Enabling and Election Act

RA members need to consider the proposals to enable the Constitution.  And Elections need to be held.  And I don't see much of anyone doing anything to forward those processes.

I hereby propose an enabling act, that if passed, would immediately put all provisions into action. In addition, upon passing, this act will immediately start elections. In addition, I propose a set of impeachment charges against the current government if elections are not held within the next two weeks.
Enabling and Elections Act


* 10 days after its passage, the current Constitution has yet to be implemented.
* I hereby propose a vote by members of the RA to once again affirm that this is indeed the desired Constitution. Passage of this Act would require a simple majority of those voting. There shall be no minimum voter requirement, as so many members of the RA are inactive. Voting shall end in a week.
* If passed, all elements of the Constitution would be implemented, and voting would begin immediately on all amendment proposals in the Preliminary Discussion forum.


* Elections are to be held immediately upon affirmation of the Constitution and its affirmation. An election commissioner will be appointed as well.
* Elections shall be held for Delegate, Speaker, and CIO.
* After elections, the RA shall begin defining the duty of existing ministries; once this is completed the delegate shall appoint his/her choices for the various Ministers.
* Again, a mere simple majority will be required with not minimum voting requirement.


* If elections are not held within 2 weeks, regardless of this proposals passage, I will be pursuing articles of impeachment for the current government, as well as a vote of no confidence in the forum administrators for utterly failing the citizens of The North Pacific.
* This would of course include the current delegate.
* If elections are not held within 2 weeks, regardless of this proposals passage, I will be pursuing articles of impeachment for the current government, as well as a vote of no confidence in the forum administrators for utterly failing the citizens of The North Pacific.
* This would of course include the current delegate.

Pray tell, what has the conduct of elections to do with the administrators? All we do in regard to elections is mask election commissioners when appointed etc. We facilitate, but we do not conduct, elections.

Please learn how the region works before you start bandying words around like "utterly failed".
Excuse me ?

We've been waiting for Grosse to get a list of RA members from you for weeks. That's a failure as MoII and as Admin. RA applications went unresponded. GBM has requested remasking for HEM. Just some examples.

Try being responsive rather than combative. There's no reason to continue on this forum if Admin won't do the job. The whole problem here is that those with authority and responsiblity to do something - and yes admin has authority and responsibility - are inactive and doing nothing. <_<

Pitiful, shameful, and absolultely ridiculus. :mad:
I'm sorry if you feel I was being combative, but Khark's post stated that if elections were not started in two weeks he will propose a vote of no confidence in the administration team.

I wanted to point out that the conduct of elections is nothing to blame the administrators for, and I was a bit surprised to be threatened with legal action in this way. The RA roster etc are to do with the MOIIA, not the administrator, so are irrelevant.

Taking a list of the terms that have been used:

utterly failing
ridiculis (sic)

I do not feel that I am the one being aggressive here.

PS. I think I missed the remask request for HEM. I will look into that right away.

EDIT: I have looked in my inbox and cannot see a PM from GBM or anyone else requesting a remask for HEM. Could someone constructively point out what remask is needed? Thanks.
I've been more than patient, folks. It was about time that someone had the stones to say something about it, and I think I am perfectly justified in doing so.

My beef with the admin is that everything has to go through them, and they frankly aren't doing much, or have to poked and prodded a thousand times to do so. IE, the RA forums should be cleaned up- the old constitution and the failed proposals should be archived and the new constitution and bill of rights pinned. As for HEM's remasking, the fact that you hadn't received a PM from our delegate is further proof that this region's current government isn't working.

As a person involved in the defense and liberation of TNP's latest coup, I think what I have to say next is justified and not at all slander against the region. I am beginning to think that maybe TNP isn't a democracy, but a demagoguery, and that frankly maybe some of Emperor Matthuis' supporters were right about the current government being nothing but a good old boys' (and girls) club and has a vested interest in continuing to delay elections.

But I digress. If the only thing holding back elections is the appointment of a Commissioner, I will nominate myself for the position if noone else takes it within the next three days.
GBM's request is here:


HEM, thank you for your interest in what I believe is a very important role. I consider it a Minsterial level position, and I wish you every success in it. Success for you really means success for all of us. Now go take your oath.  :D

Admins, please mask this man properly. I think he will look good in green.

