
Idi Amin led a coup.
Come on, if you're going to "state the facts", at least get them right.