CommRangers Today!

ADMIN and TAO both.

Thanks for the assist, everyone who participated.

Doing this together at regular (or irregular) intervals would go a long way in making the RMB a TNP possession.
Being a CommRanger is more a way of playing than anything else but a style of play that promotes the on-site RMB aspect of the game as much as the off-site forums are promoted. IMO, the Game started on the RMBs and the forums were the after-thought (and a good one, to be sure) yet it was and is the RMB that attracts new players to join this region's forum. And if we don't provide anything for new players here, the spammers will drag them away to the nether regions.

Joining the CommRangers is easy as can be; you say you want to be one and you take the time to be one. There is no special badge or rank ... in fact, there is nothing to say you are a CommRanger but your actions.

You may be asking yourself, "What is a CommRanger"? The CommRangers began in The West Pacific about three years ago to fight spam on the RMB and perform other tasks for the benefit of the region. About a year ago, the CommRangers went international attempting to form local chapters in several of the Feeders ...
[1] to assist the Feeder regions in the removal of old/rotting AdSpam,
[2] to educate AdSpammers on the AdSpam rules found in the JOLT forum,
[3] to assist new nations in feeling welcome in the Game,
[4] to support the local Feeder government's forum and direct new players to it.
For those CommRangers who are, TAO and myself included, yes, it very much will help. It's already proven very helpful in efficiently weeding out nations with illegal names, flags, and things like that.
RMB is bow clear of spam. Had a nice chat witha bloke from the region England. The chat was about Sarkozy and the politics surrounding him. :w00t: Go CommRangers!