I would think that posts on the forum would be checked by Admin to keep up with what's needed. I stand corrected and will remember that only a pm will suffice.

And I concur with Khark. We've all been more than patient. Election time came and went. We were told, no, we can't have elections, we have to see how the constitution comes out. The Constitution was approved. But no, we have to wait on the Cabinet. We waited, it was ratified. Did we get elections ? No, we have to wait for Flem to provide a list. Now Flem claims that since it has to do with MoIIA, it's irrelevent - even though he holds that post.

Come on ! The next excuse will be that everyone is busy for the holidays. What will the next excuse be ?

The old guard needs to step aside if they won't be active. The region has died because of it. There are a handful of people willing and trying to make something of the region, but we are stopped at every turn by excuses.

We're past the point of simple frustration.

I've defended the governments of TNP since 2004. I've lead the liberation from rogues more than once. And now it seems that there is really no choice but to have a revolution to save the region.

Yes. Pitiful, shameful and ridiculus.
Point is that TNP is rapidly becoming the laughing stock of not only the Feeders, but NationStates in general. Seriously, every time I tell someone I am a politician in TNP they break out laughing and tell me I'm wasting my time.

Well, I think this is a good region, and that I am most certainly NOT wasting my time. But, it seems that for some reason the old guard doesn't want to see TNP succeed under the aegis of new members. Perhaps they are afraid we will succeed where they have failed.

And yes, I said failed. It is a strong word, but entirely appropriate for the situation. With coups, civil wars, rouge delegates, a former constitution that was often ignored and a new constitution yet to be implemented, and now a "democratic" government that refuses to answer to the people, The North Pacific really is a failed state.

I intend to do something about it, and will exhaust every legal recourse available. After that? Well, we will cross that bridge when and if we get to it. I certainly hope it doesn't come to that.
Thank you for that reference. A PM is not obligatory, but it is useful. I know of no forum which expects the admin team to scrutinize every forum post just in case there is a request for a remasking. It is always best to PM, or query on IRC and I think the track record of this Admin team in acting on such requests is better than most.

If you are talking about my conduct as a person, then my performance is not irrelevant, but if you are suggesting a change in administration because of my performance as MOIIA, then yes, that is illogical and irrelevant.

"I think you are a crap MOIIA so we will ask for your removal as admin" sorry - does not work on any level.
Okay everyone this is my two cents,

I talked to Gro alot last night (I would shorten it to Gross but that would be rather rude) and the admins have alot they need to do. And I feel a few things.

1.) Total democracy in this form is not working well. It takes weeks for a bill to pass with a vote.

2.) The admins are overworked and they are afraid to give anyone else admin as there has been problem with information stealing etc in the past. This part I agree with flem.

3.) Our leadership is in shambles. When I take over as SoS. (And Flem could I please have a form in M. City or something?) I plan to work with Flem to coordinate immigration type activities.

Changing governments takes time. Unless you are changing it to a dictatorship. I agree the admins we have need to step it up. But I also believe we the people need to work hard aswell. And there will be no short of jobs when my SoS office opens.
Oh, everyone can join the RA. They just might get their application lost for a month or so.

My friend, don't get caught up in the illusion of democracy. There is many a state where there is both a legislature and voting, but which is certainly not a democracy. The will of the people, manifest in the RA has been put off and delayed for a month now; how much longer do you think we will have to wait for the elections?

Do not let your new position in this government cloud your judgment.
OK, Lordy I agree with you on 90% of what you have said. I am not going to defend the government now I am part of it. There are flaws and there are the "I need to finish my tea and crumpets" theory admins have. I was not agreeing with Flem on his activity but his and Gro's reason to not have any other admins. I think you are right on several accounts and think that we really need a new government corp. I agree with you. I was simply in my last post trying to interpret what Gro and Flem are going through.

I've been admin on several boards for a long time, larger ones than this, and I've always monitored every thread in every forum in case moderation or Admin work is needed. It's part of the job, IMHO.

