

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
I wish to make a quick apology to the region for my rather unexpected and unfortunate lack of presence on these boards this past few days. With being sick and trying to plow through the onslaught of school work in preparation for government exams and my transition from secondary school to university, time has been on short supply it seemed. I feel re-charged and ready to continue my work to improve this region.

Thank you all.

the guy behind Dalimbar/Chodean Kal.
I don't think you need to apologise for that, Dal. NationStates or super important life-determining examinations? Hm hmm hmm hmm hmmmm! What a chin-scratcher that is.

Good luck in 'em!
Well the only thing at all worth apologizing for there is notification. Really, in any RL v NS decision RL is always, always first.

I wish you good luck as well!
*Chuckles* I remember the last time near the start of my term everyone one up in arms for similar things. Just covering my bases :P
Now that I have your first name...

...coupled with the last four digits of your Social Security Number...

Limitless possibilities.

I can buy myself a beer and a sports magazine.