

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Regional Assembly Oath:
I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific.  I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region

In violation of the above section of the Regional Assembly Oath with the attempt to register three nations for Regional Assembly membership (Kuldon, Deitus and Draikia (who dropped the registration attempt earlier)), along with the public establishment of a armed faction, the Alliance of Nations for a Free Pacific (ANFP), whos sole intent is to overthrow the Feeder Delegates for their own purposes (as stated here), and under the advisement of the Security Council and relevant Ministries, I have no choice but to eject and ban Kuldon from the region.

Chodean Kal,
UN Delegate of The North Pacific.
Regional Assembly Oath:
I pledge to only register one Nation to vote in The North Pacific.  I understand that my registration of, or attempt to register, multiple Nations to vote in The North Pacific shall warrant the summary withdrawal of my right to vote from all my Nations, past, present, and future, as well as possible expulsion from the Region

In violation of the above section of the Regional Assembly Oath with the attempt to register three nations for Regional Assembly membership (Kuldon, Deitus and Draikia (who dropped the registration attempt earlier)), along with the public establishment of a armed faction, the Alliance of Nations for a Free Pacific (ANFP), whos sole intent is to overthrow the Feeder Delegates for their own purposes (as stated here), and under the advisement of the Security Council and relevant Ministries, I have no choice but to eject and ban Kuldon from the region.

Chodean Kal,
UN Delegate of The North Pacific.
If you look at the thread, you will see that I DID only register one nation. I withdrew my previous application before I applied as Kuldon.

To say that I attempted to register two nations is a blatant lie.

I was banned because of the post I made on the NationStates website in which I stated that I believed in the unification of the Pacifics under a single government.

Nowhere in that post did I state anything about military overthrow of the Regional Government. My comments about dictators were not in regard to the North Pacific. This is a misrepresentation of what I wrote.

I have not violated any laws of the North Pacific. I have not done anything contrary to the constitution. I merely expressed an idea which displeased you and you ejected and banned me for it.

As you have said, it is the right of the delegate (at least under NS Rules) to eject anyone he wishes. He does not have to have a reason. But within this Forum, this is a democratic government and under such a government even the delegate cannot eject members of the region just because "he feels like it." I therefore object most thoroughly to the treatment of my nation and demand that Kuldon be readmitted to the North Pacific with full status as a member of the Assembly!
Kuldon's two duplicate forum accounts have been placed under the same restrictions as the primary account.

Any proceedings will apply to all of Kuldon's accounts and the creation of any new accounts, when discovered will be treated in the same way. (reference to "nations, past, present, or future" in the RA application oath.)
As ordered by the Court of The North Pacific, I hereby unban Kuldon from The North Pacific.

Chodean Kal,
UN Delegate of The North Pacific.

Text of Court Ruling:

Before the Court of The North Pacific, Associate Justice Leland Gaunt presiding

Judicial Ruling in the request for Judicial Review by Kuldon

The expulsion of the nation "Kuldon" by Delegate Dalimbar (nation Chodean Kal) based on the Security Concil decision was justified and correct. The nation exposed a potential immediate threat to our region.

The banning of the nation "Kuldon" by Delegate Dalimbar (nation Chodean Kal) based on the Security Concil decision was justified and correct at the time of expulsion. The nation exposed a potential immediate threat to our region when still holding a UN member status.

The continued banning of the nation "Kuldon" is not justified and shall be removed with immediate effect. The Constitution of The North Pacific has a strong emphasis on nation's rights, especially on the limitation of expulsion and banning of nations. By no longer holding a UN member status the nation "Kuldon" no longer represents an immediate threat to our region. Extensive limitation of nation's rights like longer or unlimited banning is not covered by the authority of the Security Council.

The right to further prosecute behaviour of the nation or the player "Kuldon" by appropriate means based on TNP Constitution and TNP Law remains unaffected by this court ruling.


Leland Gaunt
Associate Justice of The North Pacific
An issue has arisen with respect to Kuldon's access to the forums that is not addressed in the quoted judicial review ruling.

Flemingovia as root adminisrator placed Kuldon's primary account in a special limited access satus, which was not the "banned" forum mask. Because of the information presented to the Security Council, the limitations were extended by me as Admin to two other accounts held by the same player.

Kuldon was not banned from the forums, so the effect of the Court's ruling is unclear. hee is nothing in the Court's ruling that preclude other judicial activities under the Constitution

There are some questions of fact (whether Kuldon did or did not "attempt" to register more than one nation to vote in violation of the Regional Assembly oath, and the imposition of a summary penalty of disqualification for all of the player's nations "past, present and future.") Since that is considered a crime under North Pacific Law, there remains the possibility of further judicial proceedings. So Flem and I need to have the question sorted out as to what changes should be made as to Kuldon's multiple forum accounts penind any decisions by the AG and the Court in such proceedings.
Kuldon seems to be playing nice. I have put him back in the general "members" group.

I am in a happy mood. The sun is shining, lambs are skipping in the fields. The scent of primroses fills the air as a gentle breeze wafts through the hedgerows. At times like this, I am proud to be British. Plus, my daughter just brought me a cup of tea. Kuldon is the net beneficiary. What's that, you say? Capricious administration? Surely not!