Behold all.


The sands of time pass through the hourglass that is the temporal keeper of the universe. One of my many grains has passed once more.

I have returned, and my purpose is clear. Fear ye all, enemies of my home, for the region trembles as my foot steps upon it once more.

(Ok, grandstanding aside, it's good to be back.)


a request for RA membership is implied, but need not be said. One is confident the proper needs will be met, and such will be taken care of... rapidly.
My return is directly in the need of my region, nothing more.

Sometimes I feel like Franzsiska von Karma. Maybe I'll go looking for a whip.
Byard and Name.

Old friends I am happy to talk to at any time and more. Send me a PM. We'll catch up.

[Edit] I think especially good for you, Byard. The fact that you acknowledge my return makes me smile from some place deep inside.

DD - You've always been able to catch up to me. You know who to contact.
Sucks to be you then. One must always balance their priorities. Just so happens TNP was always my priority, even when I was a bastard. *cackles maniacally*
Darkie! :D *insert squeals of delight and happy glompings*

Haor! Hello theres. :3

Borikov, I believe I'm the former Internal Affairs chief, was a deputy so many times and so many offices that I don't remember all of them. Though I'm pretty sure I was in External affairs under Haor. I've been a diplomat and I tied one year for best flag. Same one I still have. I also have other achievements, here and elsewhere that are classified, and best left buried anyway.

I am also an action bastard supreme. Oh, and I got the :3 emoticon added.