Skizzy Grey

March 1, 2011
33rd Congress, 33rd Cabinet, 28th Senate
Population: 928
Another Election Season Draws to a Close
In recent days, Europeia elected its 28th Senate. Asianatic, Asperta and Jusduckria were re-elected, and outgoing President Oliver Dion-Grey won a seat also. They will be joined by newcomers Tikal and Tyranna Lucina. Tikal rose to prominence through her outstanding work in the Welfare Ministry. Ty has become a fixture in Europeia's social circles recently and has extensive political experience in The New Inquisition, a close Europeian ally.
In the presidential election, Earth 22 and running mate Common-Sense Politics coasted to a surprisingly lopsided, first-ballot victory over two opponents.

President Earth
Following the traditional swearing-in ceremony, President Earth delivered her inaugural address. An excerpt follows:
We are all Europeians. This is our region. This is our community. Whether you voted for me or not, you are still a Europeian, and you have an equal stake in the success of our region. Each of us, old and new, must step forward. Each of us must bear what we can, because many hands will make this light work. And in turn, each of us will reap the rewards of an ever-greater region. Let us step forward as the greatest user-created region of all time.
Today, my fellow Europeians, we need to look at ourselves and the world anew. As the torch of leadership passes to a new set of elected officials, let us put aside our differences and stand as one.
One word carries so many meanings. If you ask Google, it leads you right back to our forums and our NS page. Urban Dictionary is even less helpful. I guess that's because the definition of Europeia isn't something you can find online, although that's where our community is.
I ask all Europeians to look to your hearts. How do you define Europeia? I see true politics and true community-- a community I'm proud to say I'm part of-- but more than that, I see something I love and care about. I see people that I love, trust, and care about. That makes me want to work hard to make this region all it can be. I hope it makes you feel the same way.
Following her address, President Earth announced she would be retaining her predecessor's Cabinet: Asperta will serve his fourth term as Interior Minister and be joined by fellow returnees Gustavus Adolphus Rex (Culture Minister) and Tikal (Welfare Minister). The President also appointed Asianatic to fill the vacant position of Foreign Minister and named Oliver Dion-Grey as her Grand Admiral. The Senate swiftly confirmed all these choices.
In the Judiciary, Peaceful Llamas resigned to pursue what was ultimately an unsuccessful bid for the Vice Presidency. As primus inter pares, Abbey Anumia is discharging the functions of the Chief Justice until that position is filled.
For those of you who can't get enough Europeian politics (and if that's you, why aren't you on our forums??), there's more political commentary toward the end of this update.
The Europeian Navy: Making Raiding Fun

Two of Ollie's new recruits.
Upon taking control of the Navy, Grand Admiral Oliver Dion-Grey has been a flurry of activity. When asked about the direction he was taking the Navy in, he said, "I think that a strong community will be more attractive to the average bystander than a list of victories. When we can demonstrate to others that the Navy is a close-knit group of comrades in arms, an organization of honour and integrity as well as strength, we'll be able to attract more Europeians to service." Under this focus, Grand Admiral Dion-Grey intends to organize the Navy into smaller units, called Ships after the naval theme, and to bring naval members together through more personal training and development. The Grand Admiral finished our chat on the same note he started with. "Community is the key," he said, "If we're all close together, the officers will find a real pride in being part of the Navy. That said, we're still going to get out there and mix it up; Europeia's Navy has the potential to be the best in the game, and once we're all pulling on the same rope, we will be.
Dead People Are Cool
While he was serving as President (!!), Oliver Dion-Grey organized a "Quotable Dead People Tournament." Sixteen notable, quotable-- and dead-- people were selected and placed in a March Madness-style bracket. Europeians voted for the winners in each round, offering their favorite quotes from their favorite dead people and debating the contenders' relative merits.
In the end, Napoleon Bonaparte defeated George Orwell in the final, with Winston Churchill edging Mahatma Gandhi for third place. Here's a selection of quotes from the winner:
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.
The French complain of everything, and always.
Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in.
If one of Napoleon's aides replied C'est qu'elle a dit to that last quote, history did not record it.

