E07 Forums' Importance, Class 2

Lesson 2: Bureaucratic Management "Because issues are boring"

So we see that forums foster a sense of community that allows organized action. We also see why we need that sense of community.

However, this is a role-playing game, after all, and although hanging around and chilling is pretty fun, people want more to do. Many players desire a greater immersion into politics and to achieve a sense of accomplishment from their efforts. Therefore, we need to expand beyond answering issues and electing delegates. We need collective, concerted action; we need a government; we need bureaucracy.

Expansion into regional governance

Now, please don't think of "bureaucracy" as a negative term. People need stuff to keep them occupied and avenues by which they may distinguish themselves. As far as the game proper goes, the only ways by which a nation may stand out and compete with others is on the daily regional and world rankings. To be frank, this is pretty boring and non-interactive. Fortunately for us, the game has provided us with "regions", a level of management beyond that of an individual nation. And since the game gives the founder and/or UN Delegate a practical monopoly on regional power, a hierarchy of sorts naturally occurs. From this, we may derive the basic structure of power within a region.

This then leads to a natural conclusion--If the region backs the current power structure, whether that be a representative government of equals or a benevolent tyranny on the part of the Delegate, it can be assumed that they will want to help the region grow and advance. (Of course, if the region is largely uninterested in the goings-on of the region, the region by and large lacks a sense of regional community, and all this is moot.) A common outlet for this desire for expansion is to either form or maintain a working government. Although the game grants a monopoly on power to two individuals, at most, with their consent, such power can be distributed amongst the region. This allows far more individuals to participate meaningfully in regional affairs and to compete amongst themselves for the most desired positions. In short, competition breeds activity.

Forums and bureuacracy

Of course, hardly any of this can be accomplished without forums. As mentioned before, the RMB is laughable as a record-keeping device. Can you imagine trying to write a constitution or some form of governing document on the RMB? Can you imagine any number of people being able to have a meaningful discussion on it? Can you imagine how many times it would have to be reposted? It is almost literally impossible. And never mind setting up the government--how are you supposed to efficiently organize any sort of action via telegrams or on the RMB? You simply can't. The forums provide far more flexibility to a region as far as organization, archival, and privacy.

Let's use TNP as an example and see what the forums bring to its functioning.

Legislative action
The forums provide a place for our RA to gather together and discuss new legislaton and issues pertinent to the region. Most discussions last for several pages of posts, which would have long been bumped off on the RMB. Furthermore, sensitive issues require private environments, and forums can be set to allow limited access for increased security. Also, laws are meant to be pretty much permanent, and forums allow them to be recorded and referred to in the future.

Easy status differentiation
When you look at a nation in-game, you do not have any clue about its larger role in the region. What do they do? Are they in charge of something? However, the customizability of forums allow the creation of such things as member groups and special member icons. Moreover, players can differentiate themselves individually and add such distinguishing bits like avatars and signatures. Basically, forums allow the display of a lot of relevant information with very little effort expended on the part of the reader.

Media production
This is actually one of the things that not having forums doesn't hinder all that much. One can type up a news story and post it on the RMB, and so long as it doesn't get bumped off, one can still read and comment on it decently well. However, forums allow it to never be bumped off, as well as the inclusion of types of media other than text. Pictures, sound, flash videos, and more advanced formatting tools all help to make publications look more professional and interesting.

Justice system
One cannot really pretend to have an impartial judicial process if evidence cannot be stored, maintained, and submitted. By providing a limitless amount of history, forums allow evidence to be immortalized and untampered with (sorta).

Personal history
Along the same lines, as our in-game actions are in the form of the typed word, forums carry a player's personal history. One cannot dodge accusations or claim unfair attacks if record of their actions exist. Reputations don't simply disappear after a few bumps of the RMB. :P

As far as diplomatic affairs go, it requires both some degree of privacy and space. Privacy for confidential discussions and space for regions to inform their friends and allies of their affairs and needs. Forums provide both.

Military matters
This is definitely something that requires secrecy. Many an invader's plans have been foiled because they planned out in public out on the RMB.

This very University :P
Lessons on the RMB? *shudder*

Since TNP has all of these, add them together and imagine trying to do all those simultaneously on the RMB. Not. Going. To. Happen.

