Rocketman's Countdown Thread


So here's the scoop. Im going to basic training in Illinois on the 29th. BUT, i have to be at MEPS on the 28th at noon, so the 27th is going to be the last day i'll have acces to internet for approx. 8 weeks. Until then, im going to count down the days till i leave, and perhaps leave a thought or two. Feel free to give me your addresses, and in the mean time, i'll do what i can to get the mailing address to my bootcamp so you can write if you would like. For every letter i receive, i will send one in return. Thats just how i roll.

This thread is brought to you in part by Lewis and Clark, The United States Navy, Nike, and the letter Q.

20 Days.
Just talked to my Recruiter in Brooklyn, and i wont know my address until i get to basic. I could give everyone the general address of the station , but until i know my division and class numbers, it would do no good.

Still 20 Days
19 Days

Thanks to all of you that said you would write me in basic. I look forward to people asking me why im laughing at my letters.
18 Days

I had a dream about the Military Entance Processing Station last night. A kindly older nurse was makeing me cough. Creepy, No?
15 Days

Took another PST today.

The #'s are as follows:

Swim: 8:51
Push-Ups: 55
Sit-Ups: 79
Run: 10:01

I cant even describe how excited i am about going, and how badly i want to leave!
Piece of cake man! And you'll only get better doing it 6 days a week. I predict that by the time you make it out you'll be more than ready for dive school. :)
14 Days

Two Weeks!

Man, i must say that ill miss all of you, look forward to letters from some of you, and...i think the marker on my keyboard are stickers. Wierd. Sorry...but anyway, im uber-excited, and looking forward to everything thats going to be happening in my future.
13 Days

Ya know, thats just awesome. With all the well wishes from everyone, any confidence of licking boot has swelled considerably. Good news will spew forth from my letters written. And, with the foreboding of NS shutdown from flem, i hope this is still around when i get out of basic in 8 months and 13 days.

As of this post, there have been 69 views of this thread. Heh.
12 Days

I have one more PST on the 26th before i roll out of here. If i post the following numbers, I'll get a coveted T-Shirt Broadcasting to everyone my 1337ness:

Swim: Under 10 minutes. CHECK
Pushups: 75+ (20 Short)
Situps: 75+ CHECK
Pullups: 12+ (One Shy Last Time)
Run: Under 10 Minutes (2 Seconds Shy Last Time)

Just to combat the low numbers on the pushups, ive been doing 400/day, and will continue in this fashion till the day before the test. Ive also been doing 6 sets of 12 pullups to make sure i beat the required numbers. Only 6 people have earned the T-Shirt in the last 5 months, and i will make sure im #7. Hooah!
I know, Im quite excited! When did he go into the Air Force?
He's been in 3 years now. He wanted to be a police officer, and figured the military police training would be beneficial. But he ended up becoming a navigator, and is going career.
I'll do what i can, but im sure its going to be on plain US Navy Stationary. I can prolly send you a post card after im done with basic.

2 Days
One Day

Im excited to send letters to and recieve letters from everyone who gave me their address. I promise i wont use that information to send flaming bags of poo to your doorstep.

Seriously, best of luck to you ! And someone who's exchanging letters should let us know here how you're doing.
Zero Days

Well all, this is the last 24 hours i have as pre-government property. I appreciate all the well-wishes, the kind words, and Bon Chance from my fancy English friend. I shall be back in contact in a little over 8 weeks, at which point i will be a Seaman, and on my way to becoming one of the finest Divers the Fleet ever did see.

In the meantime, i am sure that several people will keep you all posted, as i shall send letter updates (how archaic!) from Boot Camp.

Ta Ta