Party at the Palace


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
[Letter from the Delegate of The North Pacific]
My warmest greetings,

In celebration of the conclusion of elections, the formation of our next democratic government, and to honour our achievements across the years, I wish to invite you to the Great Palace of the Delegate to join me in some festivities. We shall be meeting in several areas of the Palace, including the dining hall, the ball room, the gardens, the lounge, and also the pools, which include a very nice hot tub if I say so myself.

Please note that all security will be handled by the Delegate's Foot Guards, and as such, bringing your own security is not necessary. If you wish to bring an entourage, feel free to do so.

Yours truly,

Chodean Kal,
Delegate of The North Pacific.
OOC: This is certainly a role-play party that has open invitation to all members of this forum, regardless of citizenship in TNP or not. Foreign ambassadors are encouraged to mingle and get to know us. Oh, also Admins, no, I don't want this in the RP forum. This stays in my office :P

Also, for your information, here are some pictures of the Palace.
Great Palace of the Delegate:

Part of the lounge:

Stairway to the guest rooms:

Fountains in the garden:

The pools:
Dalimbar is to say the least rather a bit nervous about this moment. He's waiting on several high-ranking members of the region and even from abroad to storm into his palace, probably wondering what in the world is going on, but are looking for a good time away from the office in any case.

As he doubts it would be proper for him to start pacing around the Palace waiting on his guests, he attempts to relax and takes a seat on his throne. The Delegate's Throne, not that it matters right at this matter. It's damn comfy and helping him relax.

"I certainly hope they arrive in time..." the Delegate whispers to himself.

One of the palace staffers almost trips into the Throne Room, trying to remember decorum and maintaining control over affairs, and announces that several of the guests have indeed arrived.

"Oh good! Please assemble them in the lounge. I'll be there shortly" Dalimbar says, almost rushing his words. As the servant saunters off, the Delegate slowly arises, makes sure he is all ready, and strolls off towards the lounge.

"Ruddy palace, why in the hell did they make it so damn large again?" It seems hours before he got to the lounge, though in reality it was 5 minutes. As the Foot Guards open the doors, he takes a breath, waits, then walks in, ready to introduce his guests to a party they will never forget...
It's the first day on the job, and she's already late.

*Monte Ozarka idles on the side of the road in a silver BMW, waiting for her boyfriend and guest for the night to figure out some directions that, hopefully, won't get them lost again.

"We got off the highway too late, honey. I said that that one off-ramp was what we wanted. *sigh* Just go back and take the first exit and a left."

Goddammit. This is just great--the new Minister of Communications has gotten lost due to a miscommunication. How fortuitous. MO pulls the car around and slams on the accelerator. She won't have gotten all dressed up for nothing tonight.

(OOC: Uh, this is a way for me to say that I'll finish it later. :P)
*Monumental Proportions stumbles up to the door, looking irresistible in his tux.

He knocks, looking around and half expecting a Mountie to jump out and escort him away.
General Ator People arrives in his helicopter, and in formal military attire enters the palace. He walks into the lounge and speaks with a couple government officials. He spots the delegate on the other side of the room and goes to meet him.

"Chodean Kal, amazing palace you have here!"

They chat for a few minutes. Ator People walks to the gardens where he gives a short interview for the Atorian Press.
*As the car drives up the driveway, Mesians better half is straightening his medals and fixing his uniform,
"How does a Colonel not know how to dress himself?"
With a little chuckle,
"War isn't about looking guchi honey"

The car stops, Mesian steps out and promptly opens the door for the lovley young Cait, and hand in hand, approach the door.

The door guards promptly come to attention, and Mesian quickly comments to the guards,
"Thankyou, the whole attenion thingy is not neccasary, makes me feel old."

Upon entering, Mesian spots the delegate, walks over and shakes his hand, keeping an eye on the man with sunglasses who has been watching his every move since he entered the palace, and after a brief conversation, hands over a vintage bottle of wine from the Mesian hinterlands,
"Watch out for this, 2 glasses and your legless"

He walks back over to the lovley Cait and find their seats. Sitting down, he loosens his jacket, and begins to chat,
"It appears this is going to be some party... now where is the free booze."
"Minister." A&E - better him than me. I'd be dead or crazy within a week.

