Sniffles for CLO

I've been around since the time of Magicality, been Minister of Justice twice and Speaker twice.

I've had a long record of keeping them honest and I intend to continue doing so if elected.

What are your primary aims in regards to membership of the CLO?
My duties are spelled out in the new Constitution, however my chief aim is to ensure a smooth transition towards a new government by making sure the checks and balances work. I'd say my chief platform is to keep them honest, in being part of the only elected position able to keep a check on Cabinet and the elected Del.
What nifty new things will you do?
Well since this is a new government, just being a candidate is pretty nifty if you ask me but I've always attempted to try and engage the Assembly in policy making, in having a more direct approach in how they're governed. When I was Justice Minister, I updated and retooled the Constitution for Dummies; now that we have a new Constitution (one I hope is much easier to understand) I want to try and make it seem more relevant to our everyday life.

And to reiterate, I want to bring the public closer to government decision making especially since the Cabinet is appointed.