Enabling and Election Act

Electoral Motion

This motion shall be at vote for 1 week and shall require a simple majority to pass.

Elections are to be held immediately upon the passage of this motion.
Elections shall be held for the offices of Delegate, Speaker, and the CLO.

Outer Kharkistania shall serve as Electoral Commissioner and shall ensure that the elections are carried out according to the procedures laid out in this motion.

The nomination period for elections shall last for 72 hours one week.
The voting period shall commence once nominations are closed and shall last for 1 week. A candidate needs a simple majority of Regional Assembly members to be voted into office.

Only members of the Regional Assembly at the time this motion is passed can stand for office or vote.

Does this correctly state the motion before the RA?

Once N.K. confirms, then I'll call for sa vote on the motion.

(After that, we'll get to the Voting Booth password.)
The motion has been put to a vote.in the linked voting thread.

The discussion on the underlying legislative bill will continue in this thread as a separate matter. I would suggest that the dicussion continue through the forthcoming election period, so that any additional provisions can be included as part of this bill.
How about changing that "lasting for one week" to lasting until December 21?

Since they've already started and it would contradict announcements of the elections commissioner, ie. me.
This is a substantive motion, not a procedural one, and as such the traditional voting period has been one week. If there is a substantial level of participation to adopt the motion, then I'll consider whether the vote needs to go for a full week; hoever, I have no basis to judg how many are likely to vote in a shortened voting period on this, and I have to consider the responsibility of protecting the equal treatment of each RA member's right to vote.
Do we need to drag this on?

We need to get an election going ASAP. TNP has suffered from the dragging of feet and inactivity to long.
TNP is guaranteed a democratic, transparent government under the Bill of Rights. Ramming anything through because only a handful want something a certain way is not consistent with that guarantee, nor with the guarantee of treating each member's vote equally.
The primary reason for the "slowness" is that in the head-on rush to have a short-text constitution, Monte Ozakura's proposal left huge gaping holes in setting out a process for elections and a lot of other things. The motion deals with the first elections, it does not even address a long-term procedure. Had the holover Cabinet and the Delegate taken steps to organize these elections, it would have been faster than having the RA organie it, but theyhad to be given the opportunity and they didn't choose to do so.
(OOC- I have t wonder if having elections rright at the heart of the holiday season is even a smart move since this is normallyy the time of year with the lowest level of activity even in an active year.)
Well, Gross, only a certain few will get their way because only certain few have said anything at all. Everyone else is MIA or just doesn't care. MO's proposal is alot more fluid and changeable than the old book. It allows for change.
(OOC- I have t wonder if having elections rright at the heart of the holiday season is even a smart move since this is normallyy the time of year with the lowest level of activity even in an active year.)
The only reason its taking place this close to the holidays is because the government kept dragging its feet on every single proposal.

There comes a point where you get fed up and simply say:

"The Line Must be drawn Here!"
Didn't I say the 'holiday' excuse would be coming out soon ? :P

Obviously, the region was already inactive. It's much better to allow those that ARE active to make something happen, than to wait on those that are not around to appear just to vote and dissapear again.

Besides the provisions of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution also allows for legislation to be 'rammed through' by the CLO. So there is provision to take quick action. The spirit of the Constitution is that we not let the region rot while time wastes. Unfortunately, we do not yet have a CLO body to carry out those actions, and our Speaker seems more interested in the same process and beauracracy that we've been trying to get away from. Inactivity is good cause for emergency actions to maintain the security of the region. And to me, that includes elections to instate an active government.
(OOC- I have t wonder if having elections rright at the heart of the holiday season is even a smart move since this is normallyy the time of year with the lowest level of activity even in an active year.)
The only reason its taking place this close to the holidays is because the government kept dragging its feet on every single proposal.

There comes a point where you get fed up and simply say:

"The Line Must be drawn Here!"

I thought you were going to say "Make it so!"

Of course, thinking on it, GBM could just appoint you Electoral Commissioner and be done with it. If you want to bypass Grosse as he bypasses common sense and continues making things last far longer than they need to.
Essentially, GBM already appointed Khark here.

Which was official enough for me. The Speaker, as you note, rather continue process over progress.
Khark needs to make up his mind. He proposed a motion for a vote of the RA on the one hand, and you are claiming GBM made an appointment. Oddly enough, GBM has participated in the discussion, and the vote on the motion, without mentioning any appointment on her part.....and the motion itself provides for the appointment of Khark in particular. Khark made the choice to have a motion for the RA to vote on. Common sense says that there has to be a vote in the RA. I didn't make that chhoice, all I can do as Speaker is put it to a vote. Keep in mind that the motion itself provided for a week to vote on the motion, a suggestiion in the discussion (from GBM in fact) was to have a week for nominations after the motion was voted on, and the motion then provided for a week for voting in the elections. I'm not the one who made those "decisionss" the person who posted the motion made those decisions as part of the motion.

If I had acted as Speaker contrary to the way the modified motion proposed the road map. some would attack not following what the motion provided....so I do not deserve any criticism for following the way the motion was framed by its sponsor and with the modification the Delegate suggested.
Khark is trying his best to follow whatever processes are being thrown at him. First he's Election Commissioner per the Delegate and opening elections. Then the Speaker is asking for process for transparency and representation, so he's following through with his motion here to satisfy the Speaker.

There are other motions waiting to be moved to a vote by the Speaker as well, yet this is the only one where action has been taken.
Everything else is in preliminary discussion, except for the overall election bill, which seems to have less of a priority in its sponsor's words than the Election motion already at vote.

With only a handful of members, at most, around even discussing the other proposals, it's difficult to determine whether preliminary discussion of the other proposals are finished. That's not to say the other proposals won't be moved along during the elections to a vote in the RA, but care is required not to make it appear that a small group of RA members are attempting a putsch when hardly anyone is around.
Care is required, yes. But the issues of which I spoke have been awaiting futher comment or action for some time.

I do appreciate the Speaker's attention to these issues.

And as an off topic additional note, since I am unable to post in the Announcment forum, I want to thank the forum Admins for the work that they have already accomplished in the reorganization of the forum and threas. :clap:
I'm the one who has been doing all of the forum reorganization (except for one thing Flem took care of for HEM) -- it is tedious, and I'm trying to only deal with things that are clearly ready to be changed. I haven't even gotten to fixing moderators for the different fora, or moving folks out of the old user groups for the government -- that's is going to be time consuming.
You can assume that is one reason why I'm not always aware of items in the RA; it would help if folks would send me a PM if I haven't noticed something within a day or so. I have only so much time each day to be working in the forums (and some times I have RL things to attend to -- and last week was a week where I had outside appointments for 4 days in a row.)
I appreciate it, I know it's tedious work with little reward. Thank you.

I will keep in mind to send a reminder PM when it seems appropriate.