Embassy of The Last Kingdom

Why thank you for the interest. Here's our most recent update:

Agnovilan Elected Speaker
In spite of a two-week period filled with intense debating--and a little bit of mudslinging-- and scandal, Agnovilan has been elected as the first Speaker of the House of Commons in Parliament. The Speaker's duties include leading the House of Commons, moderating legislation debates, and seeking to increase activity in Parliament.

Vacatti Banned
During the December campaigning period, the nation of Vacatti was involved in a scandal of flamebaiting other candidates in the Speaker elections. Although he made a formal apology and withdrew from the race (for reasons other than this scandal), he continued to insult the Viscount Rykkland and other moderators on our forum. After yet another formal apology (and having had a court date set for him in a trial to punish him for those insults in violation of our Good Behavior Act of 2007), he sent several insulting and threatening telegrams to King Bromannikha. For the sake of security and decency, Vacatti was ejected from the region and banned from the forum. Legal representation has been provided for him, so the trial can still occur soon (however, the court date has yet to be set).

Region Falters in Wave of Inactivity
As is happening all around the NS world, The Last Kingdom is experiencing a small wave of inactivity (we like to relate it to an economic recession). With several prominent government members having notified the region of their absence for a while, things have slowed down considerably. Call it the post-holiday lag, call it school starting up again. However, activity has been sparking up again, and things are predicted to be back to normal soon.

Miscellaneous Notes
Aside from government stuff, TLK is now at about 17,000 posts on our forum with 262 registered accounts. We are ranked as the 17th largest region in NS with 280 nations; we have the 11th most Delegate endorsements in NS with 101. Hopefully, we can get to 300 nations by the middle of February.

On behalf of The Last Kingdom, I would like to wish everyone a happy 2008 New Year! The year is young, and memories have yet to be born. Seize the day!

(this update was compiled and reported by Bromannikha of the Last Kingdom)
We're going to be changing our update format soon, but that's just what I put together quickly.

As a note, will TNP be sending an ambassador over to The Last Kingdom? If not, that's entirely fine. I just need to know so I can put that person in the proper user group when he registers.

Also note that we have an embassy opened with a region called The North Pacific Raiders' Alliance. While they do hold an embassy in TLK, that in no way means that TLK holds any sort of stance of aggression toward TNP. The only reason the embassy is there is to spread the good will and fellowship of friends in NS. If there is any problem with that arrangement, please notify me and I will fix it. Again, thank you for this embassy.
If he has enough time, I would like L&C to be ambassador to TLK, as you know each other already!

I hope that's alright for you, I can't come up with anyone better at the moment- :P

I am the delegate of The Last Kingdom, just stopping in to make a vist to this wonderfull forum, I have decieded to join a number of forums around NS, to promote TLK and to get to know more people in the Nationstates world. I hope that our two regions can have a long and prosperous relationship. If there is anything i can do to help please let me know.

-Jeremy Extreme
Lord President of The Last Kingdom
Leader of the nation of Ellenburg
Delegate of The Last kingdom
Also, as a note, the nation of Rykkland will be the new official ambassador here from TLK. I'll still hang around, so feel free to ask me anything :)
Yes yes, of course. I shall introduce myself: I am Rykkland, Viscount of the Last Kingdom and Head of Parliament and the House of Lords. My interests include dancing and long walks on the beach during the moonlight... Heh..wrong site.

If you have any concerns or questions about TLK, it's government, or ME (:D) please be sure to ask :) I will make an attempt to become involved in your region as much as possible. :)

Well, to get started, I do actually wish to begin with the newest update, written by none-other than your's truly.


Secretary Elections

The Elections for the Secretary of the House of Commons (assistant in Parliament) are soon to take place with nominations closed and campaigning under way. The Secretary's job is to review and archive all legislation to verify it's legality. He is a voting member of the lower House of Commons, and assistant to the Speaker, who leads the House of Commons. After these elections, the first Parliament will finally be fully operational.

The Fate of NationStates

In accordance with the NS conference a few weeks ago, TLK has begun it's offensive against inactive regions. Under the pseudonym the "Lamplighters", the TLK military has been coercing small, inactive regions to either "get active" or face Banjection. The General premise is that, if the region is filtered, the members will join larger, more active regions. The military objectives have been widely accepted as a good cause, although also criticized as not being enough or the right direction. However, several nations have actually come to TLK because they were banjected from their old region. With the recent upgraded activity of such regions as The Military Alliance, initial results show that military aggression does trigger activity from the target region.
To see Bromannikha's speech on the fate of NationStates, go here.

