The sands of time pass through the hourglass that is the temporal keeper of the universe. One of my many grains has passed once more.
I have returned, and my purpose is clear. Fear ye all, enemies of my home, for the region trembles as my foot steps upon it once more.
(Ok, grandstanding aside, it's good to be back.)
a request for RA membership is implied, but need not be said. One is confident the proper needs will be met, and such will be taken care of... rapidly.
I have returned, and my purpose is clear. Fear ye all, enemies of my home, for the region trembles as my foot steps upon it once more.
(Ok, grandstanding aside, it's good to be back.)

a request for RA membership is implied, but need not be said. One is confident the proper needs will be met, and such will be taken care of... rapidly.