Say Something Nice About the Above Poster

Rules are simple enough. Something nice, complimentary, something you like about the last person before you. Will it have the sort of success that the violent threads had? Dunnae kno.

As this is the OP I'll start things off...

Kirby: You are the handomest devil to ever grace this side of Yowza. :lol:
Easy now. The thing about the above post is things you say have to be at least passably true! :lol: / :(

So, how about this. Great Bights Mum. A nice old bird; an internet bosom as big and welcoming as TNP's ever had. Safe is the North cradled in her gigantic arms; warm are we with her.
^ knows exactly what to say to make me feel like a million of the Queen's English pounds. It's spooky sometimes.