"Minister." Nice to see AP back where he's comfortable - should be a fun term.

"Mr. Delegate, you look well. We'll meet up later - enjoy your evening." It always makes people nervous when lawyers say that. Tee hee!

"Colonel, pleased to see you again." Glad he stuck on with the Army, after that whole thing went south. Good man, there.

"Bartender - gin and gin, with a gin back. Grazie." Mmmm. Piney. Now to find an inconspicuous corner to lounge in.
*Monumental Proportions wonders. "What's all this then? How come they get to go in but I don't?"

"Sir, you could have gone in at anytime. No one was stopping you."

MP looks surprised. "Oh. Well kindly point me in the direction of the alcoholic beverages old chap. I feel my buzz dying down."

He gets a bottle in his hand and starts drinking.
Ator People finishes his interview and joins the party again.

The room suddenly begins to shake and planes are heard over head. Ator People mentions to the delegate that he arranged to have the NPA Airforce do a flyover for the party. The guests applaud as they see, out of the lounge windows, the jets pass by.


*Joshua stumbles into the palace wearing the finest attire known to man!*

Last time I decide to pregame before a party! :w00t: *Joshua notices all the ladies learing at him and wonders if it is due to his incredible sex appeal or or the fact he is wearing a lampshade on his head. Must be my sex appeal*

"I think I shall stumble over to the bar and quench my thirst some more."
Soigacas, lampshade on head, bursts into the palace.

"I have a lamps-" he stops mid-sentence, noticing the person infront is also wearing a lampshade.

"Sir, I challenge you to a duel! ... With lampshades!" :fish:
Mesian, a wee bit intoxicated, throws the platter of fish towards the two individuals and starts chanting;
"Fight, Fight, Fight!"
He is soon hit firmly on the back of his head by his other half and is dragged back into his seat.
"Shut up before we get kicked out!"
*Monte Ozarka throws open the doors with a small stumble. It's okay, no one saw you trip on the top step. Act cool, cool. Smooth.

Straightening herself with a dignified sigh, MO strides into the room with her escort at her side. Damn heels, she curses inwardly to herself.

The waiter takes her coat and directs her to a table by the dance floor. She gives it a sidelong glance, as her escort looks expectant at the prospect of dancing into the night. Sighing, she turns away and says, "Not now, honey." Making a beeline for the fully-stocked bar, MO orders a Tom Collins for herself and a whiskey sour for her date. At the bar, MO sees the Minister of Justice Byardkuria as he sits in front of quite an array of full and empty shot glasses. *sniff* Gin. She goes over and says a friendly "hi", but she's not sure if he heard her or not. He seemed to have responded with a grunt that may have been anything from "Hello" to "I swear, I'm not drunk yet." Across the dance floor, she could see a few other important personages--Monumental Proportions in his impeccable tux (Mmm...nice ass.) and General Ator People resplendent with his rows of medals. It also appeared that two floor lamps had entered into a fight with fish, and Col. Mesian had fallen into the fray. Oops. The party's barely even started, and people are wasted. Y'all need to hold your liquor better.

As she sips away at her drink, she can feel the relaxation coursing through her bloodstream. Perhaps she'll be ready for the dance floor after another drink or five.

Damn. No booze better than free booze.
The fish scatter at his feet, and Soigacas selects a medium-sized rainbow trout. He wields it by the tail, swinging it expertly back and forth, in much the same way a ninja would test a new blade.

Lowering his lampshade over his eyes, he intones to his opponent: "Choose your weapon"
*After noticing her partner has attmepted to enter the fray... again, Cait drags Mesian from the area and looks him in the eye,
"Do it again, and there will be no happy endings!"
Mesian slumped back into his chair, looking around, before rising and asking his partner to dance, as they walk towards the dance floor, he sees Josh and Saig prancing around,
Pfft, not even a rumble beats happy endings
He holds her close as the music goes on, the night is looking up
"Why the bloody hell did a fish just hit me in the head?" MP wonders. He glares at Joshua and Soigacas. "Gentleman, there is a time and a place for hilarity, and trust me, I know. But tonight is about mingling with the Heads. Relax. Just don't relax too much."

