Wolf's Office

Blue Wolf II

A Wolf Most Blue
TNP Nation
Blue Wolf brought his sledge hammer through the bricked up entrance and, upon knocking a hole large enough to walk through, entered the forgotten office carrying a package with him. He walked upon the burgundy carpet, "no doubt stained with wine" Wolf thought to himself, and flicked the light switch. A large dust covered desk sat in the room, covered with old disregarded possessions of the last Minister. Wolf looked over the objects looking for something valuable and, after pillaging the goods, swept the contents of the deck into the trash bin. He sat down in the chair behind the desk and sunk into its deep leather padding. After a moment of relaxing he started opening up the draws.

Old war posters, plans for the still non-existent University and embarrassing pictures of past Ministers filled its spaces. Wolf decided to put this aside for the moment and place his attention on the wall behind him. He laid the package he had on the desk top and opened in. A large picture of himself with the words [OBEY!] upon it stared back at him. He hung it on the wall and stood back, admiring how good the whole damn thing looked.

Finally he sat back down, picked up the phone and started dialing. "I need a Deputy" he muttered to himself, and settled down to work.
I realize I am not in the RA yet, but will hopefully be accpeted in a day or two, and if by that time you have not selected a deputy I would like to toss my name into the proverbial hat. :w00t:

Congrats Blue Wolf!
Oh my humblest of apologies. Then may I toss my name into the proverbial hollowed out skull of a child. :w00t: Provided I am allowed into the RA.
Who is little Billy? And why I do feel like this about to turn into some late night program one might come upon on HBO or Cinemax
Keep trying to bribe me with crummy dog briskets and I will have a new skull to add to my collection :bat:

At the very least you could have offered me Snausages you cheap bastard. :P
Cheap? Sure! Bastard? No! I am 99.9% sure my parents were married when they made me. Thank you! :w00t:

How do you feel about Filet Mignon?
He's a nice guy but France really needs a president with a pair and he just isn't going to cut it.
It happens when you stuff him in a dumpster and set it on fire, especially after a suspicious person marries a charming and sexy current Head of State to this... rabble.
I'm going to need to see some credentials so I can compare you with the long list of people I have applying for this position. *points to a blank sheet of paper*
I'm going to need to see some credentials so I can compare you with the long list of people I have applying for this position. *points to a blank sheet of paper*

I have been playing in NS since Spring of 2003. I havd a varied set of NS experiences. My first gig in NS was being UN Delegate of Ile de France. This experience got me involved in other things as well. Having my founder trying to undermine so he could join DEN got me interested in espionage work. This is where I got my first taste of intelligence gathering. And I also realized that I was a top notch recruiter! And I also became interested in the game of fenders and raider. Back then I was a staunch supporter of the fenders and was not a fan of raiders what so ever. I attempted to setup two defender groups, but was much harder then I had expected it to be.

Eventually I was booted from Ile de France, and taking a few friends with me I established a region called 'The Temporary Region". I had a somewhat novelidea at the time. We would recruit to this region and then we would hold several referendums on establishing a new hoem region for us. At the time we were a mix of wanderers, new nations, ex-fenders and raiders. The folks here voted on the name of our new home, who would be founder, and what the main beliefs of the region would be. We voted on the name The Exodus and I was voted in as founder. And thats the back story on how my old home The Exodus was founded. I served there as founder until September 2005. When I retired from NS, and thought this was going to be for good. Little did I know...

I came back in December of 2005, and found The Exodus was having problems, and I attempted to help get things going again. This time I ran for the postion of MOIA and won it successfully. I tried to launch a massive recruitment campaign. Things seemed to be gojng to no where, and folks who said they were committed did little or nothing. So, I dropped out from NS once more.

I came back for a brief stint to The Exodus this past summer. And what I did was not very typical of me. I still ahd access to my old nation, The Avenging Angels. which is the founder nation of The Exodus. I promptly changed the PW the current founder could not access it. The idea was to shock the nations into action. And it did. The actions I took were almost universally hated and it even prompted a brief resistance movement against me. Eventually I handed the nation back, and things eventually returned to normal. It seemed things were getting better. Some big changes were going on. We were redoing the constitution and revising the government structure. We created our own RA, and were even discussing setting up a commonwealth. I was made head of recruitment during this time and was even put in charge of revising the constitution which was a big job for me. I eventually left NS again.

