So this is TNP?

1 and a half terms of office.

2 Rouge Delegates

Resignations abound.

And now no Prime Minister.

What are we doing?

The promised constitutional upheaval has failed. Things are moving too slowly and not far enough. At the current rate we will die. This government will fall. This region will fall. And then what happens to your laws, bills, trials and high-talk?

We need swift action.

I call for an immediate election, and the agreement of the RA to support a far swifter passage of some form of new governance, be it an existing proposal or not.

We must act or face the end!
One person leaving does not mean the sky is falling.

Although I do agree that the constitutional reform is moving too slowly, and I look forward to significant moves on that issue immediately.
There have been many resignations the past months, not just a single one now.

The bureaucratic processes that the region continues to follow, just perpetuates the existing problems.

It's way past time for talk of change. It needs to happen before change is forced upon the region one way or another from others that are more actively engaged in NS. Time is passing us by.
You all seem to think these problems are unique to the North Pacific. Changing the government system will not revitalize this game. There is nothing that any of us can conceive that hasn't been done 16 times before. Make this place a monarchy, a sultanate, a republic, change the constitution, whatever you want, in a few weeks we'll all be in the same place: bored and looking for something new. It's the same thing everywhere I go in this game.
Well, try going to TWP, then. ;)

I agree with Flem, but what Fulhead proposes isn't such a bad idea either. We have to admit it, we need people who are willing and have time to do this.
There is a word of truth in what Blackshear says. any government system will work, provided there is the will (and goodwill) to make it work.

Also, any system will fail if people either work to undermine it, or simply cannot be arsed to make a go of it.

And, sadly, attitudes like that do not completely change just by a makeover of a system. Once that gets into the blood, it tends to carry over, and within a short time the same thing happens again. Like Blackshear I have seen it all over the NS world.

I am gratified that there seems to be a will to get things going in the region, but I feel that a simple "knock it over and start again" is too simplistic an approach.
Anarchy in The NP!

Let us find a system which people like and will not bitch about. Everyone except for Catchy and IP, there is no pleasing them for they are wackier than a hedge clipper and secretly emo.
Well, since you have decided to be the Sultanate, all we need to find is a volunteer to be the Anarcho (which, by the way, sounds like an evil transformer)
Blackshear is right in some ways but in many ways he is wrong. He is stck in an old world view. Regions currently are stuck in applying real world ideals and systems to the game, leading to situations like we have now. Remember, the UK parlimentary system only works due to a million-strong Civil Service behind it!

What I would suggest would be a completly new system, designed with the innovation of Nationstates in mind. Something akin (though prehaps not immediatly comprable) to the Atlantic Alliance of old. Something designed for action, rather than designed for the sluggish peace of mind we were after 2 years ago.
What I would suggest would be a completly new system, designed with the innovation of Nationstates in mind. Something akin (though prehaps not immediatly comprable) to the Atlantic Alliance of old. Something designed for action, rather than designed for the sluggish peace of mind we were after 2 years ago.
Everything old is new again?

How would you propose to even get something like the AA off the ground? Game mechanics are vastly different than from its heyday.
Thats taking an attitude of "we're too stoopid to figure it out" which is counter productive. We have BW2, a long time invader. We have long term defenders. we have game experts from every corner. It wouldnt be that hard if we put our heads together
Well, it's a starting point. It streamlines the government and it will certainly create more userite regions in the process. Heh.
I gotta say I was disappointed HC"s proposal was struck down. It was one of the better ones and if we do somthing less than that we are going no-where in my view.
Okay, we seriously need to approve a constitution soon. If nothing else, at least so we can have elections.
I think we can, for all intents and purposes, continue with the existing Constitution. I appreciate and for the most part like MO's proposed constitution, and if that is what is decided upon and ratified, then I will support it.

What does need to be addressed is certain vital governmental functions such as the various other functions of government such as the military, state/foreign office, intelligence, internal affairs, etc.

We also need to address increasing the legal and constitutional authority of the Delegate to act in the capacity of a real executive as per preserving and maintaining the Delegacy and the region.