Fulhead Land
if we vote don what ^ said, I'd vote AYE
I'm sorry I believe an ad hominem attack is an attack on the person (OOC: Or in this case character) making the argument, such as "voting for this would be treason".The claim that this definitional sentence extends to anything outside of the Nationstates realm is totally absolute BS.
All four words appear in the Constitution and the Legl Code, and have for a long time. The disingenuous argument being advanced, that it extends to real life or to Cybernations or anything else is the rediculous use of an ad honium argument that is just patently absurd.
Unless the context of such terms clearly indicate a contrary intent, the words “Nation,” “member nation,” or “member” as used in this Constitution, or in the Legal Code, or in any other law of The North Pacific, are synonyms and refer to an individual player.
ARTICLE II. Membership and Registration.
Section 1. Requirements.
In order to remain as legal members of The North Pacific, a Nation is expected to adhere to the following requirements:
1) Each player will abide by the Constitution of The North Pacific and The North Pacific Legal Code enacted pursuant to Article IV of this Constitution.
2) Each player shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any other nation or region in a manner inconsistent with the Constitution of The North Pacific.
3) Each player shall refrain from giving assistance to any nation or region against which The North Pacific is taking defensive or enforcement action. Exceptions shall be given to players acting with official authorization of the North Pacific Army or the North Pacific Intelligence Agency, and is subject to the consent of the Cabinet minister having appropriate jurisdiction.
Article III:B - The UN Delegate for the Region shall maintain the Delegacy in accordance with this Constitution. The UN Delegate for the Region shall securely hand over the Delegacy to the player that is duly elected as the successor to the office of UN Delegate in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. The Delegate's primary role shall be to represent the interests of The North Pacific's UN member Nations through votes on UN resolutions at quorum; it shall be understood that this objective can be best achieved through open and regular communication with member Nations at The North Pacific off-site forum, via private message at that forum, or by telegram through NationStates.net. The Delegate shall have authority to approve proposals submitted by UN member Nations for consideration in the UN at the discretion of the Delegate.
Article V:Section 3. Civil Proceedings.
A - Any player that believes some other player in The North Pacific has caused injury to any right, liberty, privilege, protection, or other duty that belongs to that player as a matter of right under the Constitution of The North Pacific, or The North Pacific Legal Code, and which does not rise to the level of a criminal offense, that player may file, or may request the Attorney General to file, a civil complaint.
B - The Court may adopt procedures for trial of a civil complaint, which may be tried with or without a jury.
Article I:7. When charged with criminal acts, players of The North Pacific shall have a fair, impartial, and public trial before a neutral and impartial judicial officer. In any criminal proceeding, a player is presumed innocent unless guilt is proven to the fact finder by reasonably certain evidence. A player may be represented by any counsel of the player's choosing. No player convicted of a crime shall be subject to a punishment disproportionate to that crime.
Absolute duality doesn't work because there is a history that shows that it is often faked to the detriment of TNP. So why should this region allow itself to be betrayed over and over by people such as Fulhead Land, who had no relunctance to betray this region to the Lexicon, and for all I know is still doing so? Fulhead, don't even pretend that has not been the case; the Limitless Events affairs amply showed that to be the case where you are concerned.
This is no time to mudsling Grosse.Absolute duality doesn't work because there is a history that shows that it is often faked to the detriment of TNP. So why should this region allow itself to be betrayed over and over by people such as Fulhead Land, who had no relunctance to betray this region to the Lexicon, and for all I know is still doing so? Fulhead, don't even pretend that has not been the case; the Limitless Events affairs amply showed that to be the case where you are concerned.
I've never come close to being found guilty of anything.
Retract that statement.
Grosseschnauzer:The definitional sentence sets a starting point to work out a balancing act that allows duality where it is done with respect to others who practice it without deceit and deception, and allows those who are honest enough not to pretend a fake duality in the first place to be protected as well. The beef many have with duality are those who abuse it; and not one aspect of the contra argument has even come close to addressing how to remove that abuse.
This argument of scheming anti-NPers is getting tiresome, either back it up with facts or your're out of order.
if our legal system was more clear and less rapped up in lengthy and difficult to use legislation we might be better able to make it work.
Formal guilt or innocence isn't the issue.I've never come close to being found guilty of anything.
Retract that statement.
To defend the NPA a bit, we were actually pretty damn active in the period of time that Mesian took office and when we broke for Easter holidays. Currently, I believe we are garrisoning another region while the upper echelons are in discussions with the natives.As it is, the government will never allow an official raider army and the defender army is inactive, despite its recent attempts to prove otherwise.
With all this bitching about me trying to destroy the region by abolishing its defender roots I have yet to see any proof to support it.
As it is, the government will never allow an official raider army and the defender army is inactive, despite its recent attempts to prove otherwise.
Well you are trying to make it commit an invasion, surely that counts as abolishing its defender roots?
As already mentioned the NPA under new leadership is flourishing.
Hell no, if I wanted to get rid of The North's defender history and roots I would outright propose an abolishment of the NPA. Defender armies occasionally attack their enemies; it's a long standing tradition in fact. RLA, TITO, ADN, all of them participated in sanctioned attacks, usually against raiders in their native region.
No, it's not "flourishing". If it were it would be out on a mission every night or at least once a week at least like most defender armies.
I know what I am talking about, don't patronize me.
Wait...what?To protect those who fall into the defender/invader dynamic, I proposed the repeal the part of NP Law that made it illegal to give harbour or aid (such as citizenship) to invaders. Apparently that one out of numerous clause in the NPA Code would create hell on earth to the jingoistic faction residing here, they were speaking as if it would create massive lakes of fire and screaming sinners and everything.
Be quiet, Fulhead.Point to the location where I proposed the amendment which abolished the NPA. I think your confusing me with someone else, but don't worry, that’s so easy to do.
Where's my self-interest? How dare you place me in this anti-NP, pro-invader camp, I've never claimed to be anyone but this one Mr Sniffles. I've struggled in the times of UPS, Great Bight, Pixie; all in this name and nothing else. Please, everything I do I do for the good of the North Pacific. Including and especially when it comes to following the Constitution. This argument against Blue Wolf or Fulhead might hold some weight without presenting any real ideas might be all you have against their ideas but it holds no weight with me.If people confusw Mr. Shiffles' proposals with Poltsamaa's proposald with Blue Wolf's proposals it's probably because the appear to a mutual self-interest to the exclusion of the rest of the region. Since it seems to recur quite frequntly, it can't be an accident.
That's also something Cathyy failed to understand. When she took the region out of the ADN, she did it in such a way as to betrays the region's historic committment to its defendanter stance. I've never endorsed adherence to the ADN (the withdrawal from the ADN took place jsut about the time I came into the game), but I did suport and concur with the defender philosophy and the resistence of invaider instrution into regions and the right of region's for self-determination. It has been possible in TNP to be pro-defender and not pro-ADN membrship.
QFT! As far as I'm concerned, that's EXACTLY what it comes down to.look the real point here is that, regardless of the flames and attacks and rewrites of history, this law stinks. Its wording- crap, its effecte- crap, its intended message- crap. We acnnot blur the lines of player and nation. this is a game. This isnt life!
Lol, irony. Also, everything old is new again!Again you rewrite the past to suit you.
The ADN ordered the NPA to move without any oversight by the regional Gov. She defended the regions authority. She never stopped the NPA being defender, or even tried...