Government Being Overhauled

With the wave of inactivity from Christmas, many government officials have turned up MIA. To cope, the government is streamlining it's processes; the King has introduced Legislation for shoring up voting procedures in Parliament as well as the Viscount's resolution to centralize the government, and newest legislation upon the restructure of the Ministries.
In the coming weeks, the regional Mandate will be split up and divided into specific documents concerning various aspects of the regional government. Hopes are that this change will make the laws more comprehensive to newer nations, and will have our codes more organized.

Diplomatic Endeavors

As well as the LampLighter's assaults against small player created regions, The Last Kingdom has taken the offensive in International Policy by streamlining it's Foreign Affairs Ministry and opening a share of embassies in the NS world. With work, TLK strives to become a major political power, as well as military "World Cop" and shall do it's best to extend it's hand in diplomacy to all active and friendly regions.
Current active embassies include relations with: The North Pacific, 01 Eastern Roman Empire, Europeia, and New Britannian Empire. To apply for an embassy with The Last Kingdom, register on our forum here, then PM Bromannikha (so he can put you in the proper user group), and ask to be directed to the embassy application area.

(This Update was Compiled and reported by Rykkland)
This next update is audio :)

Please be aware I originally recorded this for TLK so obviously I'm not "your friendly Viscount Rykkland." I'm your friendly Ambassador.

I think it turned out fairly well.

Click here for the link to the download

Hello, and welcome. This is your friendly Viscount Rykkland, addressing the News of the Region.
In local news, the debate for Patriotic symbols has taken a leap in popularity as discussions concerning an official animal, official motto, and official anthem have surfaced. As polls currently show, support for these patriotic devices is quite high and well accepted. However, a lack of action by government officials has left these ideas to fall upon semi deaf ears as participation in the debate continues. Poles also suggest that the consensus on an animal, currently the mythical gryphon, may be the first up for official action. Debate among the citizens towards an anthem and motto have yet to yield any consensual results, although progress is being made.

The Honorable Long time UN Delegate and Lord Executive Ellenburg has declared his intentions to resign pending election for his replacement. The modest government official has named Viscount Rykkland as a potential replacement. Spots of support for the nomination have been received, but these may be far and few between pending an official nomination period. The Honorable Viscount has stated his ideas upon combining the Lord Executive and Viscount offices into one elected Prime Minister-like position. Lord Executive Ellenburg has served the region through two changes in government, as well as representing the region indiscriminately in the United Nations. His experience and friendship shall be missed in the region and the government would like to extend a vote of faith toward his actions, however, and support his decision with full honors.

A new Constitution is up for debate in the King's Court area to streamline the government further as well as to keep information together in a tight, useful format. It Mentions the combination of the Executive and Viscount positions into a position labeled "Prime Minister" similar to the aforementioned proposal by the Viscount.

The elections of the Secretary are underway with a virtual tie between nominees Jakuhai and Kareu. There has been relatively no campaigning, which is in respect music to the region's ears after the Vacatti/Speaker fiasco last December.

In National News, criticism has soared against the widely accepted LampLighters Campaign currently directed by the TLK government. After numerous successful invasions of small regions in the name of quote unquote "inactivity", the decision to invade the Praetorian Empire (A region with ties to the long time enemy of TLK, Sergeant General who Ceased to Exist recently) has exploded in an out lash by members of prominent regions. However, support for the campaign continues to remain strong as the TLK government proceeds to diplomatically address the concerns of critical Regions.

The Trial for the alleged spy Hajaland has begun, as ordered by sitting Chief Justice His Honorable Viscount Rykkland. His Honorable Chancellor Pheonixaria, the Chief Justice, after returning from a small period of Inactivity has allowed Rykkland to sit this trial out for convenience for proceedings. Hajaland has been highly civilized in the matter, yet it remains to be seen if his cooperation will net any favor from those prosecuting him. Rykkland has, however, stated his intentions to have a fully fair trial for the alleged treasonist and requests the Lords retain an objective mind toward the evidence as it is presented.

On the World Stage, Neutral Consulate 01 Eastern Roman Empire has resigned it's position in the Defender Security Alliance. As a result, the DSA has disbanded. 01ERE has been well under way loosening the straps, so to say, of their neutrality stance.

The Government of Imperial Britain has expanded itself recently after the conclusion of it's regional elections, and continues to grow in activity. The creation of ministries and the advancement of diplomatic results have netted them a 'spurt in growth' as reported by an IB official.

