Haa-aaappy birthday,

I wish you all the best to your 20th birthday!


There was a time when I thought being 20 means that I'm old now, but it will pass, and you'll feel young like on your first day!

Have fun. :worship:
Kuldon wishes to extend its warm greetings to the Vice Delegate on this special day. Have a happy birthday Haor Chall!!
Cheers guys!

And 20 does seem old... Scarily old in fact.

Anyways, I'm just about to go out for the night, so I won't be around again until some point tomorrow afternoon at the earliest I imagine... :bar:
Mazel tov, young warrior. You have made it one more journey around the sun without being snatched away by a Lion. Or tricked into a headbutting match with an elk. Having reached prime mating age, Darwin has shown his favor of you. This age 'happens' to soon coincide with the (much easier) availability of mind-lubricrating inhibition inhibitors, also known for memory-erasing aphrodisiacs. Go forth and spread your seed, nobleman.