Thank you!

Now heres some news:
The Gatesville Foreign Report-Issue 3
Gatesville Stats
Founder: Gates the God
Regional UN Delegate: Nevadar
Gatesville Forum:
Gatesville Population: 1046 Nations
Gatesville Power: Extremely High
From the Desk of the Foreign Advocate
Evening all, and welcome to another edition of the GVFR! I've decided that now once a month there will be an overview of events, though this will merely be a brief summary. Important happenings will be expanded upon in their own issue every 1 (or 2) week(s). So enjoy the first summary!
~Pope Lexus X~
Summary of Events
1) Foreign Affairs: Gatesville has announced its departure from the organisation ACCEL. An official from the Gatesville HC Chambers has stated, "Inactiveness in the organisation" as the reason for Gatesville's departure. In other news, we are very glad to announce the re-opening of our embassy with The North Pacific, and we are also sad to announce the closure of our embassy with The South Pacific, unless a request is made.
2)GV Police Department: Many more Spammers have been caught and reported/listed recently. The GVPD continues to keep the region spammer-free, keeping us all that little bit saner..little..
3) Gatesville Guard: The Guard continues to grow as ever, though no missions have occured recently. The GG remains alert and ready however, so who knows what tomorrow may bring.
4)Recruitment: The Region continues to grow, although it appears as if only one nation has entered since the last issue, I remind our readers that a huge number of nations die off in Gatesville almost daily, and to keep nations coming in and retaining our size takes a phenominal effort from the recruiting team.
5) Intelligence: Intel what?