The North Pacific is advancing at a steady pace with their new government. Numerous legislative actions have been pushed through, as well as consistently impressive activity on the forums.

The Pacific had a bit of a festival over the weekend as long time delegate Pierconium banjected over 1500 nations. The Rejected Realms are reporting housing shortages and high crime rates as the reportedly inactive refugees infest every corner of the "no-mans Land" region.

The Praetorian Empire has attempted to reach out for help against the invading lamplighter campaign but to little avail. The natives of the region themselves are confused as to their input on the situation, while some radical patriot forces have been more than outspoken against the situation.

And with that, we'll see you next time. This has been your Viscount Rykkland, with your Regional Update.
Gracious, I record it and you don't even comment on the recording, thanks a lot :P
I will have to admit, I only read the transcript. :P The school computers don't have speakers so I will go home and listen to it. :D
Understandable: please comment when you hear it, I would like to know if I should do more of them
The Last Kingdom is interested in renewing relations with TNP, and reexchange simple consulates.

Officers of The Last Kingdom
King- Hadisthe
Regent- Martang
Lord President- Agnolivian
Chief Justice- Yakuza Minnow
Secratary of Foreign Affairs- Michael the Great Man
Chancellor of the House of Commons- the Graz
Secratary of State- Smurfosity
Secretary of War- VACANT
Chairman of the National Security Administration-White Rhino
Director of Immigration- Mariposah
Director of Finance- Tyr-Ameralia
Exemplars- Wopruthien, The Black Virus, Icycomb,​


Members of the goverment at a press conference addressing the international community

On behalf of his majesty's government, The Last Kingdom would like to apoligize for the lie about former king Bromanikha's death. Brom is indeed alive and under the name of Tyr-Ameralia. A full of explanation can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/?2jttmrtwybf

We realize that it will not undo everything, but in no way were we attempting to hurt anyone. Everyone involved was forced to play along to protect the region against Brom's selfish actions. Again, we sincerely apoligize.


Divisional France leaving his office at the palace


Rogernomics being escorted out of the palace


Rykkland addressing reporters after leaving the Commons building for the last time before departing for Kodiak

Lord President Divisional France announced his retirement from Nationstates on July 15th, citing his wanting to please God more in life. We wish DF the best of luck in life and hope he acheives his goals.

And then, came the more interesting resignation of Foreign Minister New Rogernomics, also known as Athanius Ilus, who simply announced "I Quit" and then preceeded to go around Nationstates posting that Brom was alive and that there was a giant conspiracy against him, planned by Rykkland and Michael the Great Man.

He made several insulting comments, and while we ourselves now confirm Brom is alive, no one was ever out to him.

Finally, on July 27th, Chancellor Rykkland quit the Last Kingdom and requested that his account be deleted. After several disagreements with some members, Rykkland decided to restart his region, Kodiak.


Swarm and Hadisthe shake hands as they leave a press conference announcing there reconciliation

On July 19th, Swarm of the Neo Genesis Movement and Hadisthe of The Last Kingdom released statements explaining what really happened between them, and Swarm was pardoned for anything he was accused of doing in The Last Kingdom. The full explanation can be found here: http://imperialism.ipbfree.com/index.php?showtopic=609

The Last Kingdom does not support the new Neo Genesis Movement.


Michael the Great Man resigned as Chairman of the National Security Administration, citing not enough time for his resignation. White Rhinos was appointed to the top spot as head of TLK Security and Espionage Operations.

With the departure of Rogernomics as Foreign Secratary, King Hadisthe appointed Michael the Great Man to clean up the mess in the Department on a temporary basis. He has since resigned as War Secratary to move full time into the Foreign Office.

Elections were held for White Rhino's exemplar seat, and Lord President (WA Delegate).

the Graz won election for Exemplar, who has since been appointed as Chancellor. Elections will be held shortly for his now vacant seat.

Agnolivian won election for Lord President, to suceed Divisional France, defeating Seathen in a close race.


July 20th marked the first year of The Last Kingdom as a Nationstates region. We hope for many more, and look foward to improving even more for next year!

This has been a regional update from the Last Kingdom, written by Michael the Great Man. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your ambassador from The Last Kingdom.
Status Update I
The Last Kingdom
[size=-2]October 14, 2009[/size]

Over the last two months, we have made astounding progress. We have grown from a mere ten nations to a fantastic seventy-six, making us one of the one hundred largest regions in the world. This is marvelous, and I am unbelievably proud that we've made such astounding progress in only two months. However, as we have learned and as other regions learn daily, it is much harder to maintain a population than to build it.

