Religion of ShogunKhan,


We aim to share with our allies the benefits of our religion. We are willing to send out our Wawis to each of your lands to convert the brave and to transform the weak into the brave. A Wawi is similar to your priest/missionary that goes out and teaches the proper way to live. It is a shortened form of Warrior of Wisdom, hence a Wawi.

Wawis teach among other things, martial arts, small unit tactics all the way to grand strategic thinking. When to use and when not to use techniques. The first religious book that we offer to our new converts is the Book of the Righteous Warrior, here is an excerpt from Chapter 4, Paragraph 17 and Verse 12 from the Tarkhan Translation (the TT): "While a warrior stands, the warrior will not let others impose their way unto him or her."

The first trainings for the new convert is called the Wawa, this is short for the Way of the Warrior. Martial arts of empty hand techniques, deliberate weapons techniques (similar to your kenjutsu and fencing), impromptu weapons techniques (picking up any object that is not designed as a weapon), sweeps/locks/throws techniques (pressure points), throwing and distance weapons techniques (similar to your archery and darts), firearms and other modernized personal weaponry techniques; these are all taught to the student as he also undergoes religious transformation so that his mind does not remain corrupted in weakness and strike out at anyone based upon the fear that the weak always feel.

Hope this is an adequate introduction for you to accept our Wawis to teach the Wawa in our Obsdevars (similar to your dojos and training rooms) (Obsdevar is short for Obstacle and Development Area). May we come to your countries and build some Obsdevars?
Interesting. Elsewhere, I am the Oracle of the Air, teaching the Way of the Warrior in the Mysteries of Divinity. I teach the the types of men and women, the path of the Warrior, the 48 worlds, the mysteries of Awareness and more.
Interesting.  Elsewhere, I am the Oracle of the Air, teaching the Way of the Warrior in the Mysteries of Divinity.  I teach the the types of men and women, the path of the Warrior, the 48 worlds, the mysteries of Awareness and more.
Perhaps we are lost relatives, we can compare notes of our similarities and our differences. First, do you have a main text that you use as a memory and training device? We have several but the one we introduce to others first is the one mentioned. Our entire culture is geared for combat against fear to gain courage. We compete against the self firstly and when we feel ready we share the journey with friends.
I have been known as the Prince of Darkness, the Devourer of Worlds. Does that count?
It depends with your motive in your action. If you are only reacting out of fear of the unknown to impose your will onto others to defeat them, then you are not following the Wawa. You must not use combat to avoid fear, combat is to be enjoyed for its own sake with consenting friends and death is not to be feared either. At the same time, one must not seek death because they are afraid of living.
"One must understand the other and all of his or her ways of being and of doing so that the warrior may surpass the other in their way as well as with the warrior's own way." 78-2-3 (Chapter 78, Paragraph 2, Verse 3) TT (The Tarkhan Translation) of the Book of The Righteous Warrior (Botrwa).

So we use the above in the following manner 78-2-3 TT of Botrwa and our children can recite the entire passage properly. The TT is the easiest translation and is used for the children and new converts. Some gifted children can quote up to 3 different translations of the entire book. One child was reputed to have 7 of the more difficult translations known by heart when he was only 7 years old, but this was about 311 years ago and before the TT was even invented.
I have been known as the Prince of Darkness, the Devourer of Worlds. Does that count?
Crap, I thought that was my title. Oh, well. I'll have to just settle for Kali. :lol:
Pt4, 2-1-15 TT of Botrwa: "If oration skills can win a battle without lifting a sword arm then use it with joy for you have created an ally out of the destruction of your enemy."

One of things I forgot to mention is that the book is also further divided into parts and in volumes. If it is not noted then it is considered the first volume and the first part. Most of the quotes are taken from the 1st volume and the 1st part which is what the children and new converts must memorize. But the other parts of the first volume or the other volumes themselves are more specialized topics and/or commentaries of previous texts although a few are believed to be commentaries on future texts that have yet to be written.

The evidence for this is based upon the fact that aspects of using nuclear ballistic missiles in submarines in combination of orbital satellite communication were written approximately 1000 years ago and it was only recently understood as new technological realities inspired strategic commentaries which completed the initial 1000 year old texts. This discovery was uncovered approximately 12 years ago and I remember having read the original 1000 year old texts trying to decipher the wisdom and it all made sense when I read the modern commentary on the newer technology.
I have been known as the Prince of Darkness, the Devourer of Worlds.  Does that count?
It depends with your motive in your action. If you are only reacting out of fear of the unknown to impose your will onto others to defeat them, then you are not following the Wawa. You must not use combat to avoid fear, combat is to be enjoyed for its own sake with consenting friends and death is not to be feared either. At the same time, one must not seek death because they are afraid of living.
My motives are constant. To subjugate.
Don't you want to follow the wawa? Maybe you should talk to a wawi before you make your wa-de (Warrior's decision)?

