Hi I'm New!!


I never did post a hello topic in here, so I guess I still get to do this. I don't know exactly how long I've been gone from NS (much as you don't really notice when you fell asleep, remembering when you last logged in is kind of tricky), but it must be a few months at least.

I still haven't got much time, but I can keep my nations alive and pop in here now and then to discuss UN stuff, so that's what I decided to do.

As you can see, I also finally found a copy of my old flag (many blessings on NSWiki and Goobergunch), so my avatar is back as well.

Good to see you all again!
Ahhh, I vaguely remember something in the photos thread...
I don't remember what pictures I actually posted, but the fact that it's the first thing you remember about me makes me very uneasy. :blink:
Yes, you looked very...well, remarkable on that picture...

Heh, don't worry.

I was just browsing through all the photos one day, and you were one of the first to put a photo there, so I remember that. Also, that was the only post I ever saw of you!
I danced for a long time, lost in the movement. I danced until my muscles begged me to stop, until the blue paint mingled with my sweat and dripped onto the floor, and then I danced longer. The chant became louder as strange white noise seemed to enter the room.

Finally, I stopped.

Ya na kadishtu nilgh'ri stell'bsna Nyogtha,
K'yarnak phlegethor l'ebumna syha'h n'ghft,
Ya hai kadishtu ep r'luh-eeh Nyogtha eeh,
S'uhn-ngh athg li'hee orr'e syha'h.
I called out into the darkness. I did not practice the invocation before, because reciting the words aloud is dangerous in any setting, but in a ritual one they're somewhat controlled. Or so one likes to think. In reality (if indeed there is a reality of these things), there's no safe way to recite them.

My arms flew out from my sides, and my face turned to the ceiling:

Ia Cthulhu F'htagn!
Ia Cthulhu F'htagn!
Ia Cthulhu F'htagn!
Ia Cthulhu F'htagn!
Ia Cthulhu F'htagn!

Ya na kadishtu nilgh'ri stell'bsna Nyogtha,

Huh. In the only story where I saw that one, it was being used to banish Nyogtha. But perhaps these things depend more on the intention of the user (and the author :P ) than the words.
Ya na kadishtu nilgh'ri stell'bsna Nyogtha,

Huh. In the only story where I saw that one, it was being used to banish Nyogtha. But perhaps these things depend more on the intention of the user (and the author :P ) than the words.

Sometimes when you're dancing around naked in the dark covered in paint and candle wax, incanting This or That, summoning horrors too ghastly for hell, your mind wanders on to other things like lint in the dryer and maybe you flub up the words a little. What matters is whether the Great Old Ones will be reward my devoted intentions by allowing me to die first.
Sometimes when you're dancing around naked in the dark covered in paint and candle wax, incanting This or That, summoning horrors too ghastly for hell, your mind wanders on to other things like lint in the dryer and maybe you flub up the words a little. What matters is whether the Great Old Ones will be reward my devoted intentions by allowing me to die first.
Wait (*digs out the anthology*), I'll check.

No! It appears that I was wrong. The incantation I meant was similar, but there's a different word in there. I don't know what the word means, but it might be some kind of negation.

The Salem Horror:
The "Vach Viraj" incantation: [...] "Ya na kadishtu nil gh'ri stell'bsna kna'a Nyogtha [...]"

So I guess it's lucky I didn't go into the Elder Gods summoning/banishing business. I wouldn't last long. :lol:
So I guess it's lucky I didn't go into the Elder Gods summoning/banishing business. I wouldn't last long. :lol:
How fortunate you are then! To be among the first to be devoured is a great privilege! Few are those on whom the Great Old Ones would be so generous! I pity the rest, who will endure multiple seconds of torture at the unnerving tentacles of The Illustrious One before, finally, insanity! Luck, fortune, blessing do not fathom those who will receive the privilege of dying first.
I'm new too. Hope to promote civil liberties in the region and promote liberal political systems at the global level. would like to join with other nations for this purpose. Chiang Anglia means "New" Anglia in the former country of Thailand.

how about ur country?
Greetings, Ermarian...and may Nyarlathotep never smile upon you.

Hello, Chiang Anglia, and welcome (I'd wish you the same, but it's much better if you've never heard of the Mythos).
I knew one day I'd have to load up my trusty blunderbus, and deal with extra-dimensional squid, but I didn't think it would start here.

*Namyeknom welcomes Chiang Anglia, who probably isn't an extra-dimensional squid.

I'm pretty liberal, although my nation doesn't exactly reflect that. *cough* (This is what happens when you allow your roommate to decide on daily issues for you...)

Welcome and make yourself at home. :hello:

My ranking used to be Capitalizt, which is my favourite but recently I've become a Benevolent Dictatorship. However I prefer that to being a Compulsory Consumerist State.