This doesn't even take into account the fact that forums are the ONLY way to bring together in a group nations from different regions. Large multiregional alliances, organizations, or military pacts should be discussed in a private setting by its members in one location. That location simply does not exist in-game, unless one specially creates a region for that purpose. Therefore, the creation and maitenance of such a group absolutely depends upon offsite forums.

From bureaucracy to personal achievement

What we notice from the above is that they all have avenues of advancement. From the RA, you can join the various ministries. From within each ministry, you can rise in rank and responsibility and make yourself known to the voters. The best example of this is in the Ministry of Defense, where players go on missions and are promoted as their actions warrant. There is potential for a player to start out as a lowly private and (with some hard work and dedication) get promoted to a command rank. From there on, you can run for higher political office--becoming a Minister, or even Prime Minister or Delegate.

This potential for advancement keeps players in the game. So long as there is something that is just beyond their current station that interests them, they will likely make a move to achieve it. Out of this, you get players with dedication and drive, and out of that dedication, you get players with loyalty and the desire to make the region better.


Taken as a whole, this means that the bureaucracy that forums facilitate makes players more active and increases retention. It binds them to the regional community further and spurs organized growth and an unchaotic avenue for change and new ideas. In this way, a region can fight the forces that are responsible for a region's demise--inactivity and disinterested members.


So...that was about a week late. Oopsie. This week's lecture might also be a few days late, but the July 4th holiday should help a bit.

You mentioned that Hethrum has its own forums. Can you discuss a bit about (in your opinion) the most popular, most productive, and most ignored (but important) sections of your forum? How have you tried to increase interest?

Questions, flames, and free money are always appreciated.
You mentioned that Hethrum has its own forums. Can you discuss a bit about (in your opinion) the most popular, most productive, and most ignored (but important) sections of your forum? How have you tried to increase interest?

Yes, Hethrum has its own forum and rarely uses its RMB. In comparision with the North Pacific, of course,our region
is microscopic, are forum tiny and our bureaucracy miniscule, but we do follow the principles you have outlined.

Hethrum Forum Site Map (Public Viewable areas only)

Announcements & Informalities
Welcome To Hethrum! New Members

New members can meet and greet everone here

Announcements, News and Updates

Read this forum for announcements

This is where a Hethrum calender is kept up to date. The HEthrum Calender is currently hosted on google and can be searched. This is in beta please help!

Hethrum Regional Council
Do you have an idea? Well post it here for the region to check out and help you with. Potential proposals can be discussed here.
This is where proposals are discussed, articles added/edited and additional ideas are explored. A Citizen finished proposal enters this area and members can fully discuss it and suggest alterations. "Please be as pedantic as you want and produce as much constructive criticism as you can" A proposal must gain 50%< support to progress.
Regional United Nations Office
UN Delegates Office
This is the office of the UN Delegate. The current Delegate is: AP3 10.The Delegate is responsible for representing the views of Hethrum in the UN. Vote on the current UN Resolution here.
I have a proposal !
As UN members many of you are aware that you can propose resolutions for the UN when you have two endorsements. If you want help constructing a UN proposal or just want to get the regions support, post here.
Forum Explaination and Management
I Don't Understand
This area contains posts explaining how the forum works.
Media/ Organizations
Interested in Free Media? Registration & General Information
This contains all the information you need to set up a media outlet and publish regular editions for the Hethrumite public.
Hethrum News Corporation
A state media outlet that provides 'free, unbiased, independent and truthful news on a regular basis for the Hethrum Region'. Statement: ''Welcome to the Hethrum News Corporation. We, as a unified corporation, seek to create an excellent source of information on a week to week basis. We are truly invidualstic and unique for every edition of news we bring you is created by the nations of Hethrum and is edited by Niploma - Hethrum's Founder. Unlike any of the Independent Broadcasting Services we pride ourselves as being a full article in Hethrum Law. We are a fully legal, fully truthful and fully Hethrumite organisation. We support only one thing and one thing alone - the citizens of Hethrum.'' Hethrum Times
The oldest independant private news outlet in Hethrum. This outlet is currently run by Delta 5 out of New Hethrum.
Hethrum Elections, Defense and Additional Usergroups
Electorial Officers
This is the office of the public officer responsible for the free and fair elections in Hethrum.Elections take place here. The Electorial Officer/Commisioner for Hethrum is Onsuma, who was appointed on the 19th May 2007.
Additional Usergroups (Natives)
What are Additional Usergroups? Why do we have them? What do they do? Do you want to join them? If you are a non-citizen please be directed to the 'Application for Region' area.
Hethrum Life
Regional Days Celebrations
This is where Regional days are planned and celebrated. Next Regional Day: Chairperson Day 2007 When: Sun Jul 1 2007
Role Play
Hold your role-plays here! Regional Cartographer: Suicidel Tendencies
Discussion of Various Interests
Anything you want!! (Within reason: as always)
Regional Message Board
Excerpts from the continous postings on the RMB.
Create and interact in Hethrum games. New ideas always welcome, remember if you see anything good out there come and post it!
Travian is a internet game which is completly different to the text based NS. Several Hethrum members also play Travian,which has a graphical format. www.travian.co.uk
Greenpeace Hall
This is where the Hethrum Greenpeace Group meet for their regular weekly coffe mornings and meetings. This area is moderated by...

