Nationstates Monopoly


Thel, Eras/FEC, and I have been busy. Very busy. Busy creating NationStates Monopoly. We changed everything to gear it toward NS, Thel redesigned the money and did an awesome game board, and Eras and I redesigned all the Chance and Community Chest cards. The one and only copy of this game was presented to Max last night by Eras, as a fun gift and a token of our appreciation for the game. The project took us over a month to complete, but it's done now. The photos are rather large, so I'm just going to post links to them for y'all. Enjoy, and if you have any other questions about it, I'd be happy to answer them, just ask away.

Whole Game
Box Top

Photos by Eras ;)
What is

But seriously, that's not necessary. All three of us have jobs, social commitments, and other things to do. We spread the work out over about 6 weeks. It's not like we spent all day every day doing this, lol. Chill out.

Moving on...

I had originally uploaded these in response to some requests in the Jolt thread for details of all the cards, and I figure I might as well share them here, as well. The money and rules are coming soon, once I get them all sorted out, but for now, here are the cards, in .doc and .pdf formats. Right-click on each link and Save As to get the files.

Issue/UN Resolution cards (.doc) (.pdf)
Issue/UN Resolution cards - backs (.doc) (.pdf)
Founder Cards (.doc) (.pdf)
Founder Cards - backs (.doc) (.pdf)
Ha, I think I'd actually pay you money for a set. Maybe. I'm tired of making my own board games. (Made and printed out a ghetto Settlers board. It made my printer cry. :()
What was the ever-omnipotent Max Barry's reaction?
Eras tells me he was thrillled, and spent a good while looking at every little piece of it, all the rules, cards, the board, everything. He's taking it back to Australia with him, as the one copy of this game was for him.
You left off The Pacific? :no: sheesh....

Heh. Oh well.

You guys put in huge amounts of work to that thing. I'm so glad Eras had a chance to get it to him and that he loved it. :)

Congrats on a job well done. :worship:
You left off The Pacific? :no: sheesh....

Heh. Oh well.

You guys put in huge amounts of work to that thing. I'm so glad Eras had a chance to get it to him and that he loved it. :)

Congrats on a job well done. :worship:
Note the Pacifican Jackboot banjecting the player directly to The Rejected Realms. ;)