Fun Things Enclosed!


YAAAAAA!!! YAAA for Fulhead and YAAA for Byardetc.!!!! They get it!!!

This has all been about raising the interest level, creating a bit of conflict and having fun....doing a bit of RP in the process.
I have taken into account the argument on IRC from Agamemmnon that, becuase there is a Flemingovia account in the Pacific I am answerable to their laws. I also take into account Moo Cows' comments that this is about roleplay and fun.

I have therefore decided to answer the summons. However, in order to preserve TNP integrity, it will be my Pacific persona who answers the warrant, since I am doing it on the basis that there is a Flemingovia account on the PAcific boards.

You may wish to follow the course of my Pacific persona's trial. I have been put on trial by the NPD and various other people. THis one should be fun.
NS life is one big discovery.

I am finding that being tried by the NPO is a bit like making love to a beautiful woman. They are very, very slow to get started and you are never sure if they will call it off before you really enter into things.
The Patriarch's uniform must be sent to the cleaners after tonight's roasting of Mesian. You wouldn't want to be tried with the stench of roasted spy in the air, now would you?

Besides, The Pacific goes to great expense to keep it's political prisoners in the lap of luxury while they await their trial and execution. Relax and enjoy the 5 star accomodations. Afterall, we only keep one stake at the ready. Anything more would be extravagant.
awww. come on. a post drawing on the finest British humourous tradition, full of sexual double-entendre, and you could not even muster a "lol"?

Sheesh, sometimes I wonder why I bother.
[OOC] If only you could have seen all the times I erased posts which mostly complimented Cru's appearance and your incredible good fortune. [/OOC]

The NPO is a very conservative organization. We repress that sort of thing.
Freud would have had a field day with you. take heed from what he said about repressed sexuality.*

* or was that Jung? I always get them confused.
A word of explanation may be in order here, before those following the progress of my trial in the Pacific get the wrong idea.

Like many of you, I have come to be a firm believer in role play and dualism. Each of my personas in the different Pacifics have a different character. For example, in the West Pacific my persona is a saint. In the North, I have a very different character.

When I agreed to answer the summons, Moo Cows with Guns (from whom I am told all legal and judicial authority stems in this region) personally told me that he was happy for the charges to be answered by my Pacific Persona. I have the logs of the conversation, should the court wish to see it.

It is not my fault that Moo failed to enquire closely what my Pacific persona was like. Unfortunately for the NPO, my Pacific persona is an economic migrant from Eastern Europe, working here as a plumber for a couple of years so he can send money home to his family. He speaks no English, so there is no point in demanding he answers in English.

I have been fully compliant with the court’s demands, as agreed by the Emperor. Should the language barrier prove a problem, I am sure it is not beyond the wit of a mighty feeder to provide a court translator. Sadly, they seem to prefer to remove any posts my Pacific Persona makes, and keep demanding that he speaks English, which he is unable to do.
Being a forum administrator yourself surely your aware taht posting like that and not in English is against IF regulations?

So pacifica are quite justified deleting your posts.
yeah, it's a bugger, but there you go. If the PAcific trials take as long as the ones over here, i am sure he will have time to learn English.
It is indeed a public trial. You do need to join the forum to see it. However it is set to be visible to any member (that isn't banned, of course).

You will be happy to note that the Emperor in his great wisdom has appointed the poor dullard, flemingovia of TP, not one, but two translators. They are holy men of most high esteem and we are certain they will be able to assist us in determining what the soul of the accused is really trying to say.

There is no need to worry about payment for this service. It will be provided free of charge. The NPO wishes to afford it's prisoners every opportunity to confess and cleanse themselves.

[OOC] On a different note: Mesian's burning is taking place Here. If you want to help make his last few hours with access a bit more memorable, drop by and leave a note.

Edit: I can't spell
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, the trial of my PAcific persona is proving to be a learning experience.

HEre is a comparative study of legal processes in NS:


The court asks questions, we wait three months for a result


THe court asks questions, and pronounces sentence three minutes later without waiting for a reply.


The court asks questions. The court supplies the answers.

Which proves one of two things about the NPO


They don't give a flying copulation about making their judicial system work, or
They are too incompetent to hire translators who can do more than work babelfish.

I think I can guess how it worked out:

Moo Cows with Guns: Anyone here speak foreign?
Chesen Men: I can use Babelfish. Will that help?
Moo Cows with Guns: Yeah. Just Babelfish what you can and Make up the rest.
Chosen Men: Ok. What's the URL for babelfish again?
Moo Cows with Guns: Oh Admin! Can't I get some decent help around here?
I love the translations Chosen Men is giving for the court. Here's an example...

Nu sunt un spion! Daca nu puteti gasi un interpret, intrebati de vara'mea, Natasha. Ea e o fata tare buna si stie engleza foarte bine. Are tot feliu de hartii si de patalamale. Si are mare nevoie si de un om.

This sentence is a bit more difficult, My Emperor. I will attempt to do my best but I have more than one translation and have numbered the most likely in order of probability.

Chosen Men's Translation:
I am not a spy! But if you need an interpreter, ask my lover Natasha.  1. She was a better student in school and knows a little more English. 2. She has a strong desire to sleep with all Englishmen.  She [Natasha] has here he enters into a description of her ample anatomy.  She prefers her men to be large like a bull.

After looking at all this, TAO is reminded of Cool Hand Luke ... "What we have here is a failure to communicate." The lack of communication is hilarious and Borat makes me laugh every time. Most of the fun of watching this thing is going to be the dual conversation going on between you and the translator. :jack:

"Yeah. Just Babelfish what you can and Make up the rest." :rofl:
I told you that your own attempt to make a mockery of the system will backfire.

It's a shame he doesn't speak enough English to correct the ..."translator."
If you will consider the meaning of his signature, it is highly mocking of our glorious Emperor and his Right Hand Chosen Men, debasing their character to dithering idiots.  Which they are not. 

With respect to Lord High Imperial Majestic Emperor, isn't it customary in a court to issue evidence when making a claim? :shifty:

Flemingovia (TNP):
So, let me get this straight. You are trying to enforce a warrant that no longer exists, in a court that has gone away, to a persona you do not believe in the existence of?
He has got them there. But only as long as they are willing to play the facade of fairness, "word of honor", and "rule of law" thing. They rule like mighty gangsters of a personal tyranny. There is nothing -on its face- wrong with that -cuius regio, eius religio- so long as they admit to it. They do themselves a disservice pretending in the first place.

Sweet Confucius in a Corncob pipe, "Which they are not." :rofl: