City Name Change?


There's a big part of me telling me to shut up beceause I don't have a suggestion, but how would people feel about considering changing the name of "Magicality City"? Besides the fact that I can't figure out how to properly pronounce this, any way I do just sounds dumb to me. What do you think?
Those of us who remember Magicality will be disappointed with a name change. She was a former Delegate, and one of the greatest to grace TNP with her graciousness. :D
Those of us who remember Magicality will be disappointed with a name change. She was a former Delegate, and one of the greatest to grace TNP with her graciousness. :D
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was a meaningful history. I assumed it was just some random thing.

Can a topic be deleted because it's stupid? :shrug:
Magicality was long before my time, and she is legend in these parts.

Her delegacy preceded UPS Rail and Great Bight, although the formal naming of the regional capital took place as part of the move from Old Blue to these forums.

Many of the basic institutions of the earliest days of The North Pacific came into beng during her Delegacy, including The North Pacific Army and The North Pacific Intelligence Agency.
Pretty much. She was likewise before my time, but by all accounts, she just disappeared one day...the result of which was the UPS Rail-Great Bight fiasco.
But she now ended her meaningless existence as a NS character and was elevated into the higher hunting grounds?
Compared to the eternal heaven of deleted NS-nations, where the nation of this player is now, and also compared to our all big and mighty over-God (Maaax!) nation, compared to all the miracles and wonders there are in this world beyond the borders of our own NS-world, the existence of this nation seems pretty non-important. (See, I'm creating my own sort of religion for NS with that! :P )

Seriously: if she let her nation cte, I think that is a strong sign that, compared to other stuff going on in her RL life, she thought having a nation in NS further was meaningless.
There was indeed. There were real-life reasons the privacy of which ought, probably, to be respected.
Isn't privacy granted through anonymity?
To a point, but when you've played the game for a while, others will come to get to know the person behind the nation. Thus, RL-circumstances are often granted a very high degree of privacy.

I myself do not know the circumstances of Magicality's disappearance, but if it wasn't made public, it probably was meant to stay private to a few people.
I think I like this game because there's a reason for everything.

But I do HATE how the forums use those ]brackets[ for everything. I instinctivly want to use >these< all the time.'ll get used to it. ;)

(And pretty soon, you'll accidentally start using BBcode for HTML tags, and your pages get sad.)
Sometimes I DO mutter nation names to myself while typing. However, recently I was looking at a nation name with no vowels (I forget the name) and I mumbled "I'm not even going to try". :lol:
I always wondered whether it was Francos Spain or Franco's Spain, I always pronounced it the former but it is recently that it occurred to me that I may be saying it wrong.
Fun fact: Even when we read, we still pronounce the words in our heads. Thus, although we may know the word already, it still takes us longer to read a complicated word than an easier word.
Many of the basic institutions of the earliest days of The North Pacific came into beng during her Delegacy, including The North Pacific Army and The North Pacific Intelligence Agency.
I don't intend to denigrate Magicality's achievements, she was my first friend in this game, but the above is incorrect.

The NPA was created during twoslit's first delegacy with Ananke, Nem and Sybertronia ( aka Syber rad) serving as its first generals. It predated her delegacy (and my own) by about six months.

The NPIA post-dates her time here. She worked with Cisco on one of the region's earliest information-gathering programs, but it was not government sanctioned.

Her greatest achievement was making so many of us feel welcome here and encouraging new players (among them Thel D'ran) to participate in our little off-site side game. She was a great person and I still miss her. I would be against any change to alter our tribute to her.
Sorry, Blackshear, my information came privately from Cisco in various conversaions over the years when he was around and active. Since Cisco was involved with both, and seemed to be first-hand, I thought it was reliable.