Consider human history. We began as foragers and hunters, but with the development of agriculture and the ability to produce mass quantities of food, our population grew. Soon, we needed more food, so we developed aqueducts allowing even larger quantities of food to be grown. With this new abundance of food, our population again grew. We are in a similar situation.

Every region needs something to pull nations to it, but that initial pull is only going to attract so much. Next, it needs something bigger. Soon, that will have to be topped by something else. First we used our history to draw members in. Then, we developed our legislative and foreign affairs sectors. Now what do we do? We develop you.

The Last Kingdom has an incredible regional culture waiting to thrive, and all it needs is for you to be here, to be active, and to contribute. Post in the House of Commons, share your jokes in the Town Square, buy stock in the economy, join the Armed Forces of The Last Kingdom--it's up to you, and your decisions and actions affect more than your path in NationStates; they affect The Last Kingdom's path in NationStates.

Join me in pushing our Kingdom to the glory and fame it once knew, and then join me in topping it. Cliché aside, the sky is the limit, so let's fly our flag high and make The Last Kingdom the greatest region NationStates has ever known.

King of The Last Kingdom

Status Update II
The Last Kingdom
[size=-2]October 21, 2009[/size]

Over the last week, we've made wonderful progress. Most obviously, we've increased slightly in population, but there have been several things that may have gone largely unnoticed. These seemingly small advancements are probably the most important, because they help you. After all, that's what it's all about--the people.

We've opened embassies in six regions: The Royal Federation of Nations, Tokugawa Japan, Equinox, Europeia, The North Pacific, and The East Pacific. Pending applications still sit in regions like 00000 A World Power, The Pacifc, The South Pacific and Texas. Furthermore, The Last Kingdom has established its own Twitter account, enabling small, quick updates to be sent regularly. Notifications of announcements, legislative issues, and forum changes are among the things that have been published on Twitter. The Royal Federation of Nations has now joined TLK on Twitter too! These developments make it easier than ever to stay up-to-date with these six regions, and soon it'll be just as easy to stay up-to-date with even more.

The Armed Forces of The Last Kingdom has been revived! Using a new, simpler method of organizing it, soldiers can quickly check for missions and announcements without leaving the regional forum and without jeopardizing security. Currently, the AFTLK is made up of three soldiers who will be deploying to a practice raid within the next few days.

The Merits Program, an incentive system designed to reward those who go above and beyond rather than punish those who choose not to, is an exciting way to be recognized for your service. Imagine your signature filled to the brim with TLK Merit Medallions, which are awarded monthly! A more detailed explanation can be found in the Announcements area of the Town Square.

The Code of Law Act and the Bill of Rights Act have both passed this week as well. The State of Emergency Act, which sought to amend the constitution, failed; however, it has been brought back to the discussions area for negotiations. Be sure to check it out, since it is an incredibly important ensurer of regional security. The Diplomatic Immunity Act, which guarantees freedom from punishment to diplomats while outlining a method by which to prevent further problems, is up for discussion as well. Don't forget to check them out!

I hope I have the ability to write this much next week, everyone! Don't make it an easy week for me!

King of The Last Kingdom

--Forum: http://thelastkingdom.us.to

--Twitter: http://twitter.com/thelastkingdom
Status Update III
The Last Kingdom
[size=-2]October 28, 2009[/size]

Citizens of the Kingdom, you should all be proud. This week, we've continued to grow, we've gotten into two elections, we've passed another law, and we've even successfully taken control of a warzone region in an AFTLK practice mission.

We now have over ninety nations, placing us in the top fifty-five of all regions based upon population. We've done a great job welcoming new nations to the region, and telegrams have been sent to each nation explaining the benefits of joining the forum. Hopefully we'll see plenty of new faces soon!

Currently, we're in the middle of elections for Chancellor and World Assembly Delegate. The position of Chancellor is the head of the House of Commons and has a one-month term. Running for the position is the incumbent, Karputsk, who astounded us all with his dedication to legislative activity. Martang was nominated, but did not accept the nomination. The World Assembly Delegate's job is to run regular polls on the forum to collect the region's opinion on World Assembly issues. Running for the position is Welsh Pirates, who held the position in our region many, many months ago.

The Diplomatic Immunity Act, which protects diplomats--those who are in the Kingdom on official business--convicted of crimes in our region from punishment, yet provides us with a clear and easy-to-understand method of dealing with the individuals, has passed. Although I hope we'll never have to use it, this is a fantastic step towards completing our judicial system.

At the end of last week, the Armed Forces of The Last Kingdom took the delegacy of Warzone Sandbox for a day! This was our Kingdom's first modern mission, and all went well. Since the mission, we have grown slightly in size. Hopefully, our military will provide citizens who are interested with a fun and active way to stay involved.

Remember to check out The Last Kingdom's Twitter account! It's updated regularly with small bits of news from the region. Check it out!

King of The Last Kingdom

--Forum: http://thelastkingdom.us.to

--Twitter: http://twitter.com/thelastkingdom
Demographics Report I
The Last Kingdom
[size=-1]October, 2009-November, 2009[/size]

Beginning last month, we started a new demographics study that will be continuous and hopefully very interesting. We'll try to report the results monthly. Here are the results, as of the first day of November:

66.67% of TLK citizens own only a PC.
33.33% of TLK citizens own both a PC and a Mac.
0.00% of TLK citizens own only a Mac.

33.33% of TLK citizens have bought or plan to buy Windows 7.
66.67% of TLK citizens do not plan to buy Windows 7.

63.64% of TLK citizens are male.
36.36% of TLK citizens are female.

66.67% of TLK citizens value demographics polls over legislative polls.
33.33% of TLK citizens value legislative polls over demographics polls.

37.50% of TLK citizens prefer fall.
25.00% of TLK citizens prefer summer.
25.00% of TLK citizens prefer winter.
12.50% of TLK citizens prefer spring.

85.71% of TLK citizens do not save their pennies or pence.
14.29% of TLK citizens save their pennies or pence.

100.00% of TLK citizens are not allergic to bees.
0.00% of TLK citizens are allergic to bees.

62.50% of TLK citizens prefer mechanical pencils.
37.50% of TLK citizens prefer wooden pencils.

100.00% of TLK citizens speak English as their first language.
0.00% of TLK citizens speak Spanish as their first language.
0.00% of TLK citizens speak French as their first language.
0.00% of TLK citizens speak German as their first language.
0.00% of TLK citizens speak Russian as their first language.
0.00% of TLK citizens speak another language as their first language.

87.50% of TLK citizens have left their home countries.
12.50% of TLK citizens have never left their home countries.

45.45% of TLK citizens are members or have been members of a scouting group.
54.55% of TLK citizens have never been a member of a scouting group.

100.00% of TLK citizens have left their home states or provinces.
0.00% of TLK citizens have never left their home states or provinces.

66.67% of TLK citizens are multilingual.
33.33% of TLK citizens are unilingual.

66.67% of TLK citizens do not celebrate Halloween.
33.33% of TLK citizens celebrate Halloween.

[size=-1]Bear in mind that only registered members of the forum can take part in the polls; therefore, some statistics may not be completely accurate.[/size]
Status Update IV
The Last Kingdom
[size=-2]November 5, 2009[/size]

Friends, we've accomplished quite a lot this last week. We finished elections, began TLK Merit discussions, expanded the demographics poll area, and reached a new population goal. Truly, we have no reason to be disappointed by our week in The Last Kingdom.

Elections for both World Assembly Delegate and Chancellor have been concluded. Welsh Pirates will serve as our Delegate, creating polls for World Assembly resolutions and voting accordingly. Karputsk will serve another term as Chancellor, organizing discussion and procedure in the House of Commons. Congratulations to both!

The TLK Merits Program has seen its first month! The High Council is currently in the process of selecting winners for the medallion for the month of October. If you don't remember what the Merit Medallion is, it's an incentive award earned by those who go above and beyond the call of duty. More information can be found in the Announcements area of the Town Square.

The first demographics report has been published! This report takes the data gathered by the polls in the Polls Area and puts them into an easy-to-read list. This will allow us to compare future reports to see how we change over time. Reports are scheduled to go out monthly. Remember to check out the Polls Area!

This week we reached a fantastic one hundred nations! Congratulations, everyone; a celebration is in order! Perhaps we'll see flyers for a One Hundred Nation Extravaganza going out to our embassies soon...

Great work this week, TLK! Let's make next week even better!

Remember to check out The Last Kingdom's Twitter account! It's updated regularly with small bits of news from the region. Check it out!

King of The Last Kingdom

--Forum: http://thelastkingdom.us.to

--Twitter: http://twitter.com/thelastkingdom
Status Update V
The Last Kingdom
[size=-2]November 19, 2009[/size]

The last two weeks have been tumultuous. At the beginning of the fortnight, our Kingdom was the victim of a ring of happenings spammers. Sixty-three puppets spammed our Regional Message Board, then moved to Texas and did the same thing. After that, they victimized 10000 Islands. The nations were all deleted after being reported by at least four people.

