I am obligated during the month preceding the beginning of the judicial terms of office, to nominate persons to serve on the Court of The North Pacific.
Mr Gaunt has expressed an interest in renomination to another term, Great Bights Mum has advise me of her intention to step down from the Court at the end of her term at the end of April.
I am nominating Freedom and Pride to that seat, and I am nominating Mr. Gaunt to another term as Associate Justice.
The Constitution requires a majority of the Cabinet to advise and consent to the nominations before they are submitted to the Regional Asssembly.
Please your endorsement of each nominaation in this thread.
Mr Gaunt has expressed an interest in renomination to another term, Great Bights Mum has advise me of her intention to step down from the Court at the end of her term at the end of April.
I am nominating Freedom and Pride to that seat, and I am nominating Mr. Gaunt to another term as Associate Justice.
The Constitution requires a majority of the Cabinet to advise and consent to the nominations before they are submitted to the Regional Asssembly.
Please your endorsement of each nominaation in this thread.