Welcome to Hethrum
This is where any users active at the time can give your ambassador/embassy welcome. The opening of Embassys does not require a Council Motion, so please contact any elected offical
Founderless Region Alliance
The embassy of the FRA in Hethrum. This is a interim embassy and memebrs of the FRA may of course ask for there own embassies.
The embassy of the Region of Rhineu. The Ambassador from Rhineu is Rain Of God. The Ambassador to Rhineu is ... Hethrum's Embassy in Rhineu is at: http://forums.rineu.co.uk/index.php?showto...0&#entry2409104 The White Rose
Embassy of the region of The White Rose http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/Die_Weisse_Rose/ Ambassador: Not assigned
Embassy of the region of Newgrounds. Ambassador to Hethrum:TheThing Ambassador to Newgrounds: ... The Newground forum is offline Application for Region
If you want an embassy, to become an ambassador for your region or to otherwise get involved post here using the prepared Applications. Also for those who want to join the region.(4,3,2,1). At the moment this is not required since we are not at a security alert (5).
Laws of Hethrum
The Hethrum Consitutution.
This is the place where the Hethrum Consititution is on display to the Public.
Ambassador Law
Well it is important to outline the special privleges and responsibilities of both Hethrum and Foreign Ambassadors in the Region.
Civil Right Law
This contains all the current laws regarding your civil rights.
Election Law
This is the law regarding the Election of public officials within are region.All members of the region have the right to be citizens and all citizens the right to vote on all proposals.
Media Law
This contains all the current law regarding the media outlets and practices on the Hethrum Regional forum.
Role Play Law
As Hethrum developed several laws where developed as methods of opening up Role Play within the forum, some of the initives described her may no longer be around, but feel free to browse.
Archive Of Hethrum
Past Announcements, News and Updates
This is where threads from the Announcements, News and Updates forum can be stored for future use.
Past Regional Council
The archive of past RC activities.
The Anumist Alliance
This is the foreign embassy of the TAA, which had its main forum at http://z14.invisionfree.invalid/Anumist_Revolu...dex.php?act=idx. Contact ceased on Wed 13th June 2007 after the declaration of region death.
The Complaints Board

Greater Complaint Department
This is where a complaints departnment issues an official argued report in response to an office investigation to a Complaint.
Regional Council Complaints Department
This Department is tasked with recieving and investigating complaints involving rc voting.
Executive Complaints Office
Any supportable complaint can be made here about any instance of Executuive Action
UN Complaints Department
This Department is tasked with recieving and investigating complaints involving the the UN delegate.

Some of the most popular areas include:

The new members welcome area
RC discussions
Role Play
Hethrum News Corporation
Voting Threads

Some of the most important but least posted in (locked) or viewed:

Law areas
Complaints areas- Hethrum has yet to have a case to test its complaint system (investigative powers for judical actions in RC)

Some of the most productive areas are the regional council and up till recently the media areas, with limited membership production has grounded to a halt.

As the single Admin i have tried several methods of boosting activity including:

Direct recruitment. I find this the most direct (but not easy method of getting activity)
Nagging real world contacts.
Streamlining(merging) older areas.
Producing lots myself.
Browsing foreign forums for ideas.
Rebuilding Usergroup Hierarchy and differential access (Yay i get full access)
Trying not to be a dictator (only joking)
Oh and one other thing:


Quick run!
There's a mod coming round the corner