French Presidentials

The candidates who are most likely to get into the 2nd round are Socialist Ségolène Royal (she would be the first female Présidente) and Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy.

The 3rd candidate, from the conservative liberals, Bayrou, will most probably not win the first round, but if there's this surprise, he should become president; because he's centrist and the voters of the two main adversaries will more likely vote for him than letting their opponents become president...

I say....

Royal vs. Bayrou

=> Bayrou is Président
I haven't been following this election--although I am interested in it, is the woman still in the running? I'm kind of hoping she wins to open more doors for Hillary Clinton, of course, that's my personal opinion/agenda :P
Vive la Royal belle! Vive!
*look at the title! :P *

There hasn't been any election so far.

The first round, where the two candidates are elected, is in 3 weeks.

So, Royal has best chances of getting into the second round, she's equal with Sarkozy at 25-27 %.
Royal seems to have the freshest ideas but seeing idealists being shot down early in their political career is ubiquitous no matter the national contexts. I like what Bayrou is saying but I doubt whether he can really get the job done. After the employment law failure and the riots, I have absolutely no faith in the UMT.
The first round of the election is today. RIGHT NOW, actually.

*tries to remember*

Most polls rate Sarkozy first (23-27%), then Royal, with a difference of 1-2%; Bayrou third, backwards quite a lot now again. And Le Pen fourth.

It would be dangerous, though, to suppose now that the result is clear. The same mistake was made in 2002, and we all know ( :huh: ) what happened: far-right winger Le Pen made it to the second place. :ill:

La France Présidente!
First round results...

Nicolas Sarkozy - 31.1%
Segolene Royal - 25.8%
Francois Bayrou - 18.6%
Jean-Marie Le Pen - 10.5%

I don't really know enough about French politics to have an idea who out of Sarkozy or Royal will pick the votes in the run off, although the BBC says opinion polls indicate Sarkozy will. Then again, no one trusts opinion polls.
The most interesting development seems to be Le Pen's major fall back from 2002 elections. Those that voted for him will probably go for Sarkozy, which could provide him with a crucial advantage, but then you never know for sure.

It'll be really fun to watch the intense campaigning to grab Bayrou's voters. After all, they'll probably determine the final tally.

Most annoying to me, though, is the populism which most of the candidates needed to stoop to in order to attract those demanding agriculturalists... :P