Safeguarding Our History[Archived]

Hello regionmates,

Our UN Delegate Javar has been working on this replacement should UNR#15 be voted down. He would like your input as to it's strength and any changes you would suggest.

Safeguarding Our History act

Category: ??
Strength: ??

NOTING the repeal of UNR#15 primarily on the grounds of ineffectuality.

ASSERTING that truly significant historical sites are effective tools in the education of citizens both of the accomplishments and the failures of the past. So that the future may build on or learn from them.

FURTHER ASSERTING that in many cases the location of these sites makes them vulnerable to demolition for expanding business and population growth.

CONCERNED that this growth of the future will come at the expense of the past.

UNDERSTANDING that the only the nations themselves can truly determine the sites that are historically significant.

DEFINING a Historic Site as any building, cemetery, battleground, area, or other specific location or object whose significance to the nation can be attested to through historical research.

ESTABLISHES the United Nations Historical Site Preservation Committee (UNHSPC). To oversee the classification and proper preservation of historical sites the nations deem worthy of protection.

REQUESTS all nations designate locations they feel meet the definition of historical sites and submit them to the UNHSPC for cataloging.

FORBIDS unless by an act of nature the destruction of catalogued sites for any purpose but the restoration thereof, or if the condition of the site is one that poses a threat to the health and welfare of the citizens.

FORBIDS the sale, trade or other transfer of those properties to any individual or company whose intent is not the restoration and protection thereof.

REQUIRES that any and all restoration of the site be certified by the UNHSPC as historically accurate and performed with tools genuine to the time of original construction whenever practical.

ALLOWS the modification of historical sites for the purposes of adding tourism services including but not limited to gift shops, bathroom facilities, ranger stations, only if an alternate, suitable area is not available, and only to the smallest extent necessary

Thank you

Josiah Barttlet
President of The United States of Philimbesi.
We have sent this proposal to our legal team and they seem to be able to agree with it. It seems to give enough liberties but also secure preservation of certain sites. Missing could be an incentive for registering sites in the catalog. Furthermore we should ponder on allowing reutilization of sites in a way that guaranties the preservation of their dignity, but makes further uses, besides those of touristic nature, possible. Maybe that way even Mr. Gramiko could agree to it and not allow the complete destruction of those palaces he has mentioned in the halls of the UN.

Never the less, we will have to return to this discussion after giving it some further thought.

We salute you, United States of Philimbesi. We are grateful for your hard work.
Not sure that there is a way to add incentives short of the obvious condemnation of acts of destruction by other nations and the like. The UN has no money so monetary incentive are out. If you have any other ideas we'd be glad to hear them.

Javar Parez Dequar
Venerable friend.

Unfortunately we do not, but we hope that we can solve our lack of imagination in the very near future.
Venerable friend.

Unfortunately we do not, but we hope that we can solve our lack of imagination in the very near future.
LOL no worries. I'm sure not only will the other delegates and nations in our region have ideas. I'm sure the UN will have a wonderful time picking it to death.

If in the meantime you come up with something. Let me know.
We have given it some thought and perhaps we could find an incentive in letting the UNHSPC publish a catalog of touristic value with all the cataloged sites or perharps some other kind of touristic promotion of those sites. I can imagine that many nations could appreciate the extra Histamena every year. The question is if a measure as such would be included in a resolution.

We have been thinking of adding something that could please people like Mr. Gramiko that would like to reuse a site without transforming it to a touristic site and exposing it and its meaning to the masses. Nevertheless, one must be able to experience the site and one must be able to revert the site to a near original state if the reutilization is not needed anymore. We were thinking of something along the lines of:

ALLOWS the modification of historical sites, in the form of structures above or below the surface, for the purposes of civil use, under the condition that the historical context of said site remains openly experienceable and the constructional core of said building remains unchanged, except for the purposes of repair and the warranty of civil safety.

Please let us know what you think, as we have little experience with resolutions.

By decree of HM Demetrios Palaiologos I
One thing: It is not absolutely clear who actually decides what gets to be inducted as a legitimate "Historic Site". Is it the nation that submits the list, or is it the UNHSPC? In short, does the UNHSPC have the power to tell a nation, "No, that's not a Historic Site, and it's not going to get the special benefits that go along with it."

Because if it doesn't have this type of veto power, I can imagine nations categorizing all sorts of random things willy-nilly as an attempt to protect themselves from attack or accrue special privileges.