As proposed by Lewis and Clark:
There will be a short formal discussion period before this goes to a vote.
Edited to add accepted amendment to bill
Proxy Server Usage Law
Article I
Section One
The use of a proxy server by a forum user to conceal a forum user's host server is declared to be a security risk to the region.
1. The use of a proxy server by a Member Nation that is a member of The North Pacific Army or Intelligence Agencies shall require the prior express authorization of said official entity which may be disclosed confidentially to other government officials only in the performance of their official duties.
2. Use of a proxy server by a member Nation that applies for Regional Assembly membership is prohibited, and constitutes a criminal offense that may subject the violator to a permanent ban from the regional forum, ejection from the region by the UN Delegate, or both. This provision may be enforced prior to, or subsequent to, a trial in the manner provided by law.
Section Two
1. Proxy server usage is defined as the use of an IP connection with the intent of rendering a forum user anonymous, aka proxy spoofing, or any such practice designed to allow a member to have multiple accounts on the TNP forum.
Article II
This law shall go into effect immediately upon passage.
There will be a short formal discussion period before this goes to a vote.
Edited to add accepted amendment to bill