Magic salutes from..

Magic salutes to all,

hello dear people of The North Pacific. I'm pleased to be around here, since i've been looking for a peaceful region to settle. I truly wish to prosper among this region as a trusted member of your society.

In Respect,
Godric Gryffindor
The fact of you to greet me was enough to see you're simpathetic, at least towards me Joshua, so i believe you actually are :yes:

Thank you Grosseschnauzer, i will indeed, as i could saw this is really interesting all this boards at a true political body like a kind of Ministry, awsome.
Welcome to the region! If you are interested, registration for The North Pacific University will be starting soon so feel free to take a course or two!
Thank you my friends Bights Mum and Ator People. The North Pacific University?? I haven't see that yet, well i'm in that part of the process when you are yet meeting all the places around here i haven't reach University yet but that's a promessing invitation, thank you Ator.