Statement from Gatesville

For people here who haven't seen it:

Statement of events from the Gatesville High Council

Recent weeks have seen the nation Emperor Matthuis ascend to power in The North Pacific against the will of the previous constitutionally-elected government (now restored). Given our prominent role in these events, the High Council wishes to state the following:

Although he achieved this goal without aid from any region, EM immediately made a request to Gates the God, our beloved founder, asking him for Gatesville’s support. Within nine hours of ascension to the delegacy, Gates ordered the Gatesville Guard to move into TNP in support of EM. While he did so without consulting the Gatesville High Council, there were no complaints from any member of the High Council over Gates' decision.

While often classified as a Defender region, this is technically incorrect as we are neither Invader nor Defender. Gatesville will go to war for any of the following four reasons:

1) In defense of an ally. This is the most common cause for war, and the only one to which there is no exception or plea-bargaining available on the behalf of the attacked.
2) A region allies itself with a known foe of Gatesville. We consider this to be an informal declaration of war and initiate the Pre-Emptive Strike Policy.
3) A Gatesvillian is mocked and insulted in public by a region’s leadership. Whilst we are fairly lenient when it comes to interregional tension caused by those without formal or informal position, we do consider regional leaders to be acting on behalf of their respective regions, and will act accordingly.
4) A native regional delegate asks for help, and we happen to be bored. Or drunk. Or both.

In the case of The North Pacific, the regional delegate (as appointed by the people of TNP based on endorsement count) asked for help. In addition, we recalled the previous history of public insult against our delegate Princess Nevadar by members of TNP’s government. All of us felt that this could not be allowed to stand. Recall also that upon EM’s completion of the TAO Maneuver and conquest of The Rejected Realms, we immediately fought for Kandarin. If this was simply a quest for Gatesville to prove its power, we would have kept both regions. While Gatesville has been accused of supporting EM simply to “take over” a feeder, this accusation is patently false. If we wanted to conquer a feeder, we would. It really is that simple.

Gatesville's pro-sovereignty stance has also come under question, as by supporting EM in TNP we are accused of failing to recognize the established government. While we have a pro-sovereignty stance, we generally define sovereignty as the will of the people. The will of the people, as evidenced by the endorsement count obtained by EM in a region with an active delegate, arguably supported EM as regional delegate. We also have a war policy as described above, and at this time it was felt the several insults made by TNP had gone too far for Gatesville to accept.

Now, however, while not Gatesville's primary intent, The North Pacific has seen that things are not right within their region. If two coups can occur in such a short time, then this is clearly a sign of instability and unrest which should be addressed. In addition, the personal apology sent to Nevadar by one of the most grievous offenders has gone far to appease relations, at least on Gatesville’s side. Gatesville now hopes that TNP can use this knowledge to better their region. They stood united against a worthy opponent and came out victorious. We hope they now remember there is an inherent greatness in the region of The North Pacific which may have become tarnished lately, but should still be cherished and protected. We look forward with pleasure to the future, as we expect the members of TNP to use this knowledge to improve their region to the best of their respective abilities.

That is all.

Signed this 3rd day of November, 2007

~The Gatesville High Council~
Gates the god
The GM Warden
Pope Lexus X
The Twelvth Reich
Obviously, we should thank Gatesville for teaching us this valuable lesson.

Gatesville--the best teacher one could (n)ever ask for.
In my opinion that would not be a bad idea, VZ, but some others here may disagree. Given the current state of world affairs I feel that we'd be missing the larger picture by focusing too much of our anger on Gatesville.