He leans over. "Grab a few bottles and meet me outside later. Then we can really get slammed."

He straightens up, winks at MO checking him out, and proceeds to have a friendly chat with the General.
*Romanoffia wanders in, late as usual*

Don't mind the 20 naked Swedish blond babes - they're my personal security detail. Peel me a grape, baby!
*Joshua suddenly wakes up in the lap of the statue of Pixiedance*

Hmm that is a bit awkward I must say. Here I am at this uber fab party and I am getting all drunk and passing out in the statues of ex-Un Delegates of TNP. And why do I smell of fish and have cat hair over me? I vaguely remember a dual with some fish or something rather odd like that.

Ahh I see MP is taking a break from dancing. I shall go over and say hi to her and maybe ask for a dance.

Nicholas watches the buildings pass as the motorcade travels through Magicality City. He is intrigued by the general architecture of the North Pacific's capital city. But he is used to Gnidrahn architecture in his home country, and is becoming accustomed to that of Rillanon City, the East Pacific's capital city. Regardless, he still likes the designs here in this foreign place; though he wishes the motorcade was not traveling so quickly through the city.

The entourage is nearly to the Great Palace. It is running behind schedule due to inclement weather, which prevented the jets from taking off on time. No matter now. He's surely not going to be the last guest to arrive. As the motorcade slows in its approach to the palace, Nicholas takes another look at the great structure. He has been here before, but it has been a while now. The stream of vehicles enter the gates, and stop in front of the entrance.

Nicholas waits in the car, while a member of his security detail walks up to the awaiting palace official. "Nicholas Richardson, Delegate of the East Pacific," announces the officer, as he affords the proper credentials. The official reviews the documents while checking the guest list, and nods his confirmation. The officer turns to the other officers standing around the Delegate's car and lets them know it's okay to proceed.


One officer goes to open the rear door while the others look on. Nicholas steps out and adjusts his coat before being escorted to the entrance by a modest security detail. The small group joins the palace official who directs the group to the main areas. Casually, yet carefully, they walk towards the lounge. The guards posted at the doors open them as the East Pacific members wait momentarily outside, then walk inside the lounge where other guests are present.

Nicholas sees Delegate Briand and takes the lead of the detail, walking towards him. As he makes his way through the currently-small crowd, he nears his fellow Delegate, and calmly says, "Marcus, my friend... How are you?" The group spreads out into strategic places in the room as Nicholas and his now minimum security detail stop in front of the North Pacific's Delegate.
As the Silver Streak that had picked him up at the airport sped through Magicality City, Smythe glanced down at his watch again, shaking his head in dismay. Nicholas, he was almost certain, would have been able to leave from Rillanon at least a day ago, giving him time to get settled in the city. Unfortunately, Smythe had been on a short leave, and had travelled home to Kangarawa. The typhoon that had been battering sections of The East Pacific for days had left him stranded there far longer than he'd anticipated. Nothing to be done about it, he thought. Meh! I should be used to looking a little the worse for wear by now!

When the Rolls Royce pulled up in front of the Great Palace, Smythe looked around appreciatively as he opened the door himself without waiting for the chauffeur. Closing it gently, he smiled in pleasure as he remained standing by the car for a moment, resting comfortably on his ebony cane. The flaming torches lining the long staircase of the entranceway danced gently in the light breeze and the sparkle of the lights through the multitude of windows reminded him of the stars that shone so brightly over the mountains outside of his hometown of Waboh in Kangarawa. Chuckling at his foolishness, he climbed the long staircase with agility, despite his bad knee.

Pulling his passport out of the inside pocket of his tuxedo jacket, he presented it to the Palace Guard at the top of the stairs.

"Excuse me, sir, but ..."