I see that you have read the more advanced translation, the SifuTeacher Translation, they tend to hyphenate many of the component words but the pronunciation is rather counter-intuitive.

wa-de would be pronounced "Waaah deea", makes conversations with the translators a rather patient-inducing exercise.
Fear is weakness, no matter who is receiving the emotion. 2-72-11'13 TT of Botrwa states: "Stand with honor and even if a weapon cut you down, you will live; so what does the warrior have to fear from others? (12) All you can get from fear is paralysis of action and that leads to death. (13) Be honorable and live forever with the other honorables, be fearful and die alone with all the other fearful who hide from everything."

We must also note that when a quoted passage is more than one verse we note it as we did in the above quote. We welcome any comments and questions from the curious.
Interesting.  Elsewhere, I am the Oracle of the Air, teaching the Way of the Warrior in the Mysteries of Divinity.  I teach the the types of men and women, the path of the Warrior, the 48 worlds, the mysteries of Awareness and more.
Perhaps we are lost relatives, we can compare notes of our similarities and our differences. First, do you have a main text that you use as a memory and training device? We have several but the one we introduce to others first is the one mentioned. Our entire culture is geared for combat against fear to gain courage. We compete against the self firstly and when we feel ready we share the journey with friends.
You could say that the Warrior's Path I follow is more of an oral tradition, as there is little set into words, other than the experiences of individual Warriors. Rather we seek to store our memories within ourselves, through the movement of the assemblage point, the key to awareness.

Yes, we also train the Warrior to combat fear, however as I am sure you are aware, it is only the first enemy that a Warrior must overcome on the journey.

We find the totality of the self through the recapitulation.
72-11-153 TT of Botrwa: "If any refuse to receive your wisdom, then move on because they have no wisdom to offer either."

Some seem threatened by the offer of new knowledge but this is only a result of fear of the unknown. It is great intellectual gymnastics to teach and to learn from each other.
fascinating, we will send you some Wawis specifically to learn of this wisdom more thoroughly. :console:
A center of training/teaching is being prepared....somewhere in NS. :ph34r:

The Five Oracles are preparing the Temple.
Tsaiism? cool, what's it about? I'm going for more of a warrior culture, but with brains.

Think Klingon for love of battle and honor amongst friends, Romulans for deviousness, Federation for diplomatic savvy and scientific/cultural intelligence... all this rolled into one.
7-99-3 TT of Botrwa: "Let go of your fear and grow stronger in the release."

There are some who act strong because they are really afraid of the chaos in the world. Sometimes they act like bullies and they believe that they can be protected by thumping their chests. In these situations, it is polite to let them blow their steam while being firm in your position. Much like children, you let them vent their tantrum. Once they are exhausted, you can reach them and allow them to learn that tantrums are not efficient forms of communication. If they attempt to lash out, then use more firm techniques of persuasion. Because they have overestimated the value of their strength and underestimated your resolve, they will be thrown easily and become even more exhausted.

See the bullies like snow falling everywhere and see yourself as the strong tree. Yes they may be more numerous and may also have greater mass than you as a single tree but they can only throw unto you as what your branches can receive, not more. Your choice is to allow the bully to dictate the rules of his tantrum and allow the snow to overwhelm you to break your branches or you allow your branches to bend changing the rules to your favor and watch the snow fall in a thump while you are still standing.
7-23-15 TT of Botrwa: "Denial of reality is based upon fear of the unknown. The fearful prefer to think they are in control so they rely upon their inventions, their shadows of reality. Shatter those with force and see them pounce against the first thing they see which will probably be something you hold dear."

Some nations would rather not have to face the music and thus they block their ears. Some rely upon technology and create ear muffs and sound proof rooms to live in. We can not deny that their inventions offer some benefits. Unfortunately, if they claim that there is no music and they rely upon their inventions as proof, then you would do better to allow them their illusion. When they are ready to mature into adults, they will venture out and meet the world without fear and we shall be there as equals sharing what we have discovered.

Force the child out of this comfort zone and the child will become as chaotic as he or she believes the world to be and who knows what this can result in?
:cry: :bat:
Following the Wawa means to constantly perfect one's art and at the same time to evolve it. To use examples from the "real world" (a collection of myths that many in these forums like to refer to on occasion), Bruce Lee had perfected his art in a specific style of kung fu. He discovered the flaws because he was skilled enough to discover them and he borrowed from other styles to create Jeet Kune Do. There is also a family called the Gracies who borrowed from other styles and modified a style called Ju-jitsu.

These blendings are exactly what our Wawis seek to create, naturally there are specialists in specific forms because they wish to concentrate upon a tradition for the love they feel toward it, but the primary task is to have the best possible blend.

When we send out our Wawis to teach the Wawa to all who welcome us, we also look into the martial arts of the area and find ways to blend it with our own. That is why following the Wawa makes you a better warrior.

Some may wish to become a Wast (Warrior of Stealth), this is a more elite soldier and they are able to infiltrate any location. The Wast is more about gathering information than by engaging in the fight. This is difficult for many, because most have the patience of a lion and wish to pounce, while the Wast must become more like the mist and flow smoothly and sometimes avoid combat.