The Political Compass



This political matrix finds orientation not only on a left to right economic policy scale, but also on a latitudinal societal scale. I thought it would be interesting to see where everyone falls, for comparison sake.

For example, I am located on the more economic right at a X of 3.50, and Social libertarian scale at a X of -3.69

Please take the test and post where you fall on this matrix.

PS - Since I am not as savvy as some others, if one of you could post the actual Grid for ease of comparison, i would GREATLY appreciate it!
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -6.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -3.08

Almost bang on where Gandhi was.
im pretty content with where i am. though, i thought it was funny how all of the presidential hopefuls running in 08 were all in the same quadrant, and really not that far apart, either. you'd thing there would be a large deviation between dems and GOP
almost makes you feel like there's no point...kind of like that episode of the simpsons when Kang and Kodos Assume the bodies of Dole and Clinton...either way you vote, the person is still pretty damn right wing.
That's why I live in Canada, where you can either vote for the English left, the French left, the far left, or the too scared to be right.

The left vote is heavily splintered so nobody wins!


oh wait...