"I know. I now have a beard, and a moustache but if you'll take a closer look at the eyes, the brows and the general shape of my head you'll see that no one in his right mind would actually volunteer to look like this," Smythe interrupted with a grin. "Robert Smythe, Ambassador General of the East Pacific. I hope you'll find I'm on the guest list!"

Trying unsuccessfully not to smile at Smythe's remark, the guard took another look at the tall, aesthetic-looking gentleman in front of him and checked the guest list. "Indeed you are, Ambassador. My apologies, sir."

Chuckling, Smythe shook his head. "Hardly cause for an apology, sir. Thank you, and have a good night." Greeting the official the guard had summoned, Smythe, his limp unnoticeable, followed him into what appeared to be a lounge where several other guests had already gathered.

Manoeuvring around the dance floor, smiling at a pair of dancing couples and avoiding several ... fish ... which lay scattered about on the floor, Smythe caught sight of both Nicholas and the Delegate of The North Pacific at one end of the room. Walking in that direction, he felt much better about his slightly dishevelled appearance when he caught sight of what appeared to be a pair of talking lampshades. No. Individuals wearing lampshades! Now that is interesting, he thought. What a clever new design in hatwear! Must tell the Ambassador from Really Nice Hats about it!

Nearing the vicinity of the two Delegates, Smythe stayed back, planning to introduce himself to Delegate Kal once he and Nicholas had finished speaking.
A medium-sized limousine approaches the concourse as the regional anthem plays. Little flags wave from the limo as it coasts to a halt. Then, the door slams open and out steps a tall figure wearing a navy blue suit and a wig, which he unceremoniously tosses back into the limousine. He climbs up the stairs while the chauffeur and a pair of aides slowly exit the vehicle and begin smoking leaning against it. Eying his invitation nervously, the man approaches the doorway... and enters.

Walking briskly across the floor he bumps into Nicholas Smythe and excuses himself. "I'm sorry. Oh hello I'm Beregond ArFinn, from Eluvatar."
*Having been caught up in regional affairs for the past two weeks, Lady "Nev" Raynar hoped that Marcus remembered the note she had dropped by that she would be arriving a bit late. Oh well, better to be fashionably late than never, and judging by the amount of traffic she could see surrounding the palace when she looked out the helicopter window, she was not the only one. Smiling charmingly at her new pilot as he brought the sparkly pink helicopter down to a smooth and perfect landing on the helipad, Nev waited for most of her entourage to disembark before stepping lightly out onto the tarmac as the rotors were brought to a stop--giving her coiffed hair that perfect freshly windblown look. She caught the admiring glances of the Foot Guards who were handling local security and unselfconsciously smoothed a perfectly manicured hand down her hip, ostensibly patting her gown into place.*


If you could please see to the luggage, Jamieson, and oversee that my maid gets properly settled, I will allow Lord Fesyk and the others to escort me in and make the proper apologies for my tardiness. Oh, and be careful with that one in particular--it contains my bikini collection and I hear that the pools here are simply divine.

*Turning again and lifting her face to catch the light zephyr that flitted playfully about, she and her security entourage followed their guide down into the ballroom, pausing at the entrance to be properly greeted.*
Lord Fesyk stepped out of the helicopter and moved to Lady Raynar's side. Casting one disparaging look at the coloured helicopter, he moved his gaze to survey the other people around him. Staff, mostly, with the Delegate's Foot Guard posted at regular intervals, all of them thorough-looking professionals. The entourage came to a reception desk, and The Duke of Ukaraine moved forward to the front, and looked directly at the receptionist.

Lady Raynar, Princess of Gatesville has arrived and would like her room opened. I'm heading her entourage, who will also require rooms somewhere in the vicinity of her's. Jamieson, look after the rooms.
Turning after the Princess he followed her into the ballroom at a discreet distance
Marcus Briand, after opening the doors, surveyed his chambers and to be frank noticed organized chaos. Muttering to himself a few times about lack of decorum and lack of sanity, he resumes his mask of contentedness with the situation and strolls, shaking hands with his guests and saying a few words along the way. Soon as he reached the bar, he promptly ordered a shot of vodka, downed it, then continued walking the line.

