A new day begins

The new Minister leaves his offices at the University and walks briskly across the campus towards the main thoroughfare in Magicality City down towards the government building that is home to the Ministry of Culture and Education.

After a short while, he arrives at the entrance, and the security guard notices his arrival and waives him through the security gate. "Welcome back, Mr. Prime Minister."

"Thank you, but that's not my office these days."

"I know, sir, but we mean it as a sign of enduring respect. In any event, here are the passkeys to the Minister's Suite. The decorators finished their work this morning."

"Yhank you. Has all of the offices in the building been cleaned up? The last occupants left such a mess of debris and garbage I don't know how they could get anything worthwhile done."

"Yes sir, it took 10 truckloads to haul all the trash away."

"Shameful. But it's a new day and we'll just move forward. I'm bringing over some of the university staff to help over here, so let me know when they arrive."

"Yes, sir."

The Ministers heads to his suite, scans his passcard in the door lock and enters his official suite. "Ah, it's just the way I wanted it. A talented interior decorator is always a wonderful thing to have."

The Minister reached his desk, brought out of storage from his terms as Prime Minister. He sits at the desk, boots up his computer, and opens a document file.

The Minister begins to type:

Things to do:
1. Appoint a deputy.
2. Talk to Ator People anout the University and getting the Board back up to speed since Board elections are due this month; and getting the new semester organized and ready.
3. Get a task force up and running for ideas to implement the new holiday law.

"That will be plenty for anyone, even me."[/i]
This is for you Grosse.
