The Tavern


*HEM Puts up open sign on Tavern*

"Feel free to come in. Drinks are half price for the next few days"

*starts wiping tables down*
We just finished a martial arts competition and a paintballing tournament!!! Our losing team is buying for the winning team! and to whoever is in here as well?!?

What do you serve? there are 40 of us here! :winner:

:jack: :toast: :drink: :bar:
HEM is amazed anyone is actually here. He serves doubles to all all 40 team members in advance.
Triple! We can take it!
we'll start with Bourbon, then go for Rum, thens wesh goash fort Gin!
thens we'z attacks ze flooor ands lose!?!
Ah, the artist type, eh ?

I think I'll have an Alaskan Polar Bear Heater.

Two shots of vodka, a little rum, some bitters, and a smidgen of vinegar…a shot of vermouth, a shot of gin, a little brandy, lemon peel, orange peel, cherry, some more scotch. Mix it nice, and pour it into a tall glass.
*walks up to bar and hears conversation*
Anti-freeze? Wow, that sounds delicious. One, please, put it on my tab.
I just don't work, I tend to find that ignoring it generally means that people don't load any more onto you.
It was Christmas Eve babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me, won't see another one
And then he sang a song
The Rare Old Mountain Dew
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you...

Goebbels, or Cowboy (as his friends called him), peers around the room before approaching the bartender..

"Hey, am I able to get a glass of Cranberry juice?" he asks in a helpless tone.
Goebbels scurries around the counter and spots a dust covered bottle of Cranberry juice

"Jackpot!" he exclaims since everyone knows that cranberry juice tastes better with age.