The WFE Quote Contest


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Hey guys, after talking to a few people about this, I am pleased to announce that I will be setting up a "World Factbook Entry Quote Contest".

What will be happening is that any one interested can post here a one sentence quote on any aspect you want about the region. An example is the current quote, provided by the lovely Tresville.
"The feeder where a Minnow can be Delegate!"

Every Friday I will announce the winner and place it in the WFE. Get your thinking caps on, and let's make it good!
TNP: Bringing you drama since Magicality!

TNP: As functional as we've ever been!

TNP: We won't bite your head off.

TNP: Newb-friendly!

All these are musings of a nap-deprived mind. Please don't use them.
"Does my bum look big in this region?"

"refreshes the parts other regions cannot reach"

"TNP. It's Finger lickin' good."

Or perhaps combine that one with another slogan:

“Reach out and touch someone. It's finger lickin' good."

Maybe not.
"Where love falls in love"

"Like when a dove puts down its gun."

"One of the things I like best about The North Pacific is they basically don't investigate murder."
As it is friday, I'll be putting up my fav line up now.

The winner is *drum roll* "TNP. It's Finger lickin' good." by Flemingovia!

If you guys want, I'll keep the current suggestions in the running for next week, but continue to think more up!
TNP. Beautiful one day, perfect the next.

TNP. Our schlongs are even longer than our constitution.

We've come a long long way together, through the hard times and the good.

Don't you wish your region was TNP?
Feed the Birds, tuppence a bag.

Buggerit. Millennium Hand and Shrimp.

TNP. The only thing longer than our constitution is our legal process.
Well, it's that time again. The winner this week is one that Comrade Dalimbar didn't quite notice from last time. To fit the fact that Chodean Kal is really Comrade Delegate and not Dalimbar, I hope OPA doesn't mind if I change his from "Dalimbar is more badass than Johnny Cash" to "Chodean Kal is more badass than Johnny Cash"

If you do mind, OPA, well... tough luck :P
I did not have sex with that woman... I wanted to...

"It jiggles when you poke it."


"Go spam TSP and leave us alone!"

[color=white]See no evil.[/color]

"Because Great Bight wasn't crazy enough."