No wonder they named a complex after this guy.
EBC Revival: Love is Everywhere
Gustavus Adophus Rex has revitalized the long-dormant Europeian Broadcasting Corporation. In addition to his own estimable contributions, Gus has recruited a dedicated staff-- Rachel, Skizzy Grey and Willem Jefferson. Together, they have assembled a series of regularly scheduled features, so that EBC provides Europeia with quality creative content every day.
Gus is unquestionably the EBC's brightest star, but his writing is in-depth and doesn't lend itself to excerpting. Therefore, we offer you this Valentine's Day special edition of "A Taste of Skizz," Skizzy Grey's curiously titled column:
In the wake of the Tiger Woods scandal a little over a year ago, Kansas City sportswriter Jason Whitlock did some excellent reporting on the VIP hostess scene. These "hostesses" get paid boatloads of money by extremely wealthy clients to find women that meet certain requirements and bring them wherever the client is--most often, Las Vegas. The women receive an all-expense paid trip to Vegas and access to all the VIP amenities; in exchange, there's a tacit agreement the women will make themselves sexually available to the client. Starf--kers are a dime a dozen, so if you're the hostess for a guy like Tiger Woods, your job is easy. As someone who thought one of the selling points for celebrity was how ridiculously easy it is to get laid, it blew my mind that Tiger actually paid tons of money to dispense with the miniscule effort it must take for him to get an attractive woman from the bar to his bedroom. I guess he wanted a transactional experience, and was willing to pay a lot of money to get it.
An astonishing percentage of men pay for sex at some point in their lives, so I'm aware a few readers have had their own low-rent version of the Tiger Woods Experience. For the rest of us, Valentine's Day is the closest we'll get to transactional sex. If you're in a steady relationship and buy the customary flowers and chocolates, you're practically guaranteed to get laid tonight, even if she might otherwise not be in the mood. If you buy her a nice piece of jewelry, or had the forethought to make reservations a month ago at her favorite restaurant, she might even do that super-hot, slightly nasty thing she knows you really like. And even if your relationship is in its death throes, your partner probably will grudgingly put out--but you'll have to initiate it, and I personally wouldn't blame you if you decided to save your sweat for your morning workout.
Whatever your situation, I hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day. If it's a platonic holiday for you, enjoy it to the max--I had a blast helping my son make homemade Valentines for his classmates, so I definitely see the fun in that. If you're in the honeymoon phase of a relationship, enjoy the magic tonight--and every night, because honeymoon phases don’t last long. And if you're in a comfortable--or even tiresome--relationship, enjoy tonight for the opportunity it brings, and as you reap your transactional reward, feel free to utter the words from the Nike commercial: "I am Tiger Woods."

