Hi there!

Hi everyone. I'm Jerrimania, and I'm new here though not to Nationstates. Left for a bit and decided to come back to check out what it's like in a big ol region like this. So, I thought i'd drop in and say hi to the new faces here in the North Pacific. So, hi!

As for a bit of background about me, I'm just a normal slacker college student. I always seem to have too little money, time and motivation to do problem sets and write papers. :P I was in a small region with a few friends a while back but I sorta lost interest after a bit. But, I got bit by the bug again, and I created a new nation. Jerrimania landed here, I came to check out the forums, and it seems lively, so I hope I can stick around.

So, what's kickin around here? :)
Hi Jerrimania, welcome to TNP.

The region has most of the the things you would expect a kickass region to have - a good OOC sector, Legislature, debate, and .... stuff.

If you are on IRC you can usually find a decent conversation on the esper channel #tnp.

Apart from that ..... welcome. Make yourself at home.

Well Hi.

Tell me about your day.
My day, you ask?

Well, I have spent hte entirety so far being a bad student. Woke up at 1:30pm, browsed the internet, and watched the last two episodes of Battlestar Galactica. Had class, but I skipped it, due to lecture notes being online and everything. Now, I wait for dinner to begin. All in all a boring day. Yourself?

Whoa! And I just remembered! My mother's birthday was yesterday. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!
Whoa! And I just remembered! My mother's birthday was yesterday. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap!

I had a nice day I s'pose. Woke up at 4 (AM), don't remember much following, mild productivity with the hammer and nail (if I bleed hard enough and curse loud enough I can get damn near anything done), gentle conversation with an old friend found once again, brunch and a long hot shower, a few naps. Half a dozen or so, maybe. It's nap season, you see. And a few half-naps in there for good measure. Half-naps are sometimes the best, because you're awake enough to appreciate the sleep you're getting. Cut to later, friend again now playing Wii's WarioWares with a guy and his super-ADD kid brother, little wall-bouncer was a real shark at Darts too, waiting on a call. Call came, out again, meeting up, waiting game, exchanges made and things were said. Cut to later, barreling back into town with the cellphone cries of the dangerously distraught at our ears. Late, park bench lending cigarettes and kind ears for a friend in his pajama pants and the throes of an accidental acid binge. Had things to do, but nothing better so urgent than pay a friend a visit. Future Vezina Trophy winner, and his neighbor a warm-hearted reb yid the Mr. Spielman, sharing funny stories and no heavy ones, How was Work?, Have you heard the new Modest Mouse album?, musing how Robbin' the Hood would be seen today if Nowell hadn't eaten his stash and ended everything like Cobain, helping Mr. Buffalo Sabres wear his coat because raindrops on his arms were really fucking with him. Got the guy home with one more smoke for the road and flew off to the KirbyCave. Some rummaging, some music, and some more sleep.
And a few half-naps in there for good measure. Half-naps are sometimes the best, because you're awake enough to appreciate the sleep you're getting.
Tru' dat. When one's really desperate, a 5 minute power nap will also work wonders.

Plus, i'll have you know that I totally envy you for having a Wii. No one has any in stock. The local Gamestop tells me that they have people stalking their UPS delivery truck everyday. It's really all a bit creepy, but I guess I shall remain Wii-less for another several months. :(