Nominations for Court Justice

In the absence of any stated procedure for the election in the Regional Assembly of a vacancy on the Court, and in view of the power given to the Speaker to determine procedures generally in the Regional Assembly, I have decided to proceed with a nomination period of approximately one week and then proceed with an election among those nominations.

Nominations may be made beginning at the time this thread is posted. The nominee, in order to be placed on the voting ballot, must accept nomination.
I nominate Flemingovia. And he better accept because I still have those negatives of that night. You know what I mean...
I accept the nomination. I do not want those negatives becoming public.

Although when the MOJ talks about "lame duck courts" I do wonder...
I'll second Poltsy as long as I get a weasel in a brown paper bag of my own. ;D
At this time, the period for nominations are closed.

The following have accepted their nominations, or have self-declared:

New Kervoskia.(self nomination)
John Ashcroft Land (accepted nomination)
Flemingovia (accepted nomination)

The following have been nominated, but have not stated their acceptance or declination::


The voting period will likely open tomorrow. Because there are more than two nominees, and because this is a special election to fill a vacancy, plurality vote will prevail. (This is so that only a tie could cause a runoff.). I will include Poltsamaa if he accepts the nomination before the vote opens.
Polt's acceptance is noted; we'll start the vote at 0000 GMT tomorrow, since it's already past that time tonight. Voting will be for seven days, as usual.