Looking at the fish on the floor, the Delegate gave one of his Foot Guards an eye signal to deal with it, just to make sure no one tripped or slid on those articles of food. Silently, the room was organized into a more formal setting, allowing Marcus time to prepare for his little speech he wanted to give. As soon as there was some quiet, the divine Delegate saunters up to the podium, waves, and gives his classic smile to the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends and allies, I wish to welcome you to my home. I want to get this speech over with now before you all are too intoxicated to hear me, though for some right now that is the case." Both Marcus and the crowd laugh, some looking rather foolish in the act. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have worked hard for this region, to make her prosper and survive. I am proud of our accomplishments, and I believe we can all agree that we need this party. As most of you know, there will be several foreign officials with us this evening, so to them I hope you enjoy our company and hospitality. To everyone, I welcome you to my home and hope all of you enjoy yourselves." He gives the crowd a wave and a smile, gets off the stage, and makes his way to the bar again.

After a few more minutes of mingling, a rather special guest meets him, that being Delegate Nicholas Richardson of The East Pacific.

"Marcus, my friend... How are you?" calmly inquired the East Pacifican.
"You know me, still alive. Haven't been assassinated yet, so that shows promise" Marcus somewhat jokingly stated, resulting in a chuckle from the crowd. "I'm very glad you could come, and I trust the trip wasn't too horrible?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Marcus noticed that the Ambassador General from The East Pacific and the Speaker from here were in midst of greetings and conversation. I knew this would be successful... he thought. Suddenly, a thought popped into his head. Nev said she was going to be a little late, right? I suppose this means I can't hop into the hot tub just yet, as she'd kill me if I went without her.

"Nicholas, would you like a drink while we wait for a few more guests to arrive?"

Just as he said those words, one of his expected guests, the lovely Delegate of Gatesville, Lady Raynar, enters with her entourage into the ballroom. He excuses himself from Nicholas for a second, and saunters over to Nev.

"My dear Nev, it's been a while. I'm glad you got my invitation. I certainly hope your father will also be in attendance? Also, would you like a drink before things really get started?"
"My dear Nev, it's been a while. I'm glad you got my invitation. I certainly hope your father will also be in attendance? Also, would you like a drink before things really get started?"
Marcus, my angel, have you ever known me to refuse a drink? I would be delighted if you could fetch me a rum and coke (psst, no coke). I have been absolutely run off my feet lately, and have been looking forward to indulging myself in this hot tub you keep raving about. I do hope it lives up to the great expectations you have engendered in me.

*smiling charmingly at the delegate, she manages to snag a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and down the contents in a single graceful swallow*

I do believe there are several faces around with which I am unfamiliar, although I am pleased to see Nicholas and Smythe are here. With three such charming gentleman about your party is sure to be a smashing success. The free alcohol having very little to do with it, I am sure. :P
Aleksander Vilmar's tiny grav shuttle sped gracefully through the skies of Magicality City, or at the very least as gracefully as a vessel so militaristic of form could speed. As it was, the appearance was deceiving, for his mission today was one of peace. With time, he had come to enjoy such missions, even to relish both their subtleties and pomp.

Exiting the skylane reserved for such craft, the shuttle slowed and settled into a steady descent toward the palace grounds. While he had no need for parking, Vilmar could see quite a large number of cars being valeted to various places around the grounds. "Well, it looks like I'm not the first..." He said to no one in particular, then cut off in midsentence. He looked around, only to remember that Oneida, his Adjutant, his shadow, had been left back at the Embassy. Shaking off someone whose sole driving purpose in what was left of her life was to follow him around had not been easy. He gave a little jump of joy. Freedom!

Stopping just outside the palace grounds, he stepped out of the vehicle. It shut behind him and flew away, following a preprogrammed path back to the Embassy. Adjusting his suit, he swallowed his pride and ascended the steps of the entryway. The torches, he thought, were a nice touch, if not entirely in like with the rest of the decor. A little more black is what this place needs.

He bowed to the Palace Guard at the top of the stairs, who held out a hand for identification. Vilmar handed over his passport and ID cards. "Aleksander Vilmar of the Kandarin Federation, and..."

