Vrtbovska Zahrada
The candidates who are most likely to get into the 2nd round are Socialist Ségolène Royal (she would be the first female Présidente) and Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy.
The 3rd candidate, from the conservative liberals, Bayrou, will most probably not win the first round, but if there's this surprise, he should become president; because he's centrist and the voters of the two main adversaries will more likely vote for him than letting their opponents become president...
I say....
Royal vs. Bayrou
=> Bayrou is Président
The 3rd candidate, from the conservative liberals, Bayrou, will most probably not win the first round, but if there's this surprise, he should become president; because he's centrist and the voters of the two main adversaries will more likely vote for him than letting their opponents become president...
I say....
Royal vs. Bayrou
=> Bayrou is Président