Run-Off Election, UN Regional Delegate

Please cast your vote for one of the following options:

Emperor Matthuis

A candidate must obtain 50%+1 of the vote (a majority) in order to win this election.

ANY Regional Assembly member, accepted into the RA before the start of this election, is eligible to vote, REGARDLESS of UN status or location.

Please clearly state your TNP Member nation, that makes my life much easier.

This run-off election will begin at Midnight tonight, GMT (8:00 PM on the 12th EST, so in approximately half an hour from this post) and end at 11:59 PM on February 19th. Any votes cast outside of this period WILL NOT be counted.

You may also vote privately by sending a private message to this account by clicking the "PM" button below.

The United Federation of Hersfold
Substitute Election Commissioner
February 2007 Regional Elections
Need nation info, Blackshear. It's enough work looking up all the nations in the first place, I don't want to have to troll through multiple threads to do it.
Forum name/TNP nation/UN nation: Mocha Porter

Emperor Matthius
So, unless I miscounted, that makes it:

12 for Dalimbar, 3 for Emperor Matthuis, and 3 abstentions.

Can someone tell me what the number of registered voters is?
Is the run-off still open?

If so:

TNP Nation: Ermarian
UN Nation: Ermarian

My vote: Dalimbar.

(Please wait a while; all my nations are once again pending resurrection after miscalculating the lunar phases. <_< )
I concede the election, I never wanted this to come to a run-off and although I won the first vote, I am clearly going to lose this one.

Congratulations to Dalimbar.
Aww, already over? Conceded to Dalimbar? :tb1:

Forum member name: mr.gaunt
TNP nation: Kitabo
UN nation: Kitabo

Just throwing in my vote even though this is already over.

Forum: Groclant
TNP: Groclant

Emperor Matthuis
By the resignation of Emperor Matthuis, Dalimbar wins the run-off election by default. Since a plurality is required in run-off elections, not a majority, the number of abstentions cast is irrelevant.

As Substitute Election Commissioner for the February 2007 General Regional Elections, I hereby close this voting period and declare Dalimbar the legally elected UN Regional Delegate of The North Pacific. Congratulations.

The United Federation of Hersfold
Substitute Election Commissioner
February 2007 Elections