And then I came back to NS on May 5, 2007. I realized The Exodus was no longer my home and was not the region I called home or had founded I decided to find another home. TNP had always been a welcoming place and a place of good memories for me. I decided to make this region my home. I also renewed my inolvement in Lazarus as well. I am currently serving on the Council of Emerald City there. I also decided to rejoin DEN and have just been promoted as Corporal. In TNP I quickly joined the RA, and have become a CommRanger as well. And I am also trying to become Blue Wolf's deputy! :WOOT:

Other NS experiences that I have had:

1) I authored the UN Resolution Support Hemp Production which eventually was repealed.

2) I was a member of The Worlds Stronghold a fender region and founding member of the EAA. I spent time there helping them recruit and rebuild their region.

3) Served as Head of Personnel for the EAA until they disbanded. I also worker as an intel operative for them.

4) When the EAA disbanded in a last ditch effort to preserve the group I took over as head of the EAA. Under my command we had a few successful defenses. I handed over command to The New Confederates and we merged with the CDA.

5) I was a member of The Imperial Coalition though I was under cover as a fender agent. This was back in my earlier days of NS.

6) I was a brief member of The Tableland. I attempted to help them rebuild there region. I knew there founder. We served in Ile de France for a while and were good friends. And wanted to help his old region. I set them up with a nice, new forum and went on a massive recruitment drive, and even got back some old members of the region to come back to NS. At the height of the rebuilding we went from less then ten nations to almost 50 nations.

7) I was a founding member of the PDP (Peoples Democratic Party). We were a resistance movement in The Rejected Realms. We were looking for change and looking for a more active and vibrant RR community. We felt Kandarin had been in power for to long, and that things were stagnant. We felt The RR could do better and was capable of more as a region.

8) I was for a time involved with the The Pacific on their forum. This was before they went back to being the NPO. I served on several provincial assemblies and was a regular on the forum. I acted as a public defender for a while and even did some work with their university.

I have had a long and varied NS experience. During my time I have always attempted to do the right thing, stand up for folks, keep the game fun and interesting. I love having a good time and making folks laugh! :w00t:

I apologize for any butchering of my sentences and spelling of words.
*Minister Blue Wolf assembles all his staff for an emergency meeting*

Staff, I want to let you know that I appreciate all that you've done for me over these past few months but as you all know Grosseschnauzer was recently elected as the new MiniCult *loud boos erupt from the staff, one of Wolf’s more trusted lackey launches into a fit of rage and swears up a blue storm. Wolf waits for it to subside* Now, now, he won fair and square, except for those few voters he bribed...and the others he ordered to vote for him...and those others he blackmailed, but regardless I'm sure it wouldn't have made much of a difference in the end. Now, with that all said I have a few key words to impart upon you all before I leave.

*ahem* Run! Run for your friggin lives! You lot! *points* Start shredding the files! In fact, burn the whole archive, and then find everything that survived the fire and burn it again! You over there *points to a wide eye intern* You only work here for experience and get no pay so I pick you to stay behind with the rifle while Grosses staff charges the Ministry. Fight them off for as long as you can then go to the flag pole, burn my flag, raise the white one, then shoot yourself. Don't worry we will remember you forever, John. *It...it's Rick, sir* Mmm? Right, whatever, now go prepare to die and report to the front gate, you'll have a great view of us fleeing from there.

Trusted lackey! *Yes sir!* Direct the rest to board up my office and disguise it in such a way Grosse will never find it. Also don't forget to grab that picture of me I have over my desk and forward it to my other address in LWU. It looks damn sexy.

Joshua! To the escape pod! Gentlemen! Ladies! Good luck!

*Runs to the exit*
You'll find that there isn't anything that can be burned; a fire sprinkler system with CO2 was installed at my request the other day. The shredders make electronic copies of all documents; and all the hard drives have off-site backups.

And the wireless microphones in all the walls worked well, too. We got every word!
Now to get the brown decor in to match your cardigan, Grosse, and we'll be set to go!!

The elbow patches are a nice touch, by the way!!
Fine Grosse, if I can't destroy these highly embarrassing pictures of you and the rest of the Ministers in compromising positions I guess I'll just hold on to them and treasure them forever.
Well, when one's does as much as I have and for as long as I’ve been playing, one does seem to tally up a fair share of secrets. Although, if there’s a specific circumstance you’re referring to, please, do elaborate.
Oh my! Not a scandal so soon in the new term! Next thing you know, someone will be accused of tapping their toes in the restroom.