The guard looked up for the guest list. "There's a 'Kandarin' on this. Something about a Delegate."

"...and member of the Delegative Conclave of the Rejected Realms."

The guard shrugged. "That works."

Stepping into the ballroom, he looked around for familiar faces. Richardson...remember him from the that Nev? I haven't seen her since...does she ever age?
Delegate Briand responds to Nicholas, "You know me, still alive. Haven't been assassinated yet, so that shows promise." Nicholas chortles to himself. "I'm very glad you could come," Marcus continues, "and I trust the trip wasn't too horrible?" Nicholas smiles and replies, "Thank you. I'm glad I could come, as well. The trip wasn't too bad. It had an uneasy start, but the rest was quite enjoyable."

"Nicholas, would you like a drink while we wait for a few more guests to arrive?" inquires Marcus. Delegate Richardson shakes his head and begins to say, "No, thank you; I don't drink," when his fellow Delegate excuses himself. Nicholas nods and notices Lady Raynar. "Ah," he thinks to himself, for he was wondering where Marcus was off to. Knowingly, he smiles. "I'll talk with her in a bit," he thinks to himself.

Upon taking his eyes from the two other Delegates, Nicholas immediately recognizes another familiar face. It is the face of Ambassador General Robert Smythe, head of the East Pacific Department of Interregional Relations. He notices Robert is speaking with someone he does not recognize, so he casually, yet politely, walks towards the two. Nicholas nods to the man, waits for a break in the conversation, and introduces himself.

After he introduces himself, the Delegate pardons the interruption. He briefly turns to Robert and says, "Smythe! I'm glad you made it. I figured you were on your way when I received your report early, for a change." He smiles at the Ambassador General. "But in all seriousness, I am glad you have arrived," he continues. "It's good to have a good diplomatic presence." Noticing someone enter the room, Nicholas says to Robert, "Oh look. It's Aleksander Vilmar. Very good."
Chuckling, Smythe raised an eyebrow at Richardson. "Early for a change? I suppose you would notice a one day difference in my usual timing. Good to see you as well, Nicholas. Responsibilities make it a little difficult to maintain close friendships, don't they?"

Glancing in the direction Richardson was staring, Smythe's smile widened. "Interesting fellow, Vilmar. I've only met him a couple of times, but I quite liked him. Haven't spoken to him since your reception, in fact." Looking around the room with interest he added, "And the lovely Princess Nevadar. It's been a long time since we last spoke, too! Still turning heads, I see."

Gratefully accepting a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, he took a sip. "Good to see so many familiar faces. Hope you won't think me derelict in my duties, Nicholas, but I'm afraid this knee of mine will preclude much wandering around tonight. Hope Vilmar has a chance to come over this way."
The Duke of Ukaraine took a seat at a nearby table, keeping one eye on Gatesville's Princess, and one on a book he had pulled from inside his cloak which read "MammoWammo Strategies for the Revised Rulebook" and began reading it. He knew most people at the party, by reputation if nothing else, but not well enough to talk to. So, he was content with keeping an eye on his charge, and making an effort to keep her out of trouble, which was a full-time job with plenty of overtime and shiftwork on top of it. He ordered a rum and coke from a nearby server and began sipping at it, while taking one last look around his room before returning his gaze to its split between the book, and the Princess.
Stepping lightly down the steps to greet Marcus, she gracefully kissed the delegate on both of his cheeks and engaged in small talk and general inanities about the pleasure of being invited and how pleasant the weather and how charming the decor for a few moments before looking up at the new arrival.

Why, if it isn't Aleksander! Will you excuse me, please, Marcus. I never did get a chance to properly thank him for the gift he sent me for my birthday last year. Oh yes, and did you ever get a chance to fetch my drink?

Smiling again (while also snagging another glass of champagne), Nev glides gracefully across the room to drop into a perfect curtsy and thank Vilmar most prettily for the pet lapgoat--affectionately named "Discoball" for his propensity to believe that the aforementioned objects were edible.

I do believe I hear music. Is that a tango?