The Rejected Realms

Far from first-class intel, here's some bits from the RMB.
30 minutes ago  The Banana Slinging Realm of The Crazy Monkeymen  The Rejected Realms,

I want to apologise. I know this nation was used to ban others from the region of Taijitu, in order to replace Kandarin as the Delegate of this region. Please let me assure you that I have regained control of my nation and the password has been changed and will not be given out again. Sadly, a rogue Delegate hijacked the Founder nation of Taijitu (he did not have the password to the was given to him...after which he changed it without my consent), and then used it to perform a mass ejection.

I had no idea what was happening (I was sound asleep at the time), and have been at work all this is the first time I've had to apologise.

As I type, a motion to have PoD (Red Kragan) impeached and banned from further office in the region is underway, as well as a motion supported by the Senate, demanding that PoD leave The RR in peace.

To those nations who were ejected, please accept my apology. You will always be welcome back in Taijitu and I will help any nation who so wishes, to make a complaint in the Senate....strengthening the current motion to have PoD impeached.

Once again, I am sorry. I hope to see Kandarin back in control of The RR very soon, and will organise UN nations myself to help with this if need be :)

Amy (owner of TCM).
24 minutes ago  The United Unions of Rebaltion  Well, I was scrolling around Wysteria's forums and lookie what I found out:

If there was any doubt that PodGunner supports Taijitu based invasions, together with DEN they just took over the Rejected Realms. Not that they can eject anyone, but the whole thing was very fishy.

The founder of Taijitu ejected tons of inactive UN nations into the Rejected Realms that had already endorsed the lead invader. My guess is that a whole lot of them were owned by very few players and that they were previously logged into from other places. Ejecting them from Taijitu into the Rejected Realms was a way to get around being caught cheating.

I liked you apologie. To bad its a bunch of LIES.
22 minutes ago  The United Unions of Rebaltion  Sorry TCM, I missed the part of you being hacked.
6 minutes ago  The Knights of the Realm of Westwind Armed Forces  I recommend those that were ejected to the RR without their consent to this invasion, unendorse Red Kagran and endorse the rightful delegate Kandarin.
6 minutes ago  The Liberating Presence of Windstalker  TCM,

It's my view that all who actively supported this invasion from Taijitu should be removed from Taijitu to salvage the reputation of Taijitu. That includes Soverign Dixie, PoD and whoever else involved. For all the Taijitu UN nations who aided this invasion without their consent, I request that you remove your endorsement from Red Kagran a.k.a PoD or leave TRR to lower the endorsement count of the invader delegate Red Kagran.

Let me note that as a participant in these events, and a Taijitu member, I know more than most.

A basic explanation, respecting the separate needs of secrecy of Taijitu, goes like this:

1. The Delegate who was also CoFounder and as Delegate supreme Executive, PoD Gunner/GMT/Red Kagran decided to make a campaign to seize the Rejected Realms.

2. The methods involved were the ejection of 200 of his endorsers and then himself.

3. Due to influence considerations he used the Founder nation which he as CoFounder had access to.

4. The person who's nation the founder nation originally had been took issue with this.

And a note about Wysteria;

They banned PoD and then myself for no reason but being Taijituan Ministers months ago-- saying that we were invaders as the Taijitu Army had participated in an invasion they took issue with.
Well this is all very fishy in my opinion, reminds me of what used to happen in The Lexicon, something would happen, then it would be followed by conflicting stories, apologies, blaming people, people saying that they were hacked and cover ups.
I would make the observation that PoD and Sovereign Dixie, at a minimum are members, or have applied for membership, in our Regional Assembly.

Reason for concern? Perhaps. Since there's no way to know how they will behave here.
They may have been involved in the plot, but they are both responsible and trustworthy people and would be good assets to the Regional Assembly.
One take on this is there's a nominal ceasefire/withdraw in place, so we ducked out of being totally supported by them just in time for the "OMG u inv@d3rz" mud to come up. So we get less mud on us by proxy. For what that's worth.
It's not about the region, it's about the Delegate. I honestly can't think of a single mainstream player who dislikes Kandarin, or holds some grudge against him. I also can't think of anyone who doesn't have respect for what he accomplished there, without any ban button. Noone except the Taijituans, that is.
Without the ADN to protect him, this was bound to happen.
My (un-scientific, anecdotally biased) memory says TRR probably got safer once the ADN died and Kandarin withdrew, becoming no longer Target #1 for the anti-Nasicournian bunch.

When such events wound up happening anyways I suppose it did leave him tied to the railroad tracks there.

Isn't BOSS supposed to come save the day or something? Or are they impotent too?
I don't see why not - nothing wrong with a statement of regret at the actions of a few sullying the name of our friends in Taij, and support for Kandarin's delegacy, blah blah blah.
Without the ADN to protect him, this was bound to happen.
I sort of agree with what UK said. In the past, anyone and everyone who had beef with Nasi or the ADN would take up residence in the RR just to be annoying. Now, they face no such danger.

Although the ADN would have been able to offer more intelligence services in rooting out the attack before it happened, they would have been hard-pressed to adequately defend against it. After all, the night that Taijitu took the delegacy, they led the region in endorsements by an astronomical amount (80 or so). And it had only been about an hour until update. I think that if the ADN were around, the region could have put up a decent fight, but victory would have been difficult, if not impossible.

In any case, I, too, think that we should release a statement. Support Kandarin, support the RR, blame select members of the Taijitu leadership, but shield the greater region of Taijitu. After all, most of them are absolutely blameless.
Well, since no one seems to be in a hurry to actually write the damn thing, I might as well give a shot at it.

It is with deep regret that we observe the recent situation in the Rejected Realms. We must express our disappointment and disdain at the involvement of a few Taijitu officials with DEN in the unjustified invasion of the Rejected Realms.

We believe that by drafting without over a hundred unwitting UN nations without their consent to serve as ammunition in this invasion, those officials have blatantly and egregiously abused the trust of their constituents. They have damaged the reputation of Taijitu and all its citizens through their actions. However, we do not lay the blame for this crime at Taijitu and its citizens but at the feet of a select, ignoble few that have wielded their entrusted authority in an outrageous fashion.

We commend the actions that the citizens of Taijitu have taken to reverse this offense and wish them the best in carrying out justice and rebuilding their diplomatic image. Furthermore, we hope that the Taijitu natives who found themselves in the RR may make their way back home quickly.

I know that Dali was pretty outraged over the thing, too. Any chance of having this statement be a joint statement, as well? We might as well exploit the potential political capital in this.