UK Sailors freed!


I would simply like to say that I, like many people throughout the commonwealth, with a vested interest in these blokes and blokessess, are glad to see the 15 sailors and marines touch back down in England after 13? days of their 'Manditory Vacation' (captivity) in Iran.

I believe it is a show of character by both sides (i know, i said both sides) that such an issue could be resolved without the loss of blood, or a shot fired in anger.

Though, what do people think the implications are for foreign warships operating in the gulf, as they not only support operations in Iraq, but also Afghanistan? (and have been their since the 1990-91 conflict.

Do you think further action like this from Iran could maybe make commanders hesistant to stray to far close to terrirtorial waters, and do you think this may effect the Iraqis claims to the oil deposits out there?

Just wanting to know what people think

Keep it Real

If Thatcher would fight the Argentines for the Falklands then the SAS must've had the Iranians shaking in their booties, especially when Blair is gun shy but Bush is trigger-happy.
Like any sovereign nation, Iran has a right to its territory and to mess with any forces that decide to waltz all too close enough as though nothing could possibly come of it. there's a reason for forces in the Gulf, yes, but consequences still apply for anybody that strays too far from the pack.

It's nice to see the soldiers returned without a development of unpleasurable activity, I'll say that much.
Like any sovereign nation, Iran has a right to its territory and to mess with any forces that decide to waltz all too close enough as though nothing could possibly come of it. there's a reason for forces in the Gulf, yes, but consequences still apply for anybody that strays too far from the pack.
When the sailors were first abducted, Iran claimed they were at point X, inside Iranian waters. When Britain reminded them that such location was still within established Iraqi waters, they said the sailors were at point Y.

The British sailors claim they were blindfolded, bound, isolated, and threatened. Iran denies this, saying the sailors and marines 'will say anything that is put in front of them' (paraphrase). Funny thing of Iran to say.

In 'entirely unrelated' *cough* news, an Iranian envoy freed last week claims that he was tortured by the Americans.

At least they were released safe and sound.

Damn President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, poor Iranians who he misrepresents, I hope they get rid of him.
No one is denying that the US is torturing people (well, except the US government) but I sort of have to wonder if Iran is just saying that for their own propaganda.
If Ahmadinejad continues things like this (and if Bush ever finds the actual reason to leave Iraq), there could be War in Iran. We all know Thatcher and Reagan would have double-teamed on Ahmadinejad and kicked his ass all the way back into his little hellhole.
Nah, Reagan would sell Iran weapons, then use the money to fund a guerilla army in Nicaragua to help overthrow the left leaning (and therefore potential commie) government. That is what he would do I think.

I'm just glad their home. I have no doubt the SAS could have done it but the Embassy Seige is still there in our minds and I think everyone would be hesitant to try
Well, even if this one blew over, I can't help but worry that something far far worse will come out again, and perhaps quite soon. As Elu says, Iran is worrisome...
you love me really A-I, admit it.

Thing with Iran is, we wont go to war. Because of Iran, brown wont commit UK troops when he becomes PM, his polling numbers are already crap, and Bush doesnt have congressional support. ANd the new candidates will never get elected by banging the war drum.
War in Iran would make the Russians and Chinese freak out, I'm sure.

I mean...what would the US do if Iranian troops would be few miles close to the US coast, or even within the official boundary??

I think Iran has all rights to defend itself, even with a nuclear bomb. If it feels threatened by foreign forces, it may take any step to assure national security, just like any other sovereign state.

The proliferation of nuclear bombs is awful, of course, but if some states think the nuclear bomb should be abolished, they might want to take the first step.
A bit of grave robbing but this is not worth its own thread. Australian Sailors never captured!

Iranian naval forces in the Gulf tried to capture an Australian Navy boarding team but were vigorously repelled, the BBC has learned.
The Australians, though, to quote one military source, "were having none of it".

The BBC has been told the Australians re-boarded the vessel they had just searched, aimed their machine guns at the approaching Iranians and warned them to back off, using what was said to be "highly colourful language".
Good for them! Colourful language, eh? Please tell me I'm not the only one imagining "Sod off, you drongos!"