And if there is too much work, you add another admin and/or mods.

I certainly understand the security concerns about admins, we've seen new admins destroy forums, let alone misuse the information available to them. But at this point in our situation, it seems somewhat irrelevent.

Yes, there is a lot of work to be done. Rearranging forums, retitling, remasking, confirming access and activity, etc etc. Been there done that. But you just have to make the time to sit down and do it. If you don't have the time, then you need a new admin. Or a new forum to make it simpler - but that's a lot of work too.
Enabling and Elections Act


* 10 days after its passage, the current Constitution has yet to be implemented.
* I hereby propose a vote by members of the RA to once again affirm that this is indeed the desired Constitution. Passage of this Act would require a simple majority of those voting. There shall be no minimum voter requirement, as so many members of the RA are inactive. Voting shall end in a week.
* If passed, all elements of the Constitution would be implemented, and voting would begin immediately on all amendment proposals in the Preliminary Discussion forum.


* Elections are to be held immediately upon affirmation of the Constitution and its affirmation. An election commissioner will be appointed as well.
* Elections shall be held for Delegate, Speaker, and CIO.
* After elections, the RA shall begin defining the duty of existing ministries; once this is completed the delegate shall appoint his/her choices for the various Ministers.
* Again, a mere simple majority will be required with not minimum voting requirement.


* If elections are not held within 2 weeks, regardless of this proposals passage, I will be pursuing articles of impeachment for the current government, as well as a vote of no confidence in the forum administrators for utterly failing the citizens of The North Pacific.
* This would of course include the current delegate.

If we want a resolution to this situation a better approach may be this (I've put you forward as electoral commissioner as you are active and are not running):

Electoral Motion

This motion shall be at vote for 1 week and shall require a simple majority to pass.

Elections are to be held immediately upon the passage of this motion.
Elections shall be held for the offices of Delegate, Speaker, and the CLO.

Outer Kharkistania shall serve as Electoral Commissioner and shall ensure that the elections are carried out according to the procedures laid out in this motion.

The nomination period for elections shall last for 72 hours.
The voting period shall commence once nominations are closed and shall last for 1 week. A candidate needs a simple majority of Regional Assembly members to be voted into office.

Only members of the Regional Assembly at the time this motion is passed can stand for office or vote.

I fourth.

If this board ever does decide to convert to ZetaBoards(when the option is out), it will give the current admin's the ability to make "Admin Assistants" and they can choose which areas of the ACP they can/can't see, so that problem will be fixed soon.
I like HC's proposal. The only change I would make s to allow 1 week for nominations/campaigns rather than 72 hours.

OK as election commissioner you will need to open the period for nominations. You will need to verfy the eligibility of the candidates (ie: RA membership, term limits). You will need access to the Voting Booth account. You will open the elections, post the rules and the ballot. Lastly, you will close the polls, verfy voter eligibilty, tally and certify the results.

Did I miss anything?
Sure, just check the Election Forum and use that as a guideline. Tweak as needed for the current constitution. As far as opening nominations all you need to do now is specify the date and time nominations wll close, and when the voting will begin.
I prefer a 7-day period for nominations. I think it is desireable to have more candidates running for office, rather than fewer.

Also, given the irregular time frame, it would be a nice idea to PM the RA members to let them know nominations are underway.
I sent this to everyone that came up in the "RA" usergroup using the Search feature:


It is with great honor and excitement that I, as Elections Commissioner, announce the nomination period for Elections to be OPEN! The positions up for grabs are as follows:

*Speaker of the RA
*Three (3) members of the Council of Lower Officers (CLO)

Nominations are now in progress in the "Election Forums" and will continue until 10:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time on December 21st. At this point, nominations will end and the voting period will start.

To a happy Election!

TNP Voting Commissioner

However, people who are both RA's and in other usergroups don't show up in the search, so I may have missed some people, though I tried to sort through as best I could.
Everyone who is not in the Member, Foreign Envoy, Banned, or Rogue Delegate groups are RA (that includes anyone with a Cabinet-related mask, the Deelegate, Vice Delegate, the Court ustices, or the Diplomats, tha Admin and the Global Mods)