Gus and his minions. Not pictured: Rachel
The Outer Limits of Metaphysics: Fake Pundits Comment on Fake Elections
During the recently concluded campaign, there was considerable consternation about the lack of political commentary from the region's news outlets. Henry rose to the challenge, displaying his usual wit and uncompromising style. He wrote these words as voting was winding down, and the scope of the unexpected Earth/CSP landslide was becoming apparent:
Europeia has a tradition of wide-open debate. Henry's words did not offend, but as you can imagine, they stirred the pot. North East Somerset offered the most eloquent rebuttal:First off, does anyone else find it funny that the people winning our Presidential election are two people who have recently put in the least amount of work towards Europeia? Yeah, one of them is a legal guru and the other was recently our President, but shall we take a look at why they're actually winning?
Their competition. Rachel Anumia and Fortana; two people whom the region either doesn't take seriously enough, or takes too seriously. Even with Earth and CSP being mostly inactive this past term and not contributing much, the changed Rachel Anumia still stands very little chance to get inaugurated. During the past term or two, Rachel has shown a change in demeanor and how she presents herself on top of becoming one of the best legislative minds that we've had in the Senate in a while (not counting those who have repeatedly been in the Senate and long since lost any fire or desire to do a whole lot).
Fortana, on the other hand, has held quite a few positions in other regions where he has performed his duties admirably and really only runs into a blockade here in Europeia when it comes to getting anything done politically. The fact that he's gotten his Economy idea off the boat at long last, in defiance of those policing the waters, shows just how dedicated he can be towards seeing something through to the end.
The fact that they both are outstripped by a team-up of people who haven't done much recently, but are well liked, just goes to show how far our Democracy has fallen into a popularity contest.
That being said, I think that both Rachel and Fortana should have been able to read the situation in Europeia better to realize where they would best be suited for the moment. I think Rachel should have definitely continued her career in the Senate for the time-being, perhaps take on another Ministry role should it be cast her way and to continue eradicating the events of the past months from peoples minds. It's a testament to how hard it is to dispel first impressions, which I hear can be quite a bitch.
Fortana has never really been taken seriously here, and even though I have trouble understanding why that is or how it started, and even though I think it unfair; I think he should have taken that into account before trying to run for President out of the blue and without trying to work harder to dispel in peoples minds the idea that he isn't a good choice for higher office.
The Presidential Race and how it's turning out is nothing short of completely predictable, no matter how you look at it.
Our Senate race, or lack thereof, is even more predictable. Nothing really gets changed in the Senate. New ideas are hardly ever committed. When something is changed, it's slow to be agreed upon and usually just an amendment. It's been a long time since anything new was actually able to be introduced. I think that the biggest part of this is what Carracella remarked upon: We've hit the wall in what people here have assumed our destiny to be. There are people here who don't think we can take Europeia any further down the road, or refine her any further.
Simply put, we're stuck in a rut because we think we're perfect. After 4-5 long years, Europeia has reached what it set out to do. Who really wants to join the senate only to have their ideas ear-marked for the trash bin because they don't coincide with peoples view of the perfect Europeia? After a while, who is really left who cares enough to try?
Nothing is ever perfect. Nothing is ever finished. Europeia is far from having nothing left to do and even further from utopia. I think that a lot of our problem in that regard is that we listen too much to the people who say that we are. I think that we should instead begin to listen to people who do have ideas; who do wish to take Euro to a next step instead of allowing it to stagnate in the mistaken belief that we have hit the final wall.
I'm not talking about change for the sake of change, but change for good reason, backed by good arguments.
We still have work needing to be done in shaping up our foreign affairs. We still have work to do in the Interior, in Welfare and Naturalization. We have work to do in the Senate, refining our laws and making new ones. There is always work to be done. There will always be work needing to be done. We will never hit that wall where the only thing needing to be done is maintenance of what we already have in place. Never.
Controversy is good. It stirs activity and makes people pay attention, but at the end of the day, it's a shock factor and little else. Eventually, it will lose its ability to shock people. Stop trying to fill the gaps with controversy. It isn't the answer. The problem is that we've hit a mental blockade where people can't really see the next step. The answer is that we shouldn't stop looking for ways to improve Europeia. The answer is that we shouldn't just limit ourselves to what one; or a few; thinks to be an improvement. You say you're open to all sources, but there are those you discount based on personal bias, no matter what you say to the contrary, and the elections as they stand right now only serve to confirm that bias.
You have no one to blame but yourselves. How's that for controversial?
Time will tell whether Henry or NES was right. Whatever the outcome, we will report it to you-- but if you've read this far, aren't you interested enough to come to our forums and see for yourself??Interesting points, but I don't really fully agree with any of them. I don't think it's a popularity contest, I think Europeians are electing the credible candidates here, the unequivocally better candidates to put it bluntly. There is certainly a sound case to say that over the last term Earth-CSP haven't been massive frontline contributers, but clearly they are capable of being so we have seen in the past, so I don't see that as a huge sticking point. I don't think Fort has put across a particularly coherent campaign, and I don't think this was the right time for Rachel to run. To me, personally, and he is a nice chap, so I really don't mean to demean or insult, but Fort lacks a certain quality I expect of a Europeian President - that maybe other regions would not - that's not to say he cannot grow the quality. Lethen was an erratic and slapdash young chap when I first met him and he....hmm, maybe not a good example...
However, I think this will go down as the election where VP's really made a difference. Not so much who they were, although that is obviously significant, but their timing. The fact the two losing camps presented a last minute campaign without VP selected at the start really served to separate and distance them from the ultra-prepared and organised candidacy of Earth. I think that was the ultimate reason why we see such a colossal gap in the votes between Earth and the other two candidates. Neither PL nor whoever Fort picked I can't even remember offhand, posed such a cutting and professional figure as CSP, whom has become a bit of a household name, I'm sure he would like to think so anyway, though the Senate election might take him back down to Earth - pardon the pun.
Regarding the nothing changing issue, I certainly don't see the need to adjust laws unless there is evidence that the status quo is not working. But that doesn't mean that achievement stops, not all achievement is derived from law, or from the Senate. As you mentioned there is a great deal more Europeia can do, in several fields, and the candidates in the election campaign have addressed this and made proposals. I agree those who think we are perfect or in any way near what we should be aiming at should be ignored, but that doesn't mean we should avoid celebrating what we have achieved so far. Hopefully the next government will go some way towards doing that, and I know that they will prioritise bringing on our next crop of leaders, giving them the know how they need to lead the region in the future, an incredibly important task, which I am sure will not be forgotten.