Benevolent TAO Re-Elected

Benevolent TAO Re-Elected


A smug looking TAO at party headquarters after hearing the news

Admin Island, The West Pacific: The West Pacific Senate went to the polls yesterday to vote on whether an election for First Minister was needed, in a vote which is seen as an opinion poll of the Senate on the previous term.

During the election campaign, TAO responded to charges of arrogance.

TAO is Elite but TAO is not Arrogant. Arrogance seeks to secure only its own ... something you yourself should be very familiar with. By contrast, TAO is one among a group of players who by virtue of position or education exercise much power or influence in TWP for the betterment of the region. TAO's focus is and has always been (since May 2004) to make TWP a better and more enjoyable place.

TAO had a good term in the eye of NationStates. His Operation Slingshot was a great success, a good example of how the influence rules can be used in favour of the Delegate against 'endorsement leeches', as was his appointment of a number of co-Regents to secure The West Pacific from endotarters and invaders. TAO was also useful in overseeing the creation of the Town Council, which now has a vote in the Senate. His general style, oral skills and handsomeness has won him many admirers. Questions were, however, raised in The North Pacific over his Foreign Minister's, Scwarzchild, handling and interference in the coup by former Delegate Dalimbar, he was asked repeatedly to leave the matter due to his unhelpful comments but refused. TAO also did not send help to The North Pacific to help unseat the rogue Delgate Dalimbar, something that has caused some friction between the two feeders.

However despite strong criticism from controversial Senators Ramaba and Freedom and Pride, TAO won the vote comfortably with sixteen votes, (Rolheath, The Poo Dynasty, Anarchy Wolf, Darth Zorn, Kaze Hikari, The Faeyas, Papercuts & Skittles, Neenee, Eli, Enegro Montoya, Todler, The Realm of The Ream, Clockwork Isle, Lots of Ants, Schwarzchild, and The Town Council) to five (Freedom & Pride, Ramaba, BIteland, Florestan, and The Rose Resistance). And so it is with the confidence of the electorate, TAO moves The West Pacific forward down the trail of progress in NationStates.

Written by Emperor Matthuis
Can you describe what "Operation Slingshot" was? Thanks.
Kirby knew about it because of diplomatic thingies. Kirby's pretty sure it's kosher for public knowledge and (upon preview) there's a thread with Kirby reporting it to the Cabinet here. MO should check her inbox in a moment anyway.

Kirby's glad to hear his good friend TAO (who is not a vampire) has survived into another round.