The following resolution is being debated by the UN. If it passes, it will immediately take effect in all UN member nations.
Please post your views and stance on this resolution. Note, however, that you must have a UN nation in The North Pacific, or on active NPA duty, in order for the Delegate to count your vote.
The voting on the forum will close on Sat. Feb. 17, 2007 at 11:59pm GMT.
The Resolution at Vote:
Please post your views and stance on this resolution. Note, however, that you must have a UN nation in The North Pacific, or on active NPA duty, in order for the Delegate to count your vote.
The voting on the forum will close on Sat. Feb. 17, 2007 at 11:59pm GMT.
The Resolution at Vote:
Repeal "Free education"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #28
Proposed by: Jey
Description: UN Resolution #28: Free education (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: The General Assembly of the United Nations,
COMMENDING Resolution #28 for its efforts to bring about widespread education availability throughout member nations;
HOWEVER CONSIDERING that Resolution #28 fails to bring about its intended purpose by providing absolutely no mandate to do so, and simply providing the clause "To give every person under the age of 18 the right to a free education";
FURTHER CONSIDERING Resolution #28's complete lack of: any form of educational standards, references to the type(s) of education to be provided, or financial considerations regarding nations' abilities to provide said education;
BELIEVING that the age of 18 is an inappropriate threshold for international legislation, given the existence of a wide range of sapient species that exist in certain member nations' populations;
UNDERSTANDING that Resolution #171: UN Educational Aid Act fully addresses many concerns of educational standards throughout member nations, including, but not limited to, declarations to help: ensure educational opportunities, support projects for educational services, strike out unfair education practices, and provide financial assistance for various education initiatives through the UN Educational Advancement Fund;
ALSO UNDERSTANDING UN Educational Aid Act's entrustment of nation's rights to "decide on the structure of their public education systems and the role of private [education] institutions";
DEEMING Resolution #28 as an ineffectual resolution with no actionable language for UN members, whose concerns over education within the United Nations are widely addressed within other legislation;
REPEALS Resolution #28: Free education.