Election Dates


TNP Law 3 read:


Election Dates

The designated months for elections pursuant to Article II, section one of the Constitution as revised shall be August, November, February and May.

This Act shall take immediate effect.

This law was nullified by the Constitution:

1. Upon passage of this document as an amendment to the previous Constitution, all legislation previously passed is nullified, except for TNP Laws 1, 2, 6, 14, 22, and 23 (previous to the passage of this Constitution), which shall each be entered into the Legal Code as laws.

I thereby propose the following new Election Dates law:

Election Dates

This law is hereby enacted to enable an election schedule for the offices and elections prescribed in Article I, Section Three of the Constitution of The North Pacific.


The election cycle for the 4-month terms of The Delegate, The Speaker of the Assembly, and CLO members, shall begin on the first day of the months of January, May, and September.


The election cycle for the 6-month terms of The Judiciary, including the Chief Justice, shall begin on the first day of the months of April and October.


This Act shall take immediate effect.
I would strongly prefer that elections for the Court not coincide with the months of the other elections. Among other things, it could create problem if a proceeding is needed in the Court during the course of the other elections, and it could easily cause the wrong type of influences on the Court if any of its justices are standing for election.
I agree with the Schnauz. We don't want the entire government up for election all at once.
Before we move this to the formal debate level, we need to look one ambiguity that remains in the proposal.
"Election Cycle." Does it mean that nominations and elections start at any point in that month (i.e., nominations could start on the last day of the month and voting not start until the 6th or 7th day of the following month, or that the entire process must take place in the stated month, or something else. If the phrasing isn't pinned down better, you will see different folks reading that language in as many ways as it is possible to have. If your intent is to have that much flexibility or variability then let's get it on the record.
While my thinking was for the Election Cycle to begin on the 1st day of the specified months, I anticipated that the RA will enact separate legislation to define the specifics to define the Election Cycle. That would include the timing involved in the Nomination/Campaign/Voting periods, as well as the assignment of Election Commisioners.