Argentina vows Falklands return!

This, for some absurd reason, reminds me of Greece's struggle for the Elgin Marbles. I know, these are islands... the others are a bunch of stone slabs. Still... I get the feeling they'll be waiting as long as we have had to... to get nothing.
This, for some absurd reason, reminds me of Greece's struggle for the Elgin Marbles. I know, these are islands... the others are a bunch of stone slabs. Still... I get the feeling they'll be waiting as long as we have had to... to get nothing.
The feeling pre-1982 was that Britain would have eventually given the islands "back" to Argentina (Argentina probably has about as much claim to those islands as Canada does to St. Pierre and Miquelon) peacefully eventually. The only hitch is the islanders do not want to be Argentine, and you can't just give human beings away against their will. Not since 1834 anyways. And who could blame them? Argentina at the time was busy throwing people out of airplanes. The war, however, rendered the British resolve to never give up the Falklands, ever.

But now they're saying there may be sixty billion barrels of oil underneath the water around the Falklands. SPIEGEL ONLINE
Wonderful! The oil argument again. You have no idea how often "oil reserves" were "discovered" in the Aegean sea so that Greeks and Turks can fight over the borders and the rights to the oil. After a while it always turns out that using the field would cost more than the oil would actually bring into the coffers. Most of the times it is just an excuse to create a new discussion about the marine borders, as especially Turkey is not very happy about them.

A similar thing is happening for the last couple of months in Cyprus. The funny thing is that the supposed oil field is partly in the waters that belong to one of the British bases on Cyprus. So now we got 3 parties claiming ownership. :lol: We call that "Kindergarten" here in Germany!
You can give away people actually!

It happens all the time!

I think Britain could make some good friends in Argentine by giving away the Malvinas...

Oh, and Palaiologos, if you go with the Elgin Marbles argument, then in consequence the Louvre would be really really empty one day! :lol:
No no... I didn't say I want them back in Greece. I am aware of the problem. (Even though the start has been made with the future return of the bust of Nefertiti from Germany to Egypt.) The hopelessness of the arguing parties, the hopes and the shallow promises... just reminded me of that issue.
Hm, to give the Argentinians at least the feeling of a partly victory, I would propose independence for the Malvinas!

Or make them a UN administrated territory!

Haha. As I used to love reminding Mussolandia, the Argies will never have a victory in the Falklands.

However, at some point in the future I would like to see Robo-Peron vs Robo-Thatcher in a battle to the death over them.