However, the attack left us unfazed. We've appointed people to several essential positions, including Director of Foreign Affairs, Director of Culture, and Director of Public Services--Dyr Nasad, Old Sacae, and George S. Patton. Congratulations, everyone, and we wish you luck!

The AFTLK has been deployed on two more missions as well. Our Kingdom's flag flew in both Pennsylvana and 404 REGION NOT FOUND. This is fantastic, because the AFTLK's activity serves as our greatest advertising tool for it. By defending more, our army grows!

This update's been relatively short, but now I'm back on schedule, so there should be nice, meaty updates weekly (hopefully). Give me lots to write about next time!

Remember to check out The Last Kingdom's Twitter account! It's updated regularly with small bits of news from the region. Check it out!

King of The Last Kingdom

--Forum: http://thelastkingdom.us.to

--Twitter: http://twitter.com/thelastkingdom
Status Update VI
The Last Kingdom
[size=-2]November 26, 2009[/size]

Citizens of the Kingdom, this week's been eventfully quiet. Nominations, economies, calendars, and more--what'll happen next.

Chancellor nominations are being held in the House of Commons. Chancellor Karputsk, who has been inactive for most of his term due to intense school-related work, is going to have a tough time arguing his way into office if he wants to keep his position. Who will challenge him? Your guess is as good as mine.

A new economy is still being discussed. Plans have been announced for TLK's bank to purchase foreign currencies from members using a trading system developed specifically for it. Hopefully that will prove a useful tool in boosting interest in the economy.

The forum calendar has been updated with several new holidays. Anyone who's ever heard of one of those obscure international holidays can attest to their wackiness, and that wackiness has migrated to our calendar! Now, you can go check to see what interesting holidays are coming up, although only a small fraction of them have been added (there are literally several for each and every day in the Gregorian calendar). Let the celebrations begin!

The Armed Forces of The Last Kingdom continues to grow in both size and activity. We're hoping for a post-holiday (Thanksgiving, USA) settling down which will enable an activity spurt.

The Last Kingdom signed a treaty with the Royal Federation of Nations to develop our partnership! Signed by me and the Director of Foreign Affairs, Dyr Nasad, it will hopefully open new doors for both our regions as soon as it comes into full effect.

Until next week!

Remember to check out The Last Kingdom's Twitter account! It's updated regularly with small bits of news from the region. Check it out!

King of The Last Kingdom

--Forum: http://thelastkingdom.us.to

--Twitter: http://twitter.com/thelastkingdom
Status Update VII
The Last Kingdom
[size=-2]December 10, 2009[/size]

The last two weeks in our region have been incredible. Two new treaties, military activity, unbelievable forum activity, and new leaders--it was definitely a packed week.

First, The Last Kingdom formally signed a treaty with Royal Federation of Nations. The treaty is designed to encourage teamwork between our regions and will hopefully stimulate a flourishing relationship. Then, the Kingdom defied its history and became the Founderless Regions Alliance's newest member! I can't say how excited I am for this, as for the last fourteen months I have worked vigorously to establish standing in the defender community. This is the thing about TLK I am proudest of, thus far.

Next, our military nearly doubled in size. We've added new members not already associated with another military, meaning we now truly contribute to the defender front. On top of that, we've defended a handful of regions, including Royal Federation of Nations, and we've released our first batch of mission ribbons. Perhaps I'll find time to develop rank insignias soon.

The forum has also reached new heights. Last week's average posts per day was about fifty. Beginning this week, we've been making about two-hundred posts per day, reaching a maximum of five hundred seventy-nine posts in a single day. In addition to that, we're seeing several new citizens, and a ton of people online daily.

Finally, we've filled several positions. George S. Patton Jr., formerly the Director of Public Services, has been elected Chancellor, leader of the House of Commons. His leadership has stimulated multiple discussions already. Slovenion, one of our newcomers, took Patton's place as Director of Public Services. Dyr Nasad, formerly Director of Foreign Affairs, has been appointed Minister of State. Congratulations and good luck, everyone!

Remember to check out The Last Kingdom's Twitter account! It's updated regularly with small bits of news from the region. Check it out!

King of The Last Kingdom

--Forum: http://thelastkingdom.us.to

--Twitter